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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Where is the imprisoned disgruntled knight? Apologies if this was explained elsewhere, I'm just trying to keep my head on straight after a bunch of board gaming this weekend.

No worries. It's all good.

Jub and Brutrumukk briefly met this knight at D8.
<Snipped quote by Fading Memory>

Sounds about right. Aurora may be up for letting the prisoner out as well if it would help them.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

What can Rory see in regards to possible perches or vantage points she could use?

There isn't much when it comes to possible perches or vantage points.
There are two buildings near the King Gullop's area.

The group passed one of the buildings (D11). That building is occupied by bullywugs.
The other building, (D4), looks to be charred, but that just means that there may not be as many bullywugs there.
You know, when I started this roleplay with the intention of Jub having a sassy little spider familiar, I didn't suspect Jub's quest to try and re-summon her after her untimely death would be a running subplot...

... but here we are, two years into this roleplay and Jub is still trying to get his spider back, while the universe mocks him.

With any luck, this time will be the time Jub is successful in his efforts.

Hopefully Jub and Brutrumukk learned from the last time they had an opportunity to gain the components for a Find Familiar spell, ^_^

*looks pointedly at the two dead darklings at the Balloon Shop*

Aaliyah gave a smile in return at Lissandra's answer. When Lissandra leans in conspiratorially, Aaliyah leans in as well and after hearing about how portals quickly appear and disappear, she answered quietly and just as conspiratorially, "Really?!" She went back to normal standing as Lissandra finished her thoughts.

Then Beigeiros appeared and greeted Lissandra. Aaliyah was silent as Lissandra introduced her to Beigeiros and Beigeiros to her in turn. During the introductions, Bruno flutters up to perch on Aaliyah's head. He then proceeds to puff out his feathers in an attempt to make himself and Aaliyah look bigger than Beigeiros. She greeted Beigeiros, "It's nice to meet you, Beigeiros! I'm Aaliyah!" Bruno gave a hoot, still puffing his feathers out and looking as intimidating as an owl can be, and Aaliyah speaks, "Oh! And this is Bruno. Don't mind him, he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes," She receives a good peck on her head for her last comment.

Then a familiar voice and face appears! Aaliyah immediately recognized her as Mariel, the visitor who came to the Elemental Plane of Air and met with her Master, Ishaan.

She watched as Mariel greets Lissandra and Beigeiros in turn. Then she turned and greeted her. Aaliyah greeted her happily, "Mariel! It's good to see you again!" She then answers her question, "Actually, I'm here on his behalf. He sent me to figure out what happened to Tir Na Og,"

Bruno seems to have stopped puffing out his feathers at Beigeiros and instead focused his attention on Mariel, and gave another hoot. Aaliyah chuckles and comments to Mariel, "Oh! I decided to have Bruno in owl form this time. He can't make any comments when he's not a macaw," She remembers that Mariel last saw Bruno as a macaw.
Near Hither?


As Brutrumukk approaches the fountain to interact with the bird, he can hear the macaw mumbling to itself in Common! It moves about on the lip of the fountain bowl as though it were pacing,

"...Stupid, stupid girl! I just had to get ripped from the Feywild to serve some stupid, wannabe wizard of a girl! And what does she make me do? Help out with chores...!"

When Brutrumukk holds out food and beckons to it to land on his shoulder in exchange for food, the macaw notices and seems to roll its eyes while looking up,

"Oh great! And now some jester schmuck thinks I'm some stupid parrot who would do anything for food!"

After a moment, the macaw seems to widen his own eyes in surprise, before he speaks, "Wait a minute! How'd you get here?!" He doesn't even allow time for Brutrumukk and Jub to answer as he squawks and takes flight,

"AH! Aaliyah! Aaliyah! We got weirdos in the courtyard! I repeat: Weirdos in the courtyard!!!"



Downfall: Hut (D16)

The party was able to rest for a good hour, and plan the assassination of the king in relative peace, with the Bullywugs willing to provide any information the party needed. Eventually it soon became time to head out. The bullywugs told the party,

"Follow us. We'll lead you to him,"

Downfall: His Royal Majesty King Gullop XIX (D6)

The bullywugs led them around the circle of fog around the hut, and soon came to where King Gullop sat with the large tome in his lap. He looks angry at his five guards. Three of them look exhausted and are still panting, while two of them look fine but abashed.

"How could this happen?! You idiots! How can a gnome and a goblin manage to outrun you and steal our last balloon!!!"

The knights who could still breathe, bow and apologize profusely,

"We're so sorry, Your Highness! It won't happen again, Sir!"

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
Sorry for the wait guys. I am back and now I can respond. ^^"

<Snipped quote by rush99999>

Apparently turning into a gnome has allowed Brutrumukk not only to speak to animals, but also perceive the fourth wall.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

I think the last thing Aurora would ask the Bullywugs is how many guards the king might have.

After that I think I'm good on my end to move on.

I will also be satisfied with that question. As long as we’re not disgustingly outnumbered Zav is willing to dazzle with magic.

Aurora and Zavakri would learn that the King has five guards. The numbers may not be much, but they are considered among the elite among the bullywugs for good reason.

I suppose that would be another question(s) as well, after the king is killed would the knights simply give up or would they pursue until told otherwise? Would they even accept the change of kings? Is their a knight that they might be dissatisfied with king Gullop?

Aurora would also learn that because a change in rulership happens so often, the knights would simply give up if their king is killed. They'll most likely accept a change of kings, assuming they don't decide to try and commit another coup.

The only knight that was dissatisfied with King Gullop is now sitting in their prison awaiting trial.

I can't really think of anything for Jub to add right now.

Thank you!

And with that, I'll be able to move both parties onward IC. ^_^
Is Jub still exhausted?

Yes. But he still has the Luck Stick.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Does the Perception check need to be active or would passive perception do?

Active please. ^_^
Near Hither?


Just taking in the scenery in front of them, Jub and Brutrumukk notice that a lot of things from the Feywild seem to be missing here. There is a grand palace in front of them, beyond the vast garden. There is also a large, ornate fountain with cascading waters serving the centerpiece of the garden of variously colored flowers and trees. The surrounding winds seem to be at a calm zephyr now, with blue skies above them.

I am also okay with it.
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