Avatar of GubGar


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1 mo ago
but can they beat goku
1 mo ago
Making me choose between bugs vs frogs is actually messed up. I think Acorn Weevils might clutch it for bugs though.
2 mos ago
Trying to get my hands on some unregistered spellbooks for those sweet pre-Mageblight spells. If anyone has one with 'Gerber's Ball of 20 Spiders' hmu.
3 mos ago
deeply upset that I am now imagining Peter Griffin's hypothetical moveset
5 mos ago
Spiders are cool as hell, it isn't their fault our brains are wired to be alarmed by many-legged things skittering


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Pretty sure you meant to say "Like it had a mind of it's own". His entire body is alive.

I hope.

- @Hillan

Nope, only half.
Man, I wish I had a body that was alive.

- @Hillan

Yeah, I made Anaru's body alive, because its my fantasy.

(On a serious note, I meant to say ENTIRE body was alive, woops, i'm too lazy to edit tho.)
Sorry? Anaru is about to make homerun with Dirk's head and you say sorry. Thats just nasty.

- @LokiLeo789

It was a very heartfelt apology though..
@BCTheEntity I'm so sorry.

Drum Island

Anaru was laughing, before the laugh turned into a frown, as he observed what was happening to Vice Admiral St Laurant, he was about to come to his aid, before he felt a stinging pain from his arm, and his back, blood trickled down, as Anaru turned around, to see a man dash off, Oh. Anaru thought, before acting on instinct. everything seemed to slow, as Anaru began to roar, the force of his voice shaking smaller branches.

His body shrunk, smaller than his normal hybrid form, as his arms grew even larger, his gorilla hair seemed to flatten around his wounds, to slow the bleeding, it was like his body was alive. "You shouldn't have done that." Anaru said calmly, before taking off at newfound speeds after the backstabber, and swinging the massive club at him, like a baseball bat. "This is, my power of Justice!" A splintering sound echoed, as the massive branch was swung, the sheer force seemed to smack away the air itself, as the air was pushed away, to make a sort of shell around the branch, Anaru laughing all the while, despite being stabbed twice. "BRANCH, HAMMER!"
Dirk's next post is going to be finding a good opportunity to backstab a guy. Except that's prolly not going to be happening for a little while yet, since Zepp is now where Jax is, Anaru's got a giant tree branch for a club and is strong as fuck, Marxo's going Super Marine 2 against Super Pirate Marxo, and Adrian's not in the huge tree right now, so Dirk can't reach him at the moment. Though realistically, Anaru's the most likely backstab target, just because aside from being theoretically RRRRRROCK SOLID, he doesn't have much going for him in terms of defense. And, well, he's kind of alone right now. What do you think, @NachoBachoPacho?

- @BCTheEntity

You uh, you picked a good choice to backstab, but i'm pretty sure Anaru would take the stab in stride, and proceed to flatten everything he can with his giant tree branch club, plus i'm really hoping that Zepp won't just slide away from Anaru's back, and leave him to get stabbed, but then again, he is kind of a troll.

Edit: Zepp left me, this is the worst breakup ever.
I'm waiting for the day that Anaru gets to have an all-out slugfest. Damn near every fight he's been in has been against somebody with a DF ability that complicates things for the big guy.

- @RyoRyoRyoken

I'm actually hoping to fight Samehana for that exact reason, though I expect Mccree- I mean Church, to just shoot Anaru in the back of the head mid fight.
In Fairy Tail 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

"Don't worry about my stance, knowing someone's style of magic is an advantage, but it can be easily overcome, here's an example," Nendo said, a big smile on his face, he was starting to feel at ease now, perhaps he could finally relax, and focus, instead of panicking. regardless, a brown magic circle appeared behind him, as he struck his hands forward. "Clay make: Clay Knights!" Several knights, made of clay, appear in front of Nendo, holding various weapons, also made of clay, the knights were about seven feet each, and their weapons were large as well.
In Soul Eater 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Joseph slammed open his door, and looked like he walked straight out of the 80s, complete with parachute pants, hippy glasses, and a (hopefully fake) afro. "So, is your disguise ready?" Joseph asked, a stupid grin on his face, did he think this was a joke? or did he just, not grasp the situation properly, regardless, he kept grinning at Griffin. "I even have a fake name, Dave Mccree." This was going to be, a long day.
@Tmitche23 Edited my post, sorry it took so long, procrastination is a bad bad thing, that I have a lot of, at least now Anaru has a big ol' weapon.
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