Yup. Doing ok here.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>
Yeah, I'm done. Does the conversation also count as a short rest for Jub? Ma boi is down to two level 1 spell slots.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>
Have mercy. I'm down to my last rage and I only have 5 hit points left.
Also yeah, I think Brut's said all that he wished to say IC.
@Dark Cloud had IRL drama that has been dealt with (that kept him from getting online) & he's working on getting things sorted before he returns.
<Snipped quote by Vertigo>
The two stages of dealing with Skobeloff.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>
Mages who think they're too good for basic spells.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
That is a good question. My guess is someone who doesn't realize what it is. Or some Fey wanting to mess with people.