Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Stargaze was surprised with Vipereyes' answer to Echo's words, and the continuing discussions after that. Suffice to say, she was lost in thought for the rest of the trip. She snapped out of her thoughts as they approached Snouthold and proceeded to land. Stargaze was a little more focused on the landing, and she was able to do so alright.

She looked to Garrock and Fogdance as they spoke. Stargaze looked to Kyte next as they answered Fogdance's question and talked about how they felt after she healed them. Instead of looking insulted, Stargaze could be seen smiling with wide starry eyes. It's like she received a glowing compliment. After Kyte amended their statement and Plexeem gave his sarcastic response, she replied to Kyte genuinely,

"Wowee! That's great! I'm glad to hear that my healing's helped that much!"

She then realized that Skobeloff seemed to be missing, only to find him still flying about before he rejoined the group. She asked Skobeloff after he gave his answer, "...Why did you take a detour?"

After she asks she answers Fogdance, "I'm doing alright. I can keep going, but I'm also good with waiting for everyone else to recover,"
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Would Miss Light have enough time to use her weaver's tools to make some minor alterations to the stitching of one of the formal dresses in the dressing room?

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I was thinking of subtlety weakening the stitching that holds the dress together. That way if something goes wrong or a distraction is required Miss Light could remove the dress with a single good pull, quickly and dramatically revealing the clown costume she'll be wearing beneath the dress.

I'll say that she does have enough time to do those minor alterations.

Sorry for the wait on getting back to you on this. ^^"

Keruzi nodded to the guard in understanding as he stated that he was going to verify with Simon. She waited patiently and sure enough, the groundskeeper arrived and escorted Keruzi through. She gave a silent nod of gratitude to Rhythia's welcoming words.

When Rhythia made her comment about Keruzi's timeliness, she noted the subtle venom in her words and the motherly smile. Keruzi could only raise an eyebrow at the wish before she herself answers politely,

"I apologize if my timeliness has caused any inconvenience. Arriving early does have its benefits in my line of work. Besides, it feels like merely showing up on time would be an insult to Simon's generosity at this point,"

She takes in the aristocratic splendor, the natural beauties of the garden around her, and she listens intently as Rhythia gives her explanations for the plants. A wide variety of emotions and thoughts cross her heart and mind.

The people she cared about would love this. If only she could show them...

How could people like Simon languish like this while people on the front lines suffer?

She is a dark, bloodied shadow walking through a bastion of life. She's surprised that the flowers haven't wilted just from being near her.

She keeps her composure, making sure that the creeping sadness and regret does not affect her senses and awareness. She needed to remain sharp.

Thankfully, they reached the study. Before Rhythia departed to fetch Simon, Keruzi speaks to her, "Thank you, Rhythia. I appreciate your guidance and well wishes from earlier,"

After Rhythia leaves, Keruzi takes in the study all around her. She remains quiet and still while looking around, before her attention is drawn to the next attendant to appear: Alessia.

Keruzi nods and responds to Alessia's greeting politely, "It's nice to meet you, Alessia. My name is Keruzi, Paladin of the Dark Sun Clan. Thank you for assistance,"

Thinking over it, Keruzi decided to ask, "I do have a slight inquiry. I don't suppose you know if I am the only person Simon has hired for his mission?"

She thought it might be a good idea to ask just in case someone does come, pretending to be a hire of Simon's. One would never know: Maybe some thief, assassin, or Yun Forbid a demon, would be foolish enough to try this brass tactic...
@XxFellsingxX Decided to roll for it, and Stargaze got a 9
So originally I was going to have the next post have the group fly all way to the Capitol... and then I realised based on some pre-established worldbuilding, they couldn't and had to start the post again... which was already taking a long time due to real life stress and because I realised I don't like describing cities.

So yeah, sorry you guys had to wait two months for a shorter post than what was originally planned. This has been a very awkward month for my creativity.

No worries. It's all good.
January has also been rough for me in that regard. ^^"

Fogdance then turns her attention to Skobeloff, Fellwing, Shieldwing and Fogdance, looking at them with concern.

