You could just have him come out and say it. Especially if he has the Insight to realize that Brutrumukk is weighing his options.
I could...
But...that could also spoil the reveal/surprise a little later on in this segment...

You could just have him come out and say it. Especially if he has the Insight to realize that Brutrumukk is weighing his options.
@Guardian Angel Haruki to clarify--when you Push Yourself, you have to take whatever the next card you draw is. Do you still wanna do that, or just take Death?
@Guardian Angel Haruki Whoops, sorry, I overlooked your reply at first. No, I think we're pretty much on the same page there =) Your ELE is 2, but you have -1 Forward, so your card is:
Death - Neutral - Something ends, and something else begins
Death is The Crow's resonant card; if you want to try drawing another card, you can push yourself at the cost of ticking the Phantom Clock.
<Snipped quote>
@Guardian Angel Haruki hm, out of those two I think Everything is a Nail definitely fits better--do you have any specific ideas as to how mastery of writing stories could help her out here? if not i have some thoughts, but if you already have something in mind i'd like to hear that first.
@Guardian Angel Haruki that last move sounds to me like a Threaten, where the thing you want him to do is stop reaching for his gun and identify himself, and what you're threatening him with is a face full of firefighting foam. That said, your POW is 1 and you currently have -1 Forward from your last move, so you'll have to Push Yourself and tick the Phantom Clock to draw. Sounds good, or you want to do something else?
You guys are supposed to use the fire extinguisher on the creature