Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

... oh shit sorry, err, I'll fix that in a moment.

Just to clear things up: there seems to be like... some kind of building on D4, which is between us and the balloon. Did you mention what that was before and I just missed that?

No worries. All good! ^_^

I did not mention what the building was in my previous post. I was thinking of bringing it up in my next DM post. ^^"

For now, it is a clear obstacle in the chase. XD
Jub, pretending to Brutrumukk: Oh no, Jub, murder is fine, but setting fire to a RANDOM BRIDGE is WHERE I APPARENTLY DRAW THE LINE!
Brutrumukk: ... Okay, one, I don't sound like that and two, LISTEN HERE, YOU LITTLE SHIT-

That's hilarious.

Also, I should quickly mention: Jub and Brutrumukk are already at the end of the bridge at this official start of the chase. ^^" Where does he go?
If this happens, Jub will definitely have a more firm belief that Aurora is an Archfae in disguise with how she worded all this.

Good thing he's too busy with being chased by the guards to know that.

Apologies for taking so long to post. Writers block has been a pain this week.

No worries. I've been there. ^^"

It's an awesome post! XD I approve this use of the Rule of Reciprocity!
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Oh? What's the reason?

No spoilers from me.

I'll let you think about it.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Nope. No.

Sorry, there's a reason why the module will not let me grant inspiration to anyone yet.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

That's a Persuasion roll of 4 and an Animal Handling roll of 20.

Does Brutrumukk have Inspiration by any chance?

Unfortunately, he does not.
Okay, its been 11 days since the last GM post. I'm not sure this is gonna get picked up with how it's looking.

Sorry for the silence on my part. ^^"

I'll get this rolling again as soon as possible.
OK. Can I get both a Persuasion and an Animal Handling check from Brutrumukk? ^_^
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

That is precisely what I wanted to hear.

....Uh oh.
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