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Never ask about the children, Margaret..
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Lewds available on request ༼ ಥ ل͜ – ༽

Most Recent Posts

Not claimed, feel free to hop aboard while we are still on post 1.

Star is available, you are free to apply.
There's a ton of other ones available, and if you have any questions feel free to poke me on the forum or discord.

Magician was already claimed by another player on the interest check, sorry!
@Infinite Cosmos

There is room until all of the arcana are taken.
Stonehill District
West Gate
Evening - - Raining

Cast: [@Everyone but Yankee], Rooster, Farfa, Brustle’s Men
Possible Checks: Culture, Commerce, Karma


The wooden wheels of the carriage that brought you here trailed down the steep incline of the dirt-laid road and into the distance until ultimately it was out of sight. You weren't sure which of these individuals had traveled to Goeta for the same reason as you, but all hopped out of for cart upon its arrival. A cambion-looking fellow with fiery features and sun-kissed skin turned towards the group, loudly shouting and waving his arms to get their attention.

“Everyone! If you are here to speak with the moguls of Goeta, please follow me! I am Farfa, representative of the Comoita family. We will be making our way through Stonehill until we reach the Bridge on Crossroads! Stay close, don't talk to anyone, and don't buy anything! Thank you.”

The demon-blooded individual spoke in common, knowing that the majority of the likely wouldn't know gutterspeech or infernal. But his words were enthusiastic, and hopeful, even though there was nothing to base that on with these strangers. Farfa’s expression remained bright and warm with a cheery smile stretched from ear to ear. He marched to the door with the assumption that those who he spoken to would follow, not even bothering to glance over his shoulder for confirmation.

“Hold it.” A gruff voice growled out.

As the short sentence met Farfa’s ears, he came to a complete halt. For a moment the demon lingered, as if he was in a brief trance before shaking his head and averting his eyes towards the gate where a burly goblin sat upon a large stone with his legs crossed. Farfa’s eyes widened, looking quickly to the group of new arrivals before returning a softened expression back to that goblin. The demon beamed a toothy grin, sharpened fangs pressing over his lower lip as he greeted the unhappy looking half-squat with green skin.

“Rooster! Of course, you would be the first face I see. How have you faired in the three-no-four moons that I have been off rallying able-bodied men and women?” Farfa flutters his eyelashes.

“Shut ya’ stupid mouf. Where's my coin?” The goblin barked back, spitting brown-black phlegm onto the grass below.

“Eh.. Uh.. Well.. It's going to storm! Look at the grey clouds overhead, and the air is already brimming with energy. Let me buy you some mead in the Bleeding Hollow, we can speak of coin there!” Farfa’s charismatic tome tried to masque his nervousness, but anyone could see through that paper-thin facade.

“Who’s those folks, outsiders? Why they followin’ ya?” Rooster asks out brashly whilst peeling himself off the stone and stepping towards the tall grey-haired individual that absolutely reeked of human. “This’un is a human. Ya’ plan on selling him to Lady Niv?”

“N-ow, now.. They're not here as residents. They've come to work, to speak with some of the higher voices of Goeta, and then to leave.” Farfa instinctively slithered between Germaine and Rooster, for forming a very fickle barrier. But it was something.

Rooster’s eyes them danced from Germaine, to Galahad, lingering on the visibly militant half-blood for a while. But eventually, he would relent into a sigh, deflating and turning his back to the new arrivals and stepping towards the west gate. At the large wooden entrance, two towering grey-skinned ogres stood at each side. They were garbed in chain, and place, clearly meant to withstand combat and armed with a greataxe at each side.

Rooster nodded to each of them, and the reinforced doormen silently nodded back before pressing an plated gauntlet to the wooden surface. The gate opens and the goblin enters, firing the strangers a cautious look painted upon his face. The ogres then quickly slam the gate closed, their face beneath the plated helms staring straight ahead toward the group of hired help. Farfa sighed in relief the moment Rooster disappeared into the city, still though, his dramatic expressions would continue as he looked back towards the ensemble on the verge of tears.

And then the rain began, a slow yet consistent shower from the heavens and a rumbling levin brightly sparking through the dark clouds.

Dante’s Run
Fito’s Ferry
Evening - - Raining

Cast: @Yankee, Yrga, Comoita Men
Possible Checks: Commerce, Karma

“Put it on the table!”
”She’s crazy! Get your hand away!”

”She took off his finger, run away!”

The small wooden shack that could hold no more than ten men empties in no time at all. With each heavy footfall of demon, orc, goblin, the dark water shook and ripples traveled outward beneath. The beeswax candles began to sputter as raindrops started to fall with the storm’s arrival, and the tall orcish woman smiled as fond memories came with it.

“Ah, I love the rain.” Yrga chirps out, tugging at the small raven skulls woven into her belt and bouncing on her toes.

Her eyes glance back towards the table where Barbatos sat, a freshly bloodied finger and mismatched piles of coin spread across the wooden surface. The orc’s smile remained, seeming to have only grown giddier having removed a lizardman’s finger from their hand. She spins on the tip of her boots, a strike of lightning illuminated the rather dimly lit watering hole for a moment. It was empty other than her, him, and the imp that worked the bar.

“Should be enough to bring back home, no? I'll even let you keep the finger.” Yrga mused as she slowly took a stride back to the small drinking table, finding a seat on the opposite side to him.

The small winged creature that cleaned the glass cups behind the countertop would sheepishly chime in before Barbatos could offer words back to the orc. ”Don’t forget your tab~.” But the moment his nasally tone muttered out, a hard orcish fist crashed down on the table. Yrga slowly turning her vision towards the tiny demon and branding him with a glare.
Karma dictates how others perceive you before you’ve even spoke to them.
High karma means you pass the vibe check, low karma means they’re immediately suspicious.

Good thing you are a ghost with that karma.
Love the concept, and I would like some PMs about his less upfront details.
Stats are good, NPC target #1 for scams when they get the chance to interact.
You can throw him on the boat dad.

We love Drow, everything here looks good other than the stat allowance.
Once thats adjusted, we’re ready to go.

Once the adjustments that I requested in diecord are made, you can move her over.
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