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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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I just wanna say right now, before anybody misunderstandings, 'nail gun' cannot be used as a geppo substitute, its just for redirecting where he falls. (wanted to clear that up, just in case.)

Also, yeah @RyoRyoRyoken now that I think about it, its very Toriko-y, well I see that as a pretty good thing, it gives Anaru the over the top-ness I wanted him to have, he isn't supposed to be taken too seriously. (Also, I really like Toriko, so i'd consider it a good thing regardless, hah.)

Location: Conomi Islands.

Interacting with: @LokiLeo789

Anaru frowned, he hadn't expected this pirate to be THAT fast, his slim form wouldn't be of much use then, he thought. "I see you aren't all talk, Pirate." Anaru rapidly struck the air with his elbows, changing direction in the air, by using his 'nail gun', to narrowly avoid the flames, heating licking across his face. he continues to strike the air with his elbows, firing more air projectiles to boost him towards Xerxex.

Anaru let out a bellow, as he flew forward, changing directions to avoid the flames, until he was close to Xerxes, and struck with the flames. it seemed as though he was hit, dead on, the fire covering his body. "But you really are, arrogant." an oversized hairy fist shot out of the fire, a surprise attack, headed towards Xerxes body, heat still radiating because of the flames. Anaru's beast-like smile could be seen through the fire, as his red eyes gleamed dangerously. "Nail." he said calmly as the punch came at Xerxes, the wind funneled around the punch, it wasn't an average blow, that much was certain.
@RyoRyoRyoken oh wow, I LOVE Toriko, and I didn't even draw that comparison, I can totally see it now, though.
@LokiLeo789 actually when I use life return to slim down, I lose a ton of durability, its a trade-off. (and Anaru happens to be pretty BAD at life return, so he can only do it so many times.)

Location: Conomi Islands

Interacting: @LokiLeo789

"Fast and an explosive ability, that's a dangerous combination." Anaru let out a growl, as the explosions rained down at him, he exhaled, as everything seemed to slow around him for a moment. and then, Anaru's frame suddenly shrunk, all of his bulk was gone, packed into lean muscles, this was the work of his life return ability.

"Lets see how quick, you really are." Anaru said, with a grin, his two sharp teeth caught the sun nicely. in a blur he was zipping across the deck, avoiding explosion after explosion. he ran up the collapsing mast, and leaped into the air above Xerxes. "Arrogance will be your downfall, Slim down nail gun!" Anaru let another flurry of punches rain, this time however, the afterimages were much more frequent, the air shells rained, much smaller but MUCH faster and more frequent, like a rain of insanely swift knives.
@RyoRyoRyoken here's my two cents, its two pennies (HAHAHA i'm so wacky.) but for real, I like the sound of that, as we progress we could expand the roster of allowed people (slowly), I think that's a good idea, but then again i'm not a Gm at all so uh, What do I know?
I gotta bring my big book of ape puns out!

Location: Conomi Islands

Anaru looked as though he was about to explode, his body was tense, and a vein on his forehead looked like it was going to pop at any moment. he stares Xerxes down, his eyes filled with primal anger. "You're the one who blew up the ships, I take it?" Anaru clenches his fists, looking ready to strike.

"I might show mercy to your crewmates, but you, you're going to suffer before you reach the prison." Anaru's long hair danced behind him, as he pulls back his fist. "Dancing..Mountain.." the air seems as thick as pea soup, as Anaru brings his left arm back. "Nail..GUN!" Anaru lets loose a flurry of blows, several afterimages of his left arm appearing, as a barrage of air-shells fly at Xerxes. the blows kept coming, Anaru didn't let up, he was buying time for some of his men to get the retreating pirates in their sights, so they could fire their net guns.

"ROCK..SOLIIID!" Anaru screams, as he continues letting loose shells of air. Anaru shouts over the sound of solid air, flying like bullets. "Men! formation B!" he shouts, as the marines near Jackal lock into a formation, men with insulated riot shields were at the head of the line, spears (an unusual thing for marines to use.) pointed forward for range. directly behind them were gunners, who put their guns between the shields, to fire at Jackal, and at the sides, and back, to defend from any other attacks, were trained swordsmen.

Formation B had another use, however. it was to let the two men with net guns, hiding in the crow's nest, to fire when ready. The ninja woman, and the oddly calm man, (who Anaru had to assume was the captain, given the fact that he threw orders around so readily.) in their sights.

"You will not escape me, Pirates!" Anaru shouts, he didn't stop throwing shells of air for a single second, hoping to force the explosive man (Xerxes) to defend, instead of attack. Anaru had a big idiot grin on his face, he didn't even bother with a poker face, the pirates though he was an idiot, so they wouldn't expect a strategy from him.

@Ira @LokiLeo789 @dragonmancer @malmshodes


Location: East Blue Seas, Approaching Conomi Island Swiftly.

As Freya was put on the line, the communication's officer began to speak. but was nearly instantly interrupted by a massive roar of anger, from Anaru himself, followed by the noise of him lobbing several heavy objects. those heavy objects were in fact, cannonballs, thrown faster and with more power than a regular cannon could muster, at the pirates by the dock. "Those men, WERE UNDER MY COMMAND! I will not, let their deaths be in vain!" Anaru shouts, it was very out of context, but the sounds of explosions were a pretty big give away.

Anaru rolled his neck, his massive arms tensing up as he lets another cannonball fly, his ship was charging the island at high speeds. as he tossed cannonballs at the Sunny Massacre Pirates, screaming about 'Rock Solid Justice' the entire time. Anaru was so furious about the destruction of the two lesser ships, that his long messy hair, was flying around like a flag in the wind, a sign that his life return wasn't something he had under control.

"I want these pirates in chains my friends! we will NOT let our comrades deaths be for nothing!" Anaru announced, he looked like he was going to bust a vein, he was so tense. just then, his head of communications informed him Freya was on the other line. "Oh." Anaru said. "These pirates are more dangerous than we thought, Freya, were at the front of the island, the village's port, I want your ship to sail from behind, catch the pirates in between our forces, but be careful, one of'em has some sort of explosive ability." Anaru said, before going back to screaming about justice, and throwing cannonballs. at this point, the ship was about to literally crash into the port, this marine ship had something most didn't, a type of battering ram as their ship's bow. when it manages to hit the port, it was going to hit hard.

@Pacifista @LokiLeo789 @Ira @dragonmancer @malmshodes

Hah yeah, I thought it'd be nice to at least reference @Pacifista 's character in some way, just to give a chance to get into the story easier.
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