Fogdance: *stares at Stargaze* ...Breathtaking. I shall call her....'Mini-Me',

On a different note...
Is there anything we should roll to see if each dragon is holding up okay or is just exhausted?
@Light • Follow Aika's lead to the inn.

Keruzi took note of her surroundings, while holding the letter in her hands. While the surroundings are beautiful, she didn't stop or slow down to admire it. She was focused on the mission. She held the letter not only to have the directions in sight for constant reference, but also to make sure that she didn't lose it, and nobody stole it without her notice.

When some of the local recognized her by the bloody clothes, and they waved to her, she gave a friendly wave back to them with her free hand. But...she couldn't really muster a smile for them. All she could do was give them a nod along with the wave before focusing back on the task at hand.

And just like that, Keruzi had reached the gate to Noble Haven. She could see that her own presence had gotten a reaction from the guards. After one of the guards made his demand, she naturally spoke to him with her tone slightly matching his irritation underneath the professionalism,

"At ease, Soldier,"

Speaking like a soldier to another soldier came naturally to Keruzi. Her tone made it clear that she was not here for a fight and she respects their position as guards doing their duty, but she was not going to take any attitude or disrespect from them.

She then showed the letter with the official seal on it to the guards so they can see, but not straight up handing it over to them or willing to let them take it out of her hands,

"I'm reporting for duty to Simon early. He has hired me for my capabilities as a Paladin of the Dark Sun Clan," She informs them, her tone now professional and lacking the irritation. But it is clear that she is still not going to take any nonsense from the guards.

Downfall: Toadstool Patch

Octavian answers her words of reassurance that they would find his heart, "Thank you. If you bring my heart back to me, I'll repay you and give you my pipes," He holds up the instrument he is holding in his hands to show what he was talking about when he said 'pipes'.

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Cao the Exiled

Downfall: Holding Cells (D8)

The knight looks up as Jub approaches the cell. When he asked about the knight knowing Sir Talavar, the bullywug knight looks surprised, and she stands up quickly. As she does so, she asks Jub,

"You know Sir Talavar?!"

She then composes herself, and answers Jub, "Yes. Yes, I know him. How do you know him?" Her tone was civil, but there is a sense of both hope and a bit of trepidation.

@rush99999 @XxFellsingxX

The journey was long and arduous, as Keruzi expected and was used to. She had expected the need to adapt to different surroundings and environments during this journey. Keruzi was no stranger to the harsh elements of life. Now with all of that said, when she got to her destination, she had expected to meet with Simon right away, and just get straight to the debriefing. After which, she would prepare for mission and then head out again. It was the routine she came to expect.




What she had not expected, was to spend three days in the lap of luxury, free of charge. The concept baffled her to her no end. While she knows etiquette, how to effectively communicate, and how to mind her manners, this unexpected turn caused her to accept with all of the social graces of a clumsy elephant in a china shop.

Every single bit of pampering she received was met with all of the discomfort Keruzi felt. And she couldn't really refuse the things like the Spa, or massages because they were already paid for. She wondered if that was how cats felt when they fight against a bath. She couldn't really relax. The only true rest she knows and received was a good night's sleep. Even then, those were few and far in between...

Thankfully, there were times where she could focus on work again during those three days, and take some time to train and keep her skills sharp. ...And she had to admit, it did feel nice

Eventually, the three days passed, and Keruzi received the letter. With a quick word of gratitude, she accepted the letter with the directions, and quickly headed out.

She didn't waste any time. The time to meet may be noon, but she was going to get there as soon as possible! Even if she was going to be several hours early!

She made her way to Simon's Estate in the Noble Haven with great haste.
Well push comes to shove we can shove Plasm in the cart and hope they come back but at least they would be with us. Just not have them in any encounters we might get into.

Is it possible to shove a gelatinous being?

....Wouldn't scooping Plasm with a shovel or bucket be more effective?

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