Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Cascade was surprised to see the orc stand up and speak to the kid and to Gorgash. She listened to Aura as she told her about her circumstances and about how she was a punk kid who wasn't put in her place, and now can't go home because of it.

Her mouth could only hang open agape as she hears the conversation between everyone, Gorgash, and the child. She looked to Gorgash as he called Flicker as someone blessed by a 'Ponce God'. She could feel a slight anger and irritation triggered in her heart.

Oh no no no no no. You did not, sir!

She looks to Flicker and she speaks to her Fire Genasi companion after Gorgash made his statement about the god, and they muttered his threat, "Easy Flickah, I think he just confused you for me. I didn't think it was possible to confuse orange for blue, but here we are"

After she passively insulted Gorgash's Intelligence, she hops off of her seat and moves to stand in front of Hammerhand and the child, and she reaffirms sternly, "Nobody is fightin' anyone today, shoots? Right now, it's Pau Hana!"

She then turns her attention to the child, and she sternly tries to compel him, "By Deep Sashelas's Grace and Peace, Flee! Go in peace!"

Cascade: ...Am I the only one who wants to end things peacefully? -__-"
Cascade would definitely intervene.

16 on Initiative.
Maybe we need a lil check who is still here?

I agree.

I will check in with everyone when I'm a little more awake...

Beating up children isn't worth the XP is what I always say™

...O_O...That...reminds me of something horrible...

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Could Brutrumukk try and stop Jub from casting that spell.

Sure? How will he try and stop Jub?
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

(Also are we still in initiative? If so, who's turn is it?)

I would say technically not, but I'm keeping it up just in case the guards catch up to Jub and Brutrumukk. You and @rush99999 can post at will. Just keep in mind that the bullywug knights can run and swim 30 feet, and they will do so go after the both of you.
And DM Post is finally up! XD
I have finally revealed D5!!!!

Literally me at the Beginning of the Game after Brutrumukk was introduced, while looking ahead in the module..

Me: So...Brutrumukk likes to behead people and put the heads on pikes?
Module: I'm about to ruin this character's whole career!

Downfall: Hut (D16)

After hearing Zavakri's answer, the bullywugs look to each other. They whispered and croaked amongst themselves before they finally answer Zavakri and Aurora, "Actually...perhaps you can help us with the revolution! We are going to overthrow that weak ruler, King Gullop XIX!"

The leading bullywug waves the group closer and he proudly shows off a drawing on the mud floor that depicts a crude image of Gullop XIX with a dagger in his eye.

The leading bullywug speaks, "Here's the plan: I will approach the King, pretend to trip into him, and 'accidentally' stick a dagger in his eye! Bing bang boom! The King is dead and I will become the new King of Downfall!"

He then looks to half of the party eagerly and asks, "Well, what do you think?"

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled

Downfall: His Royal Majesty King Gullop XIX (D6)

The bullywug knights could only watch as Jub cleverly uses his magic to shrink Brutrumukk down to size and carries him away. The knights were surprised as they watched Jub scurry away and one of the knights couldn't help but ask,

"Eh? That was fast!"
"What should we do?"

The King could be heard shouting after the knights, "What are you doing?! Go after them! Get them!"

Downfall: Chattering Heads (D5)

As Jub flees with Brutrumukk in tow, they would come across a wooden bridge. And there would be a somewhat familiar sight for Brutrumukk here. Well...Familiar, yes, but comforting? Oh no, there is an aspect to these heads that would take away the comforting aspect for Brutrumukk: The Heads are alive and talking!

This flat wood-plank bridge, which spans an arm of the lake, is lined on one side by rows of bullywug heads on wooden spikes.

At the center of the bridge, a small figure sits with its feet dangling over one side. The figure appears to be talking to itself in bemoaned tones. But then the severed bullywug heads nearby erupt in a cacophony of voices—some indignant, others sympathetic. A few in a more distant row yell, "What? I couldn't hear what they said!"

As Jub and Brutrumukk pass by, some of the heads greet them,

"Oh, Hello!"
"Hey, what's the rush?"
"We've got a whole musical number planned for guests!"

Alrighty then. Time to get a DM Post up. ^_^
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