Avatar of GubGar


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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Well, damn, the rise and fall of the Sunny Massacre Pirates..a two page book. by Xerxes "The Guy Who Fled"
oh boy, this turned into a bad situation for Sunny Massacre quickly, I was expecting them to make a 'strategic retreat' and leave the marines wanting to hunt them down. hopefully they'll make it out okay, Anaru's thickheaded-ness kind of automatically makes him think Xerxes is a rival.
Locations: Conomi Islands

Interacting with: @LokiLeo789 @Hillan @RyoRyoRyoken @Ira [@malonshodes] @Tsukoreyu @Pacifista

Anaru glared at Xerxes as he was fleeing, he couldn't let these monsters get away, not after what they had done to this place, and his troops. Anaru reeled his fist back, and said. "Nail gun-" but just before he sent the fist forward, an intense slash tore apart the area around him, raining debris, and rubble, down onto him.

Anaru looked like he was going to bust a vein, as pieces of wood and rock slammed against him, not even shaking him. "You Sunny Massacre Pirates.." Anaru said in a tense, but lower than usual voice. "Will not go unpunished! I don't care if I have to chase you around the world, you will be caught!" Anaru would have chased after them, but he had to tend to his wounded troops, so he slammed the ground, sending himself flying to help his men.

Anaru landed on the ground infront of them, helping some men up, ordering those who weren't as badly injured, or not injured at all, to help the others. "We must honor our fallen, soldiers, but do not think of this as a defeat, this is a goal, we will avenge our fallen, with our ROCK SOILD JUSTICE!" Anaru shouted, even though on the inside, he was feeling like a massive failure, those thoughts made him remember his former 'family', and what happened to them, Anaru shuddered. these were his new family, he wouldn't let any more of them die. "Get Freya on the line, I need to inform her that I am alright, and she should proceed after the pirates." Anaru's head of communication, who luckily was not injured during the battle, scrambled off towards his Den Den Mushi.

That left Anaru to stare at his destroyed ship, his dead and dying soldiers, and the island he failed to protect. "I should turn in my coat, for a jester's hat, seeing as how that's what I might as well be." Anaru muttered, he wasn't one to let himself sulk though, he would come back stronger than before, and next time, he wouldn't let his men, or the civilians suffer. Anaru's smile returned to his face, as he let out a booming laugh, No he thought. There's no need to have a pity party, because I WILL catch them.
Haha! I feel really silly now, the big deal was resolved, I should be posting normally, sorry if I worried anyone, it wasn't a false alarm, but the two parties managed to sort their differences out after a cool-down period.
@Ira its nothing too major, but your concern is really appreciated, thanks, I should get over it soon.
Just a warning: I might not post tomorrow, I mean I MIGHT, but it depends how i'm feeling, tonight i'm nursing some emotional wounds, nothing to worry about, but y'know when you're bummed, you don't really want to do anything.
@Hillan woops! I got in the zone there, this fight is really intense, hope you feel the same way, @LokiLeo789
Another disclaimer about my recent post, Anaru's brain was going a mile a minute, that's why the time it took for the explosion to happen seems so long. (I should probably just explain it better in my post, then disclaimers won't be necessary..)

Location: Archepeligo known as the Conomi Islands.

Interacting: @LokiLeo789

Anaru frowned, he hadn't expected this pirate to be so fast, as to catch his 'nail', Anaru gave credit for that, and the man couldn't have known 'Nail's true effect. as Xerxes' palm catches the blow, the cone of force around Anaru's punch vanishes with a whistle. Anaru's body seemed to be chilled to the core, when Xerxes said, with his quiet, but filled with bloodlust voice "cull the meek." afterwards Anaru only heard his heartbeat, but he knew what must be done. the nail was set, it was time for the hammer.

Anaru's body shook, his gorilla hair seemed to bristle up, fluff up, and flatten against his body, his muscles expanding as he brought his other hand forward. it struck the hand held by Xerxes. in a booming voice, that seemed to echo, Anaru shouted "HAMMER!" a funnel of force erupts, tearing apart everything behind Xerxes, even a bit of the ocean itself was missing a chunk. but that wasn't the worst of it, nail was made to pierce, hammer was made to shatter what nail had pierced, Xerxes had inadvertently let himself get 'pierced' by nail, so his arm would suffer for it, Anaru was about to smile, until he got blown up.

Anaru flew across the air, "This is gonna leave a mark." he thought out loud, at least that pirate, Xerxes' arm would be out of commission, at least that's what he assumed, last time he 'hammered' someone's arm it turned into red vapor, he doubted the same would happen to a pirate as dangerous as him, but the damage would be great regardless. Anaru then went through a burning house, and hit the ground with a thunderclap. the pain was intense, most men would give up, call it quits and lay down, but Anaru couldn't give up, his men weren't, not even when faced with that dragon, so Anaru stood. his body shaking, blood dripping down him. his clothing was shredded except for a tanktop, and his pants. he didn't realize until now, but the impact shook him so hard, he went out of his hybrid mode. "Rock..SOLID!" Anaru shouted, raising his fists into a defensive stance infront of him, THIS was the reason people called him the stubborn gorilla.
@BCTheEntity that's actually a really interesting question, i'd say a life return MASTER might be able to slow down the aging process, but I think that halting it all together would be just about the hardest thing possible, either way I really like life return, and all its potential. which is why I gave Anaru small amounts of life return, so I could build upon that, without giving myself too many powers at the start.
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