Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Rune_Alchemist This is really interesting...
Our characters are similar, but their backstories are complete opposites. XD
If Rory is an Archfey, then Zavakri is a Modron. Tis only fair.

That's cute!

.....Zavakri is something more grand and relevant to the story than a mere modron. ;)

Cascade felt like she was on a boat in the middle of the stormy sea. She didn't know what happened...did the ship capsize and throw everyone into the churning waters of existence? Whatever happened, she found herself with the party, apparently having participated in a drinking contest. To everyone, she is noticeably swaying, as though her body thinks it's still on the ship.

She asks in a daze, her speech slurring a bit, "...Did someone forget to secure the rigging...?" She couldn't help but wonder in a prayer, "Deep Sashelas, what just happened...? We didn't start a drinking contest...did we...?"

She looks around to take stock of her surroundings, and as she tried to remember the previous events...she remembered that she was standing by the orc who didn't follow Gruumsh anymore! She looked around to see if that orc is still around in this tavern and if he was okay...
Doing okay here. Just been busy. ^^"

<Snipped quote by rush99999>

Did not expect the Bleak Cabal to be the first faction anyone chose, but I am pleasantly surprised. They are definitely one of my favs.

Is a faction required, or could my character just not be part of it and just be involved because her patron told her to do so?
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Sure! I know Rune Alchemist is also planning on playing a Warlock (Fathomless) but I am cool with two warlocks in the party.

Plus, warlock patrons are going to be interesting to run in this campaign setting.

Yeah, warlock buddies!

We can talk about our unreasonable patrons together!

Heck yes!
Looking forward to it!

Which pact boon are you going for? I was thinking of going with Tome. ^_^
I’m interested if there’s still room!
Djinni Warlock if you’ll be okay with it. ^_^
...I just realized Fellwing just told Kyte to speak with Stargaze. O_O

Fellwing: You would do well to talk to Stargaze. Sometimes physical injuries heal faster than mental ones.
Stargaze: ....Wait what?
Post altered. Hope that's alright now.

It is. Thank you! XD
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Do I have enter the building to get to the balloon or can I go around it?

You can certainly go around it. You notice that the building is a lot like your destination...

Only it's a burnt mess and clearly not operating anymore.
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