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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 41 min ago


Cascade listens as Aura and Flicker voice their questions and thoughts. Before Flicker's words possibly chase off the imp, Cascade also speaks up, "There's another thing I would like to ask,"

She then points out, "Those 'gifts' you brought for us. I'm picking up faint Celestial energies from them," She then narrowed her gaze and she asked, "Now, why is that?"

She had a feeling that the coats in question were made from celestials. Plus, she had to let her friends know what those gifts are exactly.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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"Regardless of deals and trading souls, I'm pretty sure taking anything from you is just... inviting something bad in our general direction."

Mar'a'gan heaved a sigh at Flickers words. "Alas, the bane of all merchant devils. Anti-fiend propaganda from the Upper Planes." The imp lamented. "Those angels have everyone thinking that our goods are bad. But I can assure you these gifts are good. As are all of my stock. No vendor worth their salt would knowingly sell things that hurt the customer. That's just bad business sense! I'd get no regulars with practices like that. And when all the first time buyers dry up and word of mouth wipes out what traces of good will I could still get despite all the celestial slander, that would be it for my mercantile ventures!" Mar'a'gan shook his head then. "No no. Honest dealings. Good goods. That is the way to go."

"There's another thing I would like to ask," Cascade spoke up then. "Those 'gifts' you brought for us. I'm picking up faint Celestial energies from them," She then narrowed her gaze and she asked, "Now, why is that?"

"That would most likely be due to their Celestial source." Mar'a'gan supplied helpfully. "Within these crates, you'll find the finest felidar fleeces farmed from the far off world of Ravnica. The warmth that they provide will be of great use to your Ohana in the trials ahead."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Aura squinted at the imp as it spoke. These beings were notorious liars, at least that is what she was told. But then again, so were Genie according to most people who asked so maybe who was she to judge.

"So you are saying that these goods you have, come with no strings attatched other than some mysterious terms and conditions. Accepting these cloths won't bind us to some favor for your masters, and won't cause us what we would consider harm in any way both mental, physical, and emotional?" The air genasi questioned eyeing the creature suspisiously. She had to admit she wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to handle the cold air much longer. She was used to much warmer weather and they hadn't exactly packed for the cold.

Which reminded her, she would have to ask Jormund later if his northern man were known for bringing the cold with them or if this was something new he had no clue about. She couldn't recall if it has been mentioned before or not.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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"Indeed I am." Mar'a'gan replied. "Though I feel I should point out that the terms and conditions are mysterious only because none of you have read the contract yet." The imp wiggled the scroll again to emphasise its point.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Birdboy
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Rala had been quiet for most of the ride, a stoic disposition sparsely interrupted by bitter utterances grunted out. Still, she couldn't help but prefer the sanctity of the open road. Besides her companion's prattling and the wagon wheels, the only other noises came from nature in an almost serene calm.

As they grew nearer the cold took over, and Rala further sequestered into her stuffy cloak, letting it shroud her body and contain her body heat but it was hardly enough.

The group was eventually stopped by an imp, conveniently selling warmer clothes, lavish clothes at that. Rala couldn't help but smirk as the others made their apprehension clear. It was nice knowing she wasn't in the company of fools. The imp's persistence left her irritated and the longer she looked at his blemish of a face, the harder it became for her to contain her distaste for the devil and his master.

"Then I guess it will stay a mystery. Only a fool deals with a hoofkisser" She chided, fiery anger erupting from her words.
"do you take us for fools, imp?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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"If course I don't." Mar'a'gan declared. "If I did, I'd be asking you to sign away your souls."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Cascade narrowed her gaze even more at the imp when he used the word 'Ohana' when referring to her family and village. While Rala spoke, she clasped her holy symbol and prayed to Deep Sashelas quietly, in an attempt to receive guidance.

