Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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If you're up for running D&D 5e, I'd be interested in playing. ^_^

I found this and I had to share this with you.

What have the fey done now?!

YouTube Short
<Snipped quote by Vertigo>

The two stages of dealing with Skobeloff.

Don't you mean the two stages of coping with Skobeloff?
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Mages who think they're too good for basic spells.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

That is a good question. My guess is someone who doesn't realize what it is. Or some Fey wanting to mess with people.

Those are both really good answers. XD
<Snipped quote by Abstract Proxy>

Ha... yeah... sure...

*sweats nervously*

No pressure. ^_^
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Ah yes. Jub's "studying".

Jub: Guys, I found another magical scroll in the trash!

That makes me wonder…

Who throws magic scrolls and spell books into the trash?!
@Guardian Angel Haruki

If Brutrumukk were to examine the needle with his magical awareness feature, would that allow him to make an Arcana check with advantage?

I’m gonna have to say No on that one. Magical Awareness basically just helps Brutrumukk know if an object is magical or not. It wouldn’t help give him any details on said magic. Plus, Brutrumukk didn’t study magic like Jub has.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Got a 10. Gonna assume Jub don't know shit.

Jub: ... this is sharp.

In this case...I'll say 10 is enough for a basic answer, nothing too detailed.
I'll give the result over PMs. ^_^
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I have disadvantage on checks because of exhaustion still, right?

That is correct.

I look forward to getting the party back together.

Now that I think about it...
@XxFellsingxX, if you want, you can roll an Arcana check on the needle if you want.
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