The bullywugs listen to Aurora intently as she gives her plan and they look to each other and nod approvingly at the sound of the plan. Even the leader seems to like this much more than his original plan.
He answers Aurora after listening to her bargain per the Rule of Reciprocity, "You got yourself a deal!"
As Jub runs and runs from the shouting, pursuing guards, Brutrumukk manages to give a decent bird call and series of hand waves to try and communicate to the small birds. His plea for help is successful, goes unheeded. The birds' answers come out to Brutrumukk as an almost haunting sing-song answer,
"We saw what you did to the merchants..."
Regardless, it seems like Jub is a speedy little guy! He runs around the burnt down building, and proceeds to hop across each stone across the river!
One of the stones rises up revealing itself to be some sort of rock elemental creature! It starts to gravelly shout, "Oi! You ungrateful little-!" and it tries to grab Jub, only for the goblin wizard to easily dodge the large rocky hand and make his way to the other side, leaving the elemental to turn his attention to the three pursuing guards as they reach the edge of the river.
Jub easily sees the balloon on the half moon shaped dock, and makes it there. But the only thing left now is to undo the ropes securing it and get into the balloon!
For this round, Complication Roll was an 12, so there are no complications to impede the chase this time around.
@XxFellsingxX@rush99999 To end this Chase, I will need an Investigation Check. You can also cut the ropes with four attacks with a weapon that does slashing damage, but a successful Investigation Check can reduce that to 1 attack. The attack roll to hit the ropes just needs to beat a DC 10.
(I'm sorry if I'm missing something and being dumb right now)
No worries! It's all good! ^_^
Now then, for crossing the stone steps.
I would like either a Nature Check or an Arcana Check (at disadvantage, because Jub's in a hurry). Should that roll be a failure, I would like an Athletics or an Acrobatics check.