Whether she received an answer from her diety or not, she decided to go with her gut and speak up, "Brah. We clearly have different ideas of farming: Wearing dead celestials seems like a great way to invite trouble and chaos,"

She then affirms, "We're not interested in your 'gifts' and deals,"
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 39 min ago

Aura looked at her party memebers. Rala and Flicker were both usually distrusting so this was not out of the ordinary for them. However she wasn't sure if Cascade was paranoid because of religious reasons but the lack of trust was out of character for her, at least from what Aura could tell. She did know one thing however. If the cold here was as unusual as it seemed she doubted the people of Zephyr would have been prepared for it, and she also doubted the Northern Men would be willing to share the wealth, so to speak, when it came to warm clothes.

Aura moved to snatch the scroll out of the imp's hand. Holding it away from both it, and her party members in case they thought she was dumb enough to just read it outright without asking questions. "Reading this isn't binding is it? I can read it and decide if I want to sign or not?" She asked the imp quickly before turning to her party members and friends.

"Look, I get the paranoia but unless you want to be everyone's walking heater," she pointed at Flicker, "or any of you all want to freeze to death before we get a chance to help Cascade's family and village. It is at least worth a look. So long as I get an answer to my question that is satisfactory. And if need be I will take the brunt of whatever comes of this in the future." Her attention went back to the Imp, waiting for it's answer.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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When Cascade expressed her distrust of Mar'a'gan, the imp opened its mouth to speak, but was cut off by Aura taking the scroll, asking a question, and then making an argument to the rest of the party. As Aura spoke, an eager grin settled onto Mar'a'gan's features and he spoke with a slightly giddy tone once Aura was done talking. "Well said." The imp complimented. "I couldn't have put it better myself... But to answer your question, no. You have to sign the contract to be bound. Feel free to read to your heart's sweet content." Were Aura to open the scroll and read the contract written therein, she would find it a remarkably simple read. Nothing like the overly complicated, nigh impenetrable walls of legal jargon that contracts from the Nine Hells are made out to be in all the cautionary tales. It's even written in common as opposed to infernal script native to Baator.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 39 min ago

Aura looked over the contract and her lips pressed into a thin line as she got farther into the terms. Some seemed pretty normal given the situation but there were a few that concerned her.

"Yea I see several issues with this contract. Clause six for example The Client, me, understands and acknowledges that the Provider, you or the hag or whoever the hag works for/with, I am unclear on who excatly this contract considers the Provider but seeing as you all work with/for eachother I am going to lump you all into The Provider. Reserves the right to alter or amend the nature of the Rewards at its discretion, though any changes shall not diminish the overall value of the exchange. So basically after we purchase or take these rewards, you can just decide, these coats are no longer coats but instead, say, the equivilent in ball barings... That is what I am gathering from that." She didn't give the imp a chance to retort just yet as she continued to read the problem clauses out loud.

"Clause Seven, While bound by this agreement, basically after signing the agreenement, the client, the signer, is not allowed to interfere with The Provider's interests. BIG problem there as I don't particularly agree with The Provider's interests and thus would be more than likely to break this clause in the interest of the lives of the innocent. I would rather risk freezing than being forced to sit idol while The Provider does whatever the hells they want. OH and IF we do break this clause we have to return the Rewards. If we are unable to we then owe the Provider a debt that is not specified as to what other than of equal value. Meaning favors are on the table. Again, no thank you." She scowled at the Imp.

"Oh and let's not forget Clause eight, which in a round about way does sign our soul away to the provider, granted certain things must be met but you did, in fact lie to us maybe not directly but you did." She didn't even bother rolling the scroll back up as she tossed it back at the Imp.

"Myself and my party are not interested in signing your contract as is amendments would need to be made before I were to even consider it, and seeing as we don't have time for that I am going to have to decline your offer. Also you can tell your Masters that their interest in our potential is unwanted, and the fact that they even think we need their help is quite frankly insulting to that potential they apparently see." She then turned back to the party.

