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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Guardian Angel Haruki
I was just checking my notes and I found that Cascade has Inspiration. Would you like to use it to try and get a better result from your Religion check?

Ah. Sorry I missed this the first time around.
I'll hold off on the Inspiration and save it for later. Thank you though.
Near Hither?


Brutrumukk and Jub follow the macaw while it is still squawking and calling for someone named Aaliyah.

"Aaliyah! AALLIYAH! You know what to do with visitors! DO SOMETHING! Make 'em go away!"

Eventually, Jub and Brutrumukk do see another person who was working in the garden. They see that a young human girl, about thirteen years old, stand up from looking at the flowers, and she snapped her fingers. The squawking macaw disappears in a puff of smoke before she looks to both gnome and goblin.

She speaks to them in surprise, "How did you get here...?"

She then seems to realize something and she informs them, "I'm sorry, but if you're here to see Master Ishaan, I'm afraid he's not here right now. But he'll be back soon,"



Downfall: His Royal Majesty King Gullop XIX (D6)

The bullywugs are clearly putting up a strong front when it comes to the nerves, but they are trembling a bit in anticipation. Illig looks to Aurora when she asks about the distraction, and he answers, "I am fine with either. Which do you prefer, Lady Aurora?"

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
I agree, this is a very very very bad deal!

I've got my thoughts I'd like to share too.

This establishes that the imp is selling goods from Nanna May in exchange for payments from the party. It's also establishing that payments wouldn't be just monetary, but also potentially anything the imp wants from the party. So it could be a favor, or an item we're carrying, anything!

-Pretty sure this is refering to the exchange of money for goods. The wording is a little weird but that just seems like the act of trading/selling to me. @rush99999 can correct me if I am wrong there

I agree that this is the act of trading/selling. However, I would also add that the last sentence is basically saying 'No Refunds'. If the contract is signed, the Addendums would be created and each transaction is going to be included in said Addendums.

This is also the act of trading/selling. But this would be about what the Imp is selling to the party.

This is basically establishing what the Imp is offering to sell as part of this contract.

This is a disclaimer saying that the imp is not responsible for any damage or detrimental effects done to the party by their goods. If the party signs this contract, they would be waiving any ability to hold the imp responsible. Definitely a crimson flag.

This is another disclaimer. It basically means that the party is responsible for following the laws of their realm/plane of existence. If something the imp gives them makes the party break the law inadvertently, then the imp can't be held responsible.

Another crimson flag. Just as @LostDestiny stated, the ability to change the items bought after the fact can be seriously detrimental to the party.

Yeah, I don't think I need to say any more on this. This is an obvious bright red, neon sign, flag. The party may very well go against Nanna May, and this is just insurance for Nanna May to make sure that it either doesn't happen/or our lives get harder for it as a result.

Yeah. Again, as @LostDestiny stated, this is basically a soul deal for any unresolved debts, and shows the Imp lied. With the inclusion of an Addendum A and an Addendum B, the Imp could easily say that the party still owes some sort of outstanding debt it can think of and use it to claim the souls.

This extension of the previous clause is basically saying that if anyone who signed the contract tries to fight against the contract/dispute it, then it would be taken to the Infernal Courts. That means that the laws of the Infernal Planes would be used and it essentially amounts to having the cards stacked against whoever signs the contract.

I have decided to use DiceCloud and have started on a character, any tips on making one?

I would recommend using the site, 5e.tools to help build your character. You will need to pick race, class, and background. As for stats...
@rush99999, can you confirm what you want regarding stats for the character creation?
Thank you for the ping. No thank you, I am just backing up Aurora at the moment.

Got it. ^_^
Thank you very much!

Then I'll get a DM Post up. XD
@Fading Memory Is there anything you would like to write before I write up a DM post?
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Ah. My apologies. Sometimes I forget that some people don't watch Zee Bashew as much as I do.

Take it to mean that I'm keeping the answer secret for the time being.

Got it. Thank you!

Cascade narrowed her gaze even more at the imp when he used the word 'Ohana' when referring to her family and village. While Rala spoke, she clasped her holy symbol and prayed to Deep Sashelas quietly, in an attempt to receive guidance.

Whether she received an answer from her diety or not, she decided to go with her gut and speak up, "Brah. We clearly have different ideas of farming: Wearing dead celestials seems like a great way to invite trouble and chaos,"

She then affirms, "We're not interested in your 'gifts' and deals,"
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

I'll take that as a 'No'... ^^"
Alrighty then. Commence work on a character now and I'll bring them in at the start of the next chapter.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Cascade wouldn't need an Insight check to know that the felidars did indeed die to make these fleeces.

She would need to make a Religion check to prey though.

Would an 11 in Religion help?

Also, @RoadkilBanana if you need any help creating a character, I can certainly help.
@rush99999 Could Cascade roll Insight on the imp when it comes to his answer for her question? She would be trying to gauge if the creatures in question were killed to make those coats.

Also...would it be possible for Cascade to pray to Deep Sashelas for guidance when it comes to this imp? She isn't sure about this situation, and now that he referred her family as 'Ohana' she really doesn't like him.
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