Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

How many do you estimate he will need to take to reach the balloon?

According to my calculations, Jub will need 7 additional dashes to get to the balloon, starting from the ramp the normal dash got him to.

5 Additional Dashes will get him across the rocks (should the rolls for crossing the rocks be in his favor), and onto the middle of the plank pathway leading to the half moon shaped dock at D2. That dock is where the balloon is.

<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Okay. So do you want me to roll a Con check right now?

First for my clarity: How many additional dashes will Jub take?
Because if he takes more than 5, then the Con check will be needed.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Do I need to take additional dashes to reach the balloon?

Yeah, it's safe to say that you will.
The balloon is at D2.
LOL. I can't help but think there's a joke about the Harengons/Agdon Longscarf in that pic...but I can't quite articulate it.

Anywho, I am currently working on a DM Post. There's something I want to check first. ^^"

@XxFellsingxX The normal dash (60 feet) will have Jub and Brutrumukk take the grassy way around the building and get them to the ramp on the other side of the building. But per the rules, you can use the Dash action a number of times equal to 3 + Jub's Constitution modifier. (With Jub's Con Modifier of 2, that would be 5!)

Each additional Dash action you take during the chase will require Jub to succeed on a DC 10 Constitution check at the end of your turn or gain one level of exhaustion.

So...do you want to take any additional dashes?
…A Duodrone?!?!

<Snipped quote by Fading Memory>

Aren't duodrones also modrons?

Yes, but a promotion from pond scum to pond slime is still a promotion. Zavakri would never dare presume she wields enough PURE LAW to be a tridrone.

New theory: Zavakri is a avatar of Primus himself.

I'm calling it now. Remember this post when it's finally revealed.

....Now I really cannot wait for the reveal.
I'm going to drop my WIP character sheet here in case some kind soul wishes to aid me (I am totally winging this).

I have everything else ready in note format, but I need to write it out.


Concept: Circle of the Moon Kalashtar who's a Plane-Tender faction agent.

I'd be willing to help.

However, just looking at your sheet, I'm having a hard time discerning what you need help with.

(The only thing I've noticed is that Mariel's AC should be 13, since Leather Armor gives 11+Dex Mod for AC.)

Sooo...How can I help? ^_^
A good warlock always carries emergency stabbing implements

Great minds think alike! XD

@Guardian Angel Haruki I apparently didn't see the CS at first oops

Looks good! The only thing is that Aaliyah somehow has three daggers, and looking through starting equiptment for Warlock, I have no idea where she got that third one.

Though it did make my brain think of this interaction:
Aaliyah: Don't worry, I still have a few knives up my sleeve.
Raella: You mean cards.
Aaliyah, taking a dagger out of her sleeve: No I do not.

Aaliyah: Of course, this doesn’t mean I don’t also have cards up my sleeve so to speak. ;)
@Guardian Angel Haruki I apparently didn't see the CS at first oops

Looks good! The only thing is that Aaliyah somehow has three daggers, and looking through starting equiptment for Warlock, I have no idea where she got that third one.

Though it make my brain think of this interaction:
Aaliyah: Don't worry, I still have a few knives up my sleeve.
Raella: You mean cards.
Aaliyah, taking a dagger out of her sleeve: No I do not.

Thank you!
I got the third dagger from the Simple Weapon option.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I was going to leave this as a fun surprise for characters and players alike, but yeah, I also noticed this when you guys were talking about your characters.

I am genuinely looking forward to seeing your characters interact. XD

Yikes. Sorry, I ruined the surprise. ^^"

@Digizel I tend to use Myth-Weavers Sheets for Characters.

Name: Aaliyah
Race: Variant Human
Class: Warlock of the Djinni Patron
Background: Sage

Personality Traits: There's nothing I like more than a good mystery.
I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment.

Ideals: No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence. (Chaotic)
Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself. (Good)

Bonds: My life's work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore.
I work to preserve a library, university, scriptorium, or monastery.

Flaws: I am easily distracted by the promise of information.
I overlook obvious solutions in favor of complicated ones.

Personality: On the surface, Aaliyah seems like a very outgoing, friendly, sociable, and savvy young woman. Not only that, but she takes every opportunity to show that she is in fact knowledgeable about things that might impress or surprise people. She always gets a laugh when people are surprised by her knowledge. She always keeps a smile on her face and seems to know just what to say to people. She easily lights up most by the promise of information, opportunities to research, and solving an interesting mystery.

Underneath, she is always careful considering her words, actions, and plans. There is never any room for error in her eyes, and she knows how grave consequences can be if they're not considered. She knows that she must improve herself if she wished to be and do better.

It would take truly impressive insight to see that she is somewhat cautious and strangely naive of the world. It's almost like...she's never been outside and met other people before. It would also reveal that there is some deep-seated insecurities that has taken root in her heart and mind that refuses to be weeded out.

Bio: A long time ago, in a desert far, far away, there was a humble family. The head of this family was Jamil, a Merchant who constantly traveled with his family across the desert sands to sell his goods. Aaliyah was the eldest child, while she had a younger brother named Hakim. Their mother was there to watch over them whenever Jamil had to sell his wares.

Over the years, the family have noticed small bouts of good luck, but their greatest bout of luck came when Aaliyah was ten years old. Jamil came home one day with riches beyond measure! Everyone was too elated by this fortune to even question where it came from and how he attained them.

With these riches, the family was able to stop traveling, and instead move to live in the city. They even were able to live in a house that sat by a river. Water in the desert is priceless, so naturally managing to buy a place to live would have been near impossible for them before.

Aaliyah was able to live with her family like this...for only one year.

One night, Jamil woke Aaliyah up, had her dressed in her finest dress, and took her out to the middle of the desert. There, Aaliyah's Patron, the Noble Djinni appeared. He asked Jamil on his decision on what he traded for the riches he was given a year ago.

His answer was Aaliyah. He had decided to essentially sell Aaliyah for the wealth.

Visibly disappointed and angry with Jamil, the Djinni accepted, but made it clear that he saw this as Jamil betraying his family in his eyes. After that, he whisked Aaliyah away to his palace in the Elemental Plane of Air.

There, he explained everything to the frightened Aaliyah. He had no intention of harming her, and instead that she would simply help work in the palace as a servant. During her time there, the Djinni made sure that she was able to eat and sleep as well as being able to work. The Djinni also took time to teach her about History, Nature, Investigation, Persuasion, and other various skills.

When Aaliyah was a little older, she learned how to properly cast a spell on her own. The Djinni was impressed by this feat that he decided to teach her magic as well.

However, she was never able to leave the palace. It wasn't just because she would fall into the vast skies if she stepped outside of the palace walls, but also because she was always busy doing something.

Now, at the age of 26 years old, the Djinni decides to send her on a research project and made her into a full warlock. Of course, in return, she has to write in her Tome to him every night, detailing what she has learned during her journeys.

Related Factions: None. Just her Patron.

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