Mostly how honest Charm is being about having helpful information. Aurora does know that Charm was advising Bavlorna to leave to go to elsewhere while the party was off doing the chores.
Aaliyah politely thanked the hag and Beigeiros for the ice cream. Admittedly, it did look good, but she was still cautious. She wanted to cast Identify on the ice cream right then and there to make sure that there wouldn't be any adverse effects. But, she realized it would be rude, and the hag might recognize the ritual if she performed it right then and there.
She winces as Beigeiros ate his ice cream right then and there, causing a brain freeze. She answers the group, "I' mine after we go through the portal. Just in case!"
She was surprised to see a goblin approach the stand and take up the offer of ice cream in Lissandra's place. She did tense a bit. Things certainly became...interesting, the last time she encountered a goblin in Ishaan's palace, to put it mildly.
She noticed that Mariel had moved to position herself between Aaliyah, Beigeiros, and Lissandra, and the goblin, as though ready to defend them.
Aaliyah suggested to Mariel and Beigeiros politely, "Um...why don't we get going through the portal?"
Cascade, at first, had put her trident away to keep herself from attacking the imp. But then he started crying out again for another deal. She noticed that the imp was looking at the gift she carved for Rala with greedy eyes.
She unsheathes her trident again and she angrily booms at the imp, "By Deep Sashelas, Are you deaf?! Let me try speaking louder for you: We! Said! NO! NOW! GET! LOST!"
It's clear that Cascade's patience with this imp is wearing thin. The fact that he is trying to use his cheap tricks to get his grubby claws on the gift she carved for Rala in payment for their assistance, is definitely irritating for Cascade. Cascade had carved that specifically for Rala in mind, and Deep Sashelas had seen fit to bless it during her carving of that gift!
...And she can't deny that a part of her is scared that Rala would give that gift to that imp and to this Nanna May....
In this main hall, Brutrumukk notices that there aren't any smaller treasures that he couldn't easily carry out. But maybe the smaller treasures are kept elsewhere...?
Aaliyah does lead the both of them to a smaller room that seems to be a comfortable waiting room. She tells them, "Wait here please," She quickly moves past a door, and after some sounds of rummaging, she comes back out with the materials needed for the Find Familiar ritual.
She hands the materials to him and she tells him, "Here you are; The materials needed for Find Familiar,"
After Aurora asked her question, Charm feigned a sad sigh as she answers her,
"I do apologize for the lack of wares available. Apparently, a naked gnome and a goblin wizard saw fit to slaughter Trinket and Bauble before ransacking our shop not too long ago,"
She gestures to the orb she had been peering into before on the counter, and she offers, "You are welcome to see for yourself, if you so wish. Suffice to say, those two are no longer welcome shop now,"
She then gives a smile, "But there is no need to fret. I was able to restock on some wares on my way back,"
Her smile grows wider as she mentions to Aurora, " and yours have been so helpful back in that hut. I intend to follow the Rule of Reciprocity: I have information for you that will be quite helpful for you, if you wish to pursue Bavlorna..."
She looks to Zavakri as she finishes the thought, "...And find Detara,"
Charm is immediately surprised when Zavakri started to flirt with her. Her surprised blink and look lasts only for a moment, before her smile returns. She answers Zavakri's flirt, "Why thank you, dear. I must say, your compliments are a pleasant surprise,"
She strokes her chin and studies Zavakri when she asked about the price for the dry wood and the Moonlight Monocle. As she does so, she informs Zavakri, "Oh, coin is not needed for our transactions dear. So there is no need to worry about 'how much' is needed for payment..."
After a bit longer for silence, she soon answers Zavakri,
"For the Moonlight Monocle, I would like...some of your emotional resiliency towards death. As for the dry wood, that would be other's perception of your blood,"
She gives a humored smile as she clarifies, "Others will perceive your blood as crimson,"
Moonlight Monocle = The concept of death is unbearably sad, so that you burst into tears whenever it comes up.
Bundle of Dry Wood = Your blood is perceived as (d6) by everyone except you. (d6:) 1. Red; 2. Orange; 3. Yellow; 4. Green; 5. Blue; 6. Purple