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In Hey! 9 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Forgot to post here on my first few days haha, hello! I'm sort of new to this site, but I think I've got the gist of what to do! I look forward to roleplaying with a lot of you!

Golden Star
Marvel Character: Union Jack (Brian Falsworth)

Name: Jie Wan

Identity: Public, due to her affiliation with S.H.I.E.L.D

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Team: Affiliated with S.H.I.E.L.D, otherwise no.

Physical Description:
Jie stands at 5 foot 6 and has a thin, but muscular physique. Her hair is medium length and black, and she wears it in the style of 'ox horns' when in 'costume', while wearing it down when she's off duty. Her eyes are a rather normal brown.

While her weapons vary depending on her mission, she has a few staple weapons that come with her on every mission. Primarily her combat knife, accompanied by either a silenced M1911 pistol or a silenced Uzi sub-machine gun.

Jie possesses two powers, her enhanced body and her control over electricity. Her enhanced body encompasses all aspects of her, she can lift up to 1,000 lbs, sprint at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour and fall from several stories with little to no injury.

Along with this, she has some control over electricity after her fight with Thor years previous. She is able to generate bursts of electricity from her hands and in turn uses this electricity in order to power up her attacks.

While her durability is enhanced somewhat, Jie is very much mostly human. Her durability really just extends to blunt force and the like, a bullet will still kill her if she isn't wearing proper gear.

Jie is an expert with most forms of weaponry, be it firearm or melee. Along with this, she has knowledge of numerous fighting techniques and creeds, favouring Jeet Kune Do over most others. She is also a highly skilled operative of S.H.I.E.L.D and her time in the Toy Dolls program has taught her many different military skills and whatnot, mostly to do with covert operations. She is also apt in psychological de-programming as a result of the Toy Dolls program.

Resourceful and determined, Jie is the perfect soldier. While on mission, she will often take the role of leader when with a squad, especially since her appointment with S.H.I.E.L.D. She takes her work rather seriously, and an insult to it is an insult to her, and will quickly anger her to the point of foolhardiness.

Outside of her work, Jie portrays an elegant, sweet and feminine personality, topped with a dash of fun loving and cheerfulness.

The 玩具公仔 or 'Toy Doll' program was a set of experiments devised by an underground Chinese organisation by the name of 'The Poison Tail'. The program was solely subjected onto infant girls, most of which were taken on the night of their birth. Many of the infants were taken on the same night, the 28th of December, and the surviving members of the Toy Doll program were all born on this day.

The program was headed by Dr. Sibo Liu and was overseen by him until his eventual death during the escape of the Toy Dolls. The Toy Dolls were injected at birth with various experimental toxins and chemicals, and were subjected to a rigorous training regime throughout their lives within the program. The reason for the programs creation is unknown, but many theorize they were to be used for political and corporate assassination, along with being rented out as assassins for hire.

While the Toy Dolls escaped the facility, many conspiracy theorists rumour that The Poison Tail have begun operating once again and the former Toy Doll, Golden Star has gone public in saying that she is tracking and hunting down this new resurgence to the best of her ability.

Background history:
Jie was born on the 28th of December to a family of farmers, she was destined to grow up in her parents footsteps and take over the farm for them when they were too old to work on it. She was born as a twin, with her sister being only a minute or so younger than her. Unfortunately, the sisters never even got to see their parents properly, let alone the farm before they were snatched away by 'The Poison Tail'.

The Poison Tail were a set of organisations who came together to build a secret underground facility for the creation and training of a set of assassins. These assassins were named the 'Toy Dolls' for their gender, and the way that their hair was styled into Ox Buns. Roughly around 50 infants were snatched from multiple countries across the world, with the majority being taken from Chinese hospitals.

The girls grew up in very secluded lives. They only ever interacted with 4 or 5 other Toy Dolls when not doing training or a simulation, and their knowledge of the outside world was limited to the books, technology and weaponry they were forced to learn how to utilize. Occasionally they would be treated to a movie or even a full season of a television show if they were lucky, but these events were few and far between.

Nevertheless, the Toy Dolls formed a sisterly bond between each other and became the best of friends through their strife within the facility. For the first 6 or so years of the Toy Dolls lives, they were treated rather well, but this quickly changed when they had all turned 7. Psychological torture and beatings began becoming commonplace in order to stop them from cracking under pressure or torture. Disobeying a direct order could result in weeks of solitary confinement and many died during the first year of this treatment.

