Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Downfall: Hut (D16)

Jub, Aurora, and Zavakri are able to make their way to the next hut without much incident while they talk amongst themselves. Eventually, they notice something peculiar about the next hut they approached.

Standing just inside the door is a jittery bullywug with a spear, and behind this guard is a wooden crate with hunting gear piled atop it. Huddled in the back of the hut are four more bullywugs. Tension hangs heavy in the air as one of the huddled bullywugs signals you to enter and join their conversation.

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled

Downfall: His Royal Majesty King Gullop XIX (D6)

The King and his pet baby crocodile both narrow their gazes at Brutrumukk's accusatory words, but before he acts and says anything, Jub comes in and speaks up in Brutrumukk's defense. The bullywug monarch strokes his chin and seems to stare at the both of them. He seems to be scrutinizing the both of them.

Jub's words do not appear to have swayed the king, because his beady eyes narrowed even further when he recalled Brutrumukk's accusation, and he speaks once more, "Am I to understand that you spoke with Bavlorna, without the blessing of the Soggy Court?! This is an offense of the highest caliber! Guards! Seize them!"

The guards immediately move to apprehend Brutrumukk and Jub, while some of the other nobles there look to each other and watch as this occurs.

@rush99999 @XxFellsingxX
Oh cool!

Cascade's not the only Strength based fighter now! XD
Dang, you guys have been active while I was at work! ^^"

OK. Time for some DM posts. ^_^

EDIT: I am glad I bought a hard copy of the Module, because I've been having trouble finding another place to find the map for Downfall. ^^"
<Snipped quote by rush99999>

Oh no if and when Brut finds out I know he would without hesitation kill Gabe

It's a good thing Brutrumukk's a gnome then. XD

'Cause he'll have a harder time doing so...
Flicker, pointing at Cascade: This one sparks joy.
Flicker, pointing at Gorgash: This one does not spark joy.

Cascade: *Gasp!* I spark Joy?! *stares at Flicker with stars in her eyes and a smile*
<Snipped quote by rush99999>


Well... sort of.

After the She-Ra reboot came out but before the two new He-man series came out, I did this dumb little thought experiment of what a new He-Man reboot would look like, and my idea for Orko was reimagining him as a somewhat sketchy street magician who sold dodgy enchanted items on the side. Once the actual He-Man series came out, I kind of dropped working any further on the idea, but really liked the concept I'd come up with for Orko, so I remixed it into Jub.

Of course, he's grown a good bit a way from his inspiration. I was originally planning on Jub being a way worse wizard, but as far as magic has been, he's way more competent than I had intended.

That's amazing! XD

Sorry for the wait on my end guys. Just finished an impromptu family visit on my end.
I'll get DM posts up ASAP. ^^"
The elf can take the lead, also...hmm.. @Guardian Angel Haruki remember the thing that Gabe lost? Does it feel far from Gabe rn?

You feel that it’s somewhere in this realm. But you can’t tell if you’re getting closer to it or further from it.
@Fading Memory@Dark Cloud@Lurking Krog

Alrighty I read the last two or three pages of the IC, and Haruki’s recap, I’ll contribute with Zavakri again at the next location the Aurora crew go to.

This does raise the question: What’s your guys’ next destination?
@XxFellsingxX Yes, everything is okay.
Sorry for my silence, but I am having a little trouble coming up with a reaction for Stargaze. ^^"
Go ahead and skip me for now.
Dear lord, a Gnomish Weretiger on the loose pretending to be our estranged friend Brut after his death in this foul land is nightmare fuel.

Edit: I have regained control of my Mythweavers and it alpears when I last left off we had achieved level 3, judging from my perusing of the other character sheets that seems to still be true. Excellent that makes me officially brought up to speed. Is Zavakri assumed to be tagging along with Gabriel in a broad sense? After the mention of Detara she understandably appears to have become background British noise.

Yes, Zavakri is with Gabriel and Aurora. ^_^

EDIT: Also, I should mention that Zavakri was the one who pointed out that someone guided the Wild Magic Surge with Music during Brutrumukk's Reincarnation. So, she was not only background noise, she was also exposition on why Brutrumukk reincarnated.
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