Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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Gonna get the next post up over the weekend, since I'm going to get Search for Tir na Og's next post up tomorrow.

Oh shoot. O_O

I'll try and get my post up for Tir Na Og up tonight then.
Sorry for the wait on that, I keep blanking on Aaliyah's reaction to Hags. X_X
If I could award inspiration, I would right now…
<Snipped quote by Lurking Krog>

Hah... there sure was a merchant store there.

With three whole merchants.


There were only two merchants there when Brutrumukk and Jub were there. ;)

The imp's reaction certainly did not go well with Cascade. Her eyes widened, and became an unblinking stare of rage. She begins to raise her trident to throw it at the imp, but a warm hand on her shoulder stops her. She looks to Flicker as he makes his point that the imp is trying to rile her up. She decides to trust Flicker on this, and with a nod and a sigh, she lowers her trident.

She turns to the imp, and she answers his words applause and words seriously, "You heard them. If you do not take my warning seriously, you will be in true danger," She then stows her trident and walks with her new friends to Zephyr.

She looks to Jormund as they walk on and she asks, her tone going more into concern, "Jormund, Brah, Why did you suggest him to sell directly to Zephyr?"
Elemental Plane of Air

Ishaan's Palace: Courtyard

The girl does react with a slight cringe in response to the cruel laugh from Brutrumukk. But she looks surprised when Brutrumukk spoke his question. Before she can respond to his question, Jub speaks up and asks for help to summon his familiar once more.

She answers Jub, "Oh! Certainly, I can help with that!" She then looks to Brutrumukk, and she speaks to him with a small smile, "As for what Master can do to help, I'm afraid I can't speak on his behalf when it comes to agreements like what you are proposing. I am just a humble servant. That is something you would have to discuss with Master yourself, when he returns,"

She then speaks to Jub once more, "The materials I have for Find Familiar are inside. However, before we go inside, please allow me to establish some...ground rules, if you will. This is for all guests!"

She then lists off the rules, "Rule 1: Please do not touch or take any of the artifacts on display. All of them are magical, so you wouldn't want to get cursed by touching something you shouldn't have.

Rule 2: You will want to follow me and stay by my side as I lead you through the palace. The palace is well guarded against thieves, and nothing is as it seems. Not to mention, the palace is quite large. You don't want to get lost here.

Rule 3: Don't go into the other wings. The main wing is best suited for living conditions for those of the Material Plane. The other wings mimic the hostile environments of other planes, such as the Plane of Fire.

If any of these rules are broken, you will immediately be assumed to be thieves instead of guests, and forced off of the premises,

She then says, "And with that, please follow me," She then walks to the palace entrance, leading both goblin and gnome.



Downfall: His Royal Majesty King Gullop XIX (D6)

King Illig smiles at Aurora and Zavakri as they give their congratulations to the new monarch. He answers the both of them, "The revolution was possible, thanks to you!"

He looks to the fellow bullywugs and he calls to them, "Put the previous King's head with the others!" As they bow, take the beheaded head of the deposed king and head to the bridge, King Illig looks to the large book the previous King had on his lap.

King Illig picks up the book, and he looks to Aurora and Zavakri and he walks over to them with the book in hand. He speaks to them, "You are welcome to the box in the hut, and you can have this as well! Consider this as a Thank You and a form of Hospitality!"

Upon looking at the book, Aurora and Zavakri would see that this book has the title reading,

"Bavlorna's Big Book of Bad Blood,"

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
Been busy, but I will get posts up ASAP. ^^”
"Oh 'e can, can 'e?" Brutrumukk asked. "An' what 'elp d'you reckon a windy nob like 'im would give us? An' what'd 'e expect in return too, fer that matter?"

Aaliyah: "Uhhh..."
Aaliyah's Internal Thoughts: Do not laugh. Do not laugh. Keep it together. Do not laugh!
I'll try and get a post up as soon as possible. ^^"
I'm also trying to figure out what Stargaze would do.
<Snipped quote by Guardian Angel Haruki>

Sure, roll me an Arcana check.

Thank you!

That is a 16 on Arcana. ^_^
@XxFellsingxX Could Aaliyah roll something to see what she knows about bheur hags?
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