Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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3 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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"Writer. Can you make it so nothing enters or escapes for the next few minutes, I think in order for a discourse to made, privacy must be first established,"

Emily looked to Ashley as she made her request. She nods and answers, "Certainly, Reader," When she reached out for the fire extinguisher, Emily obliged and handed the item to her with a quick "Thank you," She then proceeds to take out her notebook and pen again. She does look up to see what she can do, she spots The Crow with a phone in claw!

It wouldn't do to have that ring...chances are pretty good that that's the Agent's phone and wallet. Upon seeing the Crow, she tilts and nods her head to the side, towards where she remembered the dumpsters would be. For now, it was best to throw it away, and they can go looking for it later. Hopefully, the Crow would pick up on that idea. Now...how to reinforce the walls.

After that, she proceeds to uncap the pen and begin to write in her journal again,

"As Emily writes in the journal, magic flows through the air once again! This time, they swirl in front of the doors, buffering and buffeting against those who would try to enter or leave the diner. The only indication of this barrier would be the papers or small debris that flies upon the gales, creating the phenomenon known as Dust Devils..."

She then closes the journal and caps her pen once more, and watches to see if her idea would work...
Sorry, it's my turn.
I'll try and get a post up today.
Sorry I'm late. Finally got the IC post up. Does anyone want to do anything before Chapter Four officially comes to an end or should I go ahead and commence the final preparations for Chapter Five?

Nope. I'm good here. ^_^
Ready for what's next!
Aight, checkin' in: how's everyone doin'?

I'm still here. ^_^
You could just have him come out and say it. Especially if he has the Insight to realize that Brutrumukk is weighing his options.

I could...

But...that could also spoil the reveal/surprise a little later on in this segment...
Hmmm...How to answer Brutrumukk's question, without being blatantly obvious...Hmmm...

Emily listens as the man introduces himself as Ray Simonsen, an agent for some unknown organization that deals with sensitive cases, such as the unknown creature that fled to the kitchen. She looks to Ashley when she mentions the gas leak, giving a small smile to her. Thanks to her, she had an idea. Thanks to her mastery of writing stories, she had an idea on how to appeal to a person's sense of humanity, and care for their fellows.

Emily answers the man, "You may call me the Writer for now. Agent Simonsen, are you truly an agent, or are you a mindless zealot, bending to the will of a cult without question?"

She then explains with a chuckle, "As Ashley mentioned, there's a gas leak. Or at least, that's what the Head Waitress told everyone in order to get both customers and employees to evacuate this diner before both of your arrivals,"

She then gave the Agent a hard stare through the ceremonial mask, "Do you realize that if we had not interfered and warned the Head Waitress, you would have incinerated every living soul in this diner just to accomplish your mission? What kind of justice permits sacrificing innocent lives in order to see a mission done?"

Alas, her skill doesn't completely translate in this situation: There is still the element of unpredictability. One may think that upon hearing this revelation, they may think of their actions carefully and change their ways. But...there are people who double down on their beliefs upon realizing that they are in a cult, and refuse to listen to reason.

There is a chance that Agent Simonsen may be such a person and not listen to her...Emily could feel that worry chew away at her.
@Guardian Angel Haruki to clarify--when you Push Yourself, you have to take whatever the next card you draw is. Do you still wanna do that, or just take Death?

Oh I see. ^^"
Let's just take Death then.
@Guardian Angel Haruki Whoops, sorry, I overlooked your reply at first. No, I think we're pretty much on the same page there =) Your ELE is 2, but you have -1 Forward, so your card is:

Death - Neutral - Something ends, and something else begins

Death is The Crow's resonant card; if you want to try drawing another card, you can push yourself at the cost of ticking the Phantom Clock.

No worries, it happens. ^_^
I'll go ahead and try the Push Yourself action. ^^"
If the card drawn is Negative, I'll take the Death Card. (Sorry Fellsing. ^^")
<Snipped quote>

@Guardian Angel Haruki hm, out of those two I think Everything is a Nail definitely fits better--do you have any specific ideas as to how mastery of writing stories could help her out here? if not i have some thoughts, but if you already have something in mind i'd like to hear that first.

I was thinking her mastery of writing stories would help her communicate effectively on how the Agent is the bad guy here, even though he is the hero in his own story, by pointing out the following:

1) The creature he was chasing is clearly scared out of its wits, and the agent plans to kill it.
2) If the diners were still here, he would have killed them just to get at said creature.
3) If this is what his agency requires him to do for justice's sake, then what kind of justice is he fighting for? Is it really worth it to him?

I'm definitely interested in hearing your thoughts. ^_^
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