"I only read the contract for my own peace of mind, I have found the terms unfavorable, we will figure something else out we always do." She gave a nod to her friends and was fully ready to continue on their way if the rest of them were finshed here.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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The temperature of the area dropping as it had drew Jørmund's concern and much of his attention as he pondered what it ment. He picky half heard what the imp had said, barely catching that it had implied that the northmen brought the cold with them. This was a possibility that one of them struck some terrible deal with one of the terrible gods of winter. That in exchange for saving themselves or a village they would bring the bitter cold to regions that have rarely known frost to fall.

The cleric kept quiet and listened to his companions and the imp exchange words not really interested in dealing with a devil. When Aura snatched the contract to read it and then spoke her peace about the terms he nodded in agreement with her last statement. To him as well it seemed this contract was not to the favor of the group.

Jørmund went to the cart and started to lead the horses onward having resolved to just ignore the imp and press onward. At this point he wanted to get to Zephyr and get out of the weather. This cold was a bad enough omen without the imp appearing with furs and contract. "Let's go. Staying out in this cold will do no one any good. The sooner we get to the village the sooner we can get around a fire."
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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"I can't deny that this contract could be better worded." Mar'a'gan admitted in the face of the party's poor reception. "I'll have words with my underlings and get back to you with a more agreeable bargain. In the meantime, you are welcome to take the felidar fleeces with you. As I said when I greeted you, they are a gift and free of charge. You needn't sign any contract to bring these to Zephyr."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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"Bargain, no bargain it matters not what you bring us we will be more likely to send you back on your way contracts unsigned. If you truly mean the furs come with no strings take them to the people yourself. I've already had enough of being the mule for Midnight's dirty work." Jørmund call over his shoulder as he leads the horses onward.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Cascade couldn't help but visibly balk at Aura when she decided to reach the contract. She looks at the air genasi extremely confused. After all, her distrust stemmed from what they told her about Nanna May. She was already trusting them with helping her protect Zephyr and her family, so why wouldn't she trust their words about people they don't trust? Why was Aura even considering this?!

Thankfully, she didn't have to ponder that any longer as Aura makes the flaws of the contract clear for everyone to hear and she makes it clear that she read the contract for her own peace of mind. A sense of relief comes to Cascade thanks to Aura's clarification. She was inclined to agree with Jormund as he suggested continuing on, but the imp spoke up again.

After hearing it say it would come back with a better worded contract, she responds, this time much more seriously, her hair starting to roil once more, "Hey. We said 'No'. Take the obvious hint!"

Cascade then hears Jormund's suggestion of the imp taking the coats to the people himself, and she gains a look that is a clear combination of 'Oh HELL No!' and 'Why would you say that?!'

She adds onto Jormund's words, "Jormund, Brah, Ah got a better idea," She takes out her trident and points it towards the imp, ready to strike. She speaks to the imp, her voice starting out as a low rumble of a boil to a roar of a tsunami, "You've already shown that you are willing to lie and use underhanded tricks to steal souls you and your Masters want. If you are anywhere near Zephyr or my Ohana, I will send you back to your Masters, personally! So you might want to skedaddle. Now,"

She will admit that she is still miffed that the imp tried to use her language, using the word 'Ohana', to try and convince her earlier. But those feelings have been further exacerbated by the idea of the imp and this Nanna May or some other Master targeting her home and her family to a tidal wave of fury. Jormund's words earlier had set her truly on edge.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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When Jørmund suggested that Mar'a'gan take the furs to the people personally to show that it spoke the truth about there being strings attached to the gift, the imp's expression took on a thoughtful aspect as it considered the earth genasi's words. "You make quite the good point." Mar'a'gan declared before Cascade cut in. Though the water genasi had meant to be frightening, and indeed seemed to be so to all around her, Mar'a'gan reacted to the display as one might react to a truly awe inspiring performance. Once Cascade had made her threat and the accompanying effect had ended, Mar'a'gan leaped to its feet and applauded the paladin with a standing ovation. "Bravo! Bravo!" The imp exclaimed as he clapped. "My, what a breathtaking display! If my life was in any true danger on the Prime Material, I would be fleeing for it right now."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 39 min ago

