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Lord Leo Smithwood

Time: Morning
Location: Sorian’s shrine of Edin
Interactions: Riona @JJ Doe
Daily Misfortune: Leo's hair and skin are now hot pink.

“You thought a collection of tacky, women’s shoes that looked like a sugared-up child picked them out were appropriate for a fashionable gentleman of my standing? If you’re going to lie, at least make it believable.” Leo answered with an eye roll. “No, for some reason you have decided to harbor a bizarre grudge against me. Going so far as to take the olive branch, I so graciously extended to you, snap it in half, and toss it aside. Like a petulant child.” He went on to explain, in great detail, exactly what was wrong with every shoe that was placed in his room. Until he got to the lion slippers, “I suppose even a broken clock is right twice a day, the slippers were acceptable. However, your ability to hold an umbrella steady is unimpressive.”

Leo was not letting the shoe situation go, perpetually irked by the fact that every time Riona was unable to follow simple orders, he was then forced to continue interacting with her. “I cannot understand why Lady Morrigan finds this an appropriate remedy, the burden of correcting unruly servants should not fall upon guests. This would never happen in Varian. Have I offended her somehow?” He paused, perplexed as to what he could’ve possibly done to offend Morrigan.

“Ah, never mind, how would you know the answer to that.” He chuckled at the thought of some random maid having any insights into Morrigan’s mind. “Now about my room, the furniture needs moved around…” Leo went on to explain how the placement of everything in his room needed to be rearranged in some manner and how he expected Riona to make sure that was taken care of by nightfall. Truly, Leo was enjoying the sound of his own voice again now that it was back to normal.

“And, since it seems beyond your understanding, I will explain how this works; I assign a task and you do it correctly. Then we can stop having these unwanted interactions, everyone wins. I can go about my day, unhindered by incompetence, and you can return to whatever it is you do when not bothering me. Oh like playing in horse muck. Speaking of, my horse, Menace, could also use some grooming. He can be a bit temperamental but I’m sure you’ll figure that out.” Leo then entered the strange shrine to Edin’s glory, feeling like he had handled this situation quite well.

“Refresh my memory, do you worship His Royal Majesty as if he were the embodiment of a god or because the King is divinely chosen?” He asked, he never paid much attention to religious practices. It was all just superstitious nonsense as far he was concerned, but while in attendance he should at least have some idea of what was going on today. “Don’t forget to put the umbrella away once inside.” He added. Once inside he looked for a seat near the back, just in case the service was boring. He didn’t want to be seen looking half asleep too close to a king, and currently, he stuck out like a sore thumb - one dipped in bright pink paint at that.
In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Interactions: Jun@JJ Doe, Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Arlen @SilverPaw
Equipment: A halberd and half-plate armor

A light elf, who Zion would soon find out was called Arlen, lept from the side of the ship in an acrobatic display. Zion offered an exuberant exclamation of “Outstanding!”, for the elf. Both for his impressive leap and for what he had said. Finally, some good news was delivered their way, they were right on time for breakfast! “Wonderful to meet you, Arlen.” The lion’s tail flicked with excitement, not only for breakfast but at the mention of an adventure afterward.

He nudged at Jun with his elbow. “Did you hear that? Breakfast and an adventure! See it ain't so bad here.” He attempted to whisper but there was little chance that anyone nearby couldn’t hear him. Zion flashed a large grin at the pirates as he tried to pretend that Jun was not pouting about being here.

He turned his head to Captain Tanithil as he asked for their sea-faring experience. “None. Never set foot or claw on a boat, and I avoid swimming. Certainly not a cat-fish.” He answered, his toothy grin only widening at his own joke. “Skills include huntin’, trackin’, and brawlin’ but I think I can manage diggin’ as well.” He nodded at the captain. “So where’s the best spot to grab a bite ‘