The few who survived began becoming battle hardened machines, their powers came to fruition and The Poison Tail began hiring out super villain contractors to help train these powers. By the time they were 14, the Toy Doll project was almost complete, and they were becoming more and more brainwashed into becoming the assassins The Poison Tail had always wanted them to be.

Unfortunately, Jie wasn't one to crack under that sort of pressure. She had always kept a firm grasp on her humanity and began turning the other Toy Dolls back into their former selves as time went on. They devised a plan to break free of the facility during their weapons training course and put the plan into action as soon as possible. The plan went extremely smoothly, with the only death being that of the head researcher, Dr. Sibo Liu.

The girls escaped the facility and travelled as a troupe until they were discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D. They gave them the option of becoming anything they'd like, essentially setting them up with any job or life they could ever dream of. Many of the girls wished for a normal life, and got what they wished, Jie, however wished to be a superhero. Nick Fury was never one to break his promises and set Jie up in a training program in her home country of China.

She became a proper hero by the time she turned 18, and went by the alias of 'Golden Star', an homage to her home country's flag. She became extremely well known within China for her crime stopping ways, battling normal criminal and super villain alike in the quest for peace. Recently she has moved to America, as per the request of S.H.I.E.L.D, in order to help combat some of the more dangerous villains there.

My characters and pictures I want/intend to use!

Maybe interested!
@The Kid Lantern Is there any more room left?

I only joined recently and he never said anything about closing applications so I think you should be fine to apply!
<Snipped quote by Crimson Clover>

Where she was able to break the poison tails influence on the other toy dolls. when black widow tried to cure hawkeye of loki's cepter.

Uh, I don't really see how that's a skill?
These are opinions, not set in stone. some of you I PMed.
@Crimson CloverGood, Add 'weakness' and I would suggest 'psychological de-programing' to her skillset given her oigin.
@BlackPanther Good, No utter immortality, yet. And he can be killed with his own carbocanium sword. seperate abilities into 'skills' and 'powers' please. Are you going regular witty crazy or 4th wall knowing you are a forum creation and using ooc in the IC crazy?]
@Roosan Good with one limitation, a sword that 'no armor can stop or slow' might have been fine 2500 years ago, but I don't want a sword that slices through anything. since 2500 years ago was still the iron age, I'm okay with adding "no mere iron armor can stop or slow" meaning it can cut through any pure iron and deal loads of damage to steel, but not just one-shot anyone. Also 'skills and powers' along with 'weakness'
@Archmage MC I'd like to see a 'skills' and 'powers' section added with 'weakness' and we can see about origins.
@ClantyGood, no complaints, please add weakness
@PhoenixForceGood, no problems
@knighthawkNeed to add weakness
@TimeMasterXMostly good, sent a PM, add a 'skills' section.

Sorry, but what is psychological de-programming? Adding weakness now!
Zhang's eyes grew weary as she watched bag after bag circle around the conveyor belt like one of those hypnotic circles that seemed to go on forever. She looked at the small, black watch that rested on her dainty wrist. It was edging close and closer to 2am, China time that is. She looked up at a large clock hanging on the wall opposite and adjusted her watch accordingly, she was going to have a hell of a lot of jetlag, that was for sure.

Finally her suitcase slowly made its way around to her. She picked it off the conveyor belt and got on her way, explaining to the security guards that the reason she was carrying knives in her bag was because 'Batman said it was fine' was hard enough back in China, where she wasn't jet lagged, it was going to be a hell of a lot harder with the feeling of tiredness that was becoming more and more troublesome as the day went on.

It had been a few days since she'd arrived in America and, Zhang was anxious to meet her new team. She'd been informed about their recent fight, and knew about their losses. She was more anxious that she'd say something inappropriate than she was about meeting them in all honesty. She'd dressed appropriately enough for the occasion, she actually put on a baggy pair of jogging bottoms and a zip-up hoodie, rather than her usual attire of board shorts and a t-shirt.

She approached the hotel room, hesitating before she knocked on the door. She breathed in and breathed out rather heavily as a futile attempt to stop the feeling of nervousness overcoming her. Nevertheless, she put on a smile and knocked on the door. No answer. This was problematic. Being herself, Zhang simply turned the handle and took a step in, seeing the rather messy room along with a rather tall boy attempting to clean the room.
"Uh, I'm looking for the Titans?" She asked.
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