Aura rolled here eyes as the imp continued speaking and Jormund lead the horses away from the situation. Aura turned to follow the Earth Genasi. "We are leaving now, good bye, make sure to pass on our disinterest to your masters." She sang as she walked away Hawk peeking out from where he hid in her clothing and using his own scorpion like tail in a gesture similar to one someone would use to say they are watching someone else, pointing it first toward himself and then toward the imp. Whether or not it was Hawk's own sassyness or on Aura's mental command was unclear. Though once Aura managed to get back up on the moving cart she did transfer her senses to Hawk to keep an eye on the Imp as the group left it standing in the cold with all of its "rewards" in its possession still.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Flicker's expression had continued darkening throughout this conversation, particularly when Aura decided to humour the imp in reading his contract. Once again, it took all of Flicker's strength not to say anything, instead folding their arms and watching as the air genasi looked over the terms and conditions. Small sparks began to fly from Flicker's hair, increasing with every passing second. Fortunately, Aura didn't go through with it, quickly seeing it for the poor deal it was, and both she and Jørmund encouraged the group to head onwards and ignore the fiend.

Flicker was about take a step forward when Cascade decided to unleash some, erm, 'choice words' towards the imp, even taking out a trident and telling him to get lost. Flicker raised both their eyebrows in surprise, not expecting the normally affable paladin to become so angry so quickly. Normally, they wouldn't encourage hot-headed behaviour, but given the circumstsances, they couldn't really fault her.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem to scare the imp any, the fiend merely clapping like they'd witnessed a show. Sensing this wouldn't go down well with Cascade, Flicker quickly placed a hand on the water genasi's shoulder. "Don't let him get to you," they said. "I think he's deliberately trying to rile you up at this point. If he does show up at your village, I will be right there with you to kick him out, but as it stands, he's really not worth it right now." They cast a very pointed side-glance in the imp's direction as they spoke.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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The imp's reaction certainly did not go well with Cascade. Her eyes widened, and became an unblinking stare of rage. She begins to raise her trident to throw it at the imp, but a warm hand on her shoulder stops her. She looks to Flicker as he makes his point that the imp is trying to rile her up. She decides to trust Flicker on this, and with a nod and a sigh, she lowers her trident.

She turns to the imp, and she answers his words applause and words seriously, "You heard them. If you do not take my warning seriously, you will be in true danger," She then stows her trident and walks with her new friends to Zephyr.

She looks to Jormund as they walk on and she asks, her tone going more into concern, "Jormund, Brah, Why did you suggest him to sell directly to Zephyr?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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"Not sell, give. The imp implied these were gifts and for us and the people of your village." Jørmund said while still looking down the road and leading the horses. He had not expected his suggestion to have been as well received by Mar'a'gan and was now regretting opening his mouth. "I suggested what I did expecting them to turn down the idea. I did not expect them to think it was a good idea for them. I do apologize for my suggestion possibly bringing misfortune to your home, little good my apologie may be. All I can do now is help resolve what ever is bringing this cold so they will not need those furs from that twice cursed devil."

He shift the weight of his mail some to keep the cold steel off of the areas where the gambeson and undershirt did not cover his skin. They would need to work fast before it got colder and possibly brought snow. Jørmund wasn't sure how cold it normally got down here, but back home early snows could often be detrimental to harvest and cause even more problems for the unprepared.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by rush99999
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Mar'a'gan simply grinned in amusement at the threats leveled against him. As the party moved then to continue on, the imp moved to start packing up the felidar fleeces. But then he paused as Rala passed. "Wait... what was that?" The tiny fiend asked as he turned to regard the rogue. Mar'a'gan's eyes went wide as he spotted the scabbard bracer hanging off Rala's wrist. "Wait! WAIT! Hold on! Hold on!" The imp called out to the party. "There is one last offer to make! One that could solve all Zephyr's woes! One that could cast the Northmen back into the sea! One that you would not even need to think about risking your soul over!"
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