Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Is Jub still exhausted?

Yes. But he still has the Luck Stick.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Does the Perception check need to be active or would passive perception do?

Active please. ^_^
Near Hither?


Just taking in the scenery in front of them, Jub and Brutrumukk notice that a lot of things from the Feywild seem to be missing here. There is a grand palace in front of them, beyond the vast garden. There is also a large, ornate fountain with cascading waters serving the centerpiece of the garden of variously colored flowers and trees. The surrounding winds seem to be at a calm zephyr now, with blue skies above them.

I am also okay with it.

Aaliyah considered herself lucky to have met Lissandra upon first arriving to Sigil. She honestly doesn't know where she would be without her help. She was all to happy to talk about her home, both in the Elemental Plane of Air, and her previous home in the Material Plane (as much as her memory would allow) in exchange for Lissantra's help. Naturally, Aaliyah listened to Lissandra as she teaches her about Sigil, the gates, and everything Aaliyah needed to know.

Other than that, during the week, she took every single opportunity to learn as much as possible.

Everything is so New! It's so exciting!

Of course, she didn't forget about Lissandra's request to meet her at the Great Bazaar in Market Ward this afternoon! A certain familiar wouldn't let her forget it!

"Ow!" Aaliyah yelps as her familiar, a great horned owl pecks her head, and lets out a hoot.

Aaliyah answers the familiar while rubbing her head, "I know, I know! I'm looking for her, Bruno!" She then realizes something and asks, "Wait a minute! What are you doing, just perching on my shoulder? You can fly!"

The owl looks away from her innocently, before she tells him, "Come on, Lazy! Help me find her in the crowds!" She shrugs him off and he takes flight with some choice telepathic words sent her way, and she follows him.

Thanks to their efforts, they are able to find Lissandra. When Aaliyah sees her, she gives a wide smile and waves back to her calling joyfully and enthusiastically, "Heeeey! Lissandra!" before running up to meet with her. After reaching Lissandra, her familiar lands on her shoulder again.

Aaliyah asks, "Sorry, I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?"
@Guardian Angel Haruki Upon using Study Someone and getting a 7-9, you are allowed to ask one of the following questions:
- What is your character hoarding?
- Who are you holding a grudge against?
- What could I learn from you?
- What does your character wish I’d do for you?
- How could I get you to _____?


Let's go with "What could I learn from you?"

Stargaze listened to Shieldwing's answer to her question, and she nods to him in agreement. When he mentioned how he knew how Coryn might be feeling, she nodded in agreement, remembering why she wanted to go after Coryn as well.

She answers him, "OK. Let's go," before she moves with Shieldwing and after Coryn, following Rudrick's lead, down to the living quarters area. Rudrick proceeds to ask Lazward about Coryn's whereabouts. Upon hearing that Coryn is in the bathroom right now, she figured it was best to wait for Coryn to come out. Barging into the bathroom isn't exactly the best idea.

She noticed that the plants are moving on their own, and Lazward was beating it with a feather duster. She tilted her head in curiosity, and she couldn't help but wonder why the plant was acting up like that. Lazward's flat tone also baffled Stargaze. She couldn't tell if they were being serious or if they were joking.

"Eh?" Brutrumukk said in confusion before looking up to see a cat the size of an ogre lounging on the balloon. "What the f-"

Me, the DM: *Under the impression the cat is sized as Small or Medium, and Ogres are Large* ...What?
*Looks up stats and realizes the Cat is indeed Large* Oh. Now I am Boo Boo the Fool...
Eff it. Curious Cat rules then, he can change his size.
Zavakri's contribution to this planning aspect is to question the bullywugs on if their king employs any sort of wizard or sorcerer or some such booyagh. She considers their magical capabilities or lack thereof to be most important for her own involvement.

Zavakri might be relieved to hear that the King does not have any practitioners of magic in his court. Just a bunch of knights who are melee combatants.
I presume that will be needed once there?

Yes. ^_^
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