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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@rush99999 Your turn.

Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)

The Magic Missiles hit the darklings true, and the both of them look badly injured now. Trinket glares at Jub and they respond to the goblin while taking the herbs needed for the Find Familiar spell off of the shelf.

They respond to Jub, "If you can't handle Feywild Business, then you're not welcome either, even if you are the fucking Witchlight Monarch!" They then throw the herbs into the lake nearby. The plants sink into the depths along with the vase they were contained in. Trinket then adds after doing so, "By the way! We're the only shop in Prismeer. So, Good Luck finding another one!"

They then move to strike Brutrumukk with a dagger, only to find that his Brutrumukk's dodge saved him from another strike.

Mah boi so mad he using his first second level spell slot, LET'S GO!!!


Well then...
@XxFellsingxX Jub’s turn. ^_^

Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)

Bauble gives a grin at Brutrumukk after he snarled and mocked “Ya missed,”
The Darkling gets into defensive position as well and they called to Jub, “Oi! If ya want to be able to shop at our stall at all, get a leash on your rabid gnome, or get him out of here! He ain’t welcome anymore!”

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Slight mix up on my end. I somehow got the names of the darklings the wrong way around. I meant to say Bauble, not Trinket.

Bauble’s Con Save is 14 then.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Could I get a Con Save from Trinket please?


Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)

The Darklings turned their attention to Brtrumukk when he started speaking. They were quick to act when Brutrumukk started to attack them. When a beam of light shot at them, Trinket grabbed a mirror and used it to reflect the light away from them.

Trinket and Bauble look unamused for once. Trinket speaks, "You just made a big mistake, kitty-cat. It would do you well to leave,"

Trinket then takes out their damage and gives Brutrumukk a swift cut. Now, with Brutrumukk's rage, normally it wouldn't do much. But Brutrumukk does feel the life drain from him once again as the cut lingers.

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Natural 20.

Jeez! Ok!

*rolls dice*

One of the Darklings also got a Nat 20. They have the higher Dex Mod too.
The other Darkling got an 11

@XxFellsingxX@rush99999 Roll Initiative.
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