Cascade was surprised to see the orc stand up and speak to the kid and to Gorgash. She listened to Aura as she told her about her circumstances and about how she was a punk kid who wasn't put in her place, and now can't go home because of it.
Her mouth could only hang open agape as she hears the conversation between everyone, Gorgash, and the child. She looked to Gorgash as he called Flicker as someone blessed by a 'Ponce God'. She could feel a slight anger and irritation triggered in her heart.
Oh no no no no no. You did not, sir!
She looks to Flicker and she speaks to her Fire Genasi companion after Gorgash made his statement about the god, and they muttered his threat, "Easy Flickah, I think he just confused you for me. I didn't think it was possible to confuse orange for blue, but here we are"
After she passively insulted Gorgash's Intelligence, she hops off of her seat and moves to stand in front of Hammerhand and the child, and she reaffirms sternly, "Nobody is fightin' anyone today, shoots? Right now, it's Pau Hana!"
She then turns her attention to the child, and she sternly tries to compel him, "By Deep Sashelas's Grace and Peace, Flee! Go in peace!"
For her turn, Cascade moves to stand between Hammerhand and the Bad Seed.
For her action, she uses Command on the child to Flee. The child has to make a Wisdom Saving Throw against DC 13, or he has to use his entire turn to flee.
(Also are we still in initiative? If so, who's turn is it?)
I would say technically not, but I'm keeping it up just in case the guards catch up to Jub and Brutrumukk. You and @rush99999 can post at will. Just keep in mind that the bullywug knights can run and swim 30 feet, and they will do so go after the both of you.