Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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"Oh 'e can, can 'e?" Brutrumukk asked. "An' what 'elp d'you reckon a windy nob like 'im would give us? An' what'd 'e expect in return too, fer that matter?"

Aaliyah: "Uhhh..."
Aaliyah's Internal Thoughts: Do not laugh. Do not laugh. Keep it together. Do not laugh!
I'll try and get a post up as soon as possible. ^^"
I'm also trying to figure out what Stargaze would do.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Sure, roll me an Arcana check.

Thank you!

That is a 16 on Arcana. ^_^
@XxFellsingxX Could Aaliyah roll something to see what she knows about bheur hags?
That moment as a DM when you thought there was going to be a battle when it came to the coup...

...Only to find that the book essentially says "Nope! Unless the characters warn the King or sabotage the coup, it succeeds!"

^^" Oops...
Elemental Plane of Air

Ishaan's Palace: Courtyard

The girl visibly winces and tenses up in fear at Brutrumukk's angry words. While Jub is catching his breath, she answers him hesitantly, "That's...literally impossible. He's my familiar. The moment a familiar gets hurt, they vanish back to their original plane. So...you can't really eat him..."

She then apologizes, "Please pardon him. He insults everybody. Even me!"

Her attention is drawn to Jub as he speaks up, apologizing for Brutrumukk and asking her where they are. She answers him, "Oh! I don't mind at all,"

She clears her throat and begins a practiced speech with a bombastic and cheerful tone, gesturing around her, "You are currently standing in the Courtyard...Nay; The Palace of the Great, Powerful, Wise, Omniscient, and Benevolent Ishaan!" She stands awkwardly, after gesturing, as though realizing this should have been spoken inside of the palace.

She goes back to her normal tone of voice, "I am sorry to say that this is the Elemental Plane of Air. Unless you can fly, there really isn't anywhere else you can go if you don't want to find yourself falling forever and ever,"

She then reassures, "But! I'm sure Master Ishaan can help the two of you once he returns,"



Downfall: His Royal Majesty King Gullop XIX (D6)

The King turns his attention to Aurora, Zavakri, and Gabriel as they approach the King and Aurora begins speaking. He seems intrigued by Aurora's words as he rubs his chin with a hand. Both Aurora and Zavakri can see that Illig has moved like he went to convene with the other nobles, and after a few whispers, he is moving slowly and subtly, grabbing a glaive from under a cushion...

The King answers Aurora, "Interesting. Brought here against your will, my dear? Well...Bavlorna would have a way back. You would have to speak with her. It's a good thing you came here first. You need my permission, my blessing, to be able to speak with her...."

Illig is behind the King at this point with the glaive unsheathed.

"Now I can give you my blessing if you..."

The King doesn't even get a chance to respond. The glaive glints in what little sunlight is there in the twilight of this realm as it is brought down and beheads the King!

There is only silence from the Bullywugs as they look from the head to Illig.

Illig takes the crown and places it upon his head. He calls out, "King Gullop XIX is no more! I am now King!" The bullywugs cry out in response,

"All hail King Illig!!!"

The coup was a success.

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
@Guardian Angel Haruki Posted. Don't know if I need to roll a Persuasion check for that, that's up to you.

I don’t think a Persuasion check is necessary.
Cascade would listen to Flicker on this one. ^_^
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Guess I know what Flicker is going to be doing.

... Gods, Flicker trying to calm someone down. It really is opposite day.

Well, Fire and Water are polar opposites. XD
…Someone might want to hold Cascade back if nobody wants a fight…^^”

As sweet of a dork she is, everybody is going to learn first hand that Cascade holds true and follows through on her words: if she says she’s going to do something, she’ll do it…

The DM: trying to prolly genuinly help us a little bit, maybe?

The party: nope don't trust it, time to make things harder for ourselves. XD

Cascade: Time to throw hands!

Cascade couldn't help but visibly balk at Aura when she decided to reach the contract. She looks at the air genasi extremely confused. After all, her distrust stemmed from what they told her about Nanna May. She was already trusting them with helping her protect Zephyr and her family, so why wouldn't she trust their words about people they don't trust? Why was Aura even considering this?!

Thankfully, she didn't have to ponder that any longer as Aura makes the flaws of the contract clear for everyone to hear and she makes it clear that she read the contract for her own peace of mind. A sense of relief comes to Cascade thanks to Aura's clarification. She was inclined to agree with Jormund as he suggested continuing on, but the imp spoke up again.

After hearing it say it would come back with a better worded contract, she responds, this time much more seriously, her hair starting to roil once more, "Hey. We said 'No'. Take the obvious hint!"

Cascade then hears Jormund's suggestion of the imp taking the coats to the people himself, and she gains a look that is a clear combination of 'Oh HELL No!' and 'Why would you say that?!'

She adds onto Jormund's words, "Jormund, Brah, Ah got a better idea," She takes out her trident and points it towards the imp, ready to strike. She speaks to the imp, her voice starting out as a low rumble of a boil to a roar of a tsunami, "You've already shown that you are willing to lie and use underhanded tricks to steal souls you and your Masters want. If you are anywhere near Zephyr or my Ohana, I will send you back to your Masters, personally! So you might want to skedaddle. Now,"

She will admit that she is still miffed that the imp tried to use her language, using the word 'Ohana', to try and convince her earlier. But those feelings have been further exacerbated by the idea of the imp and this Nanna May or some other Master targeting her home and her family to a tidal wave of fury. Jormund's words earlier had set her truly on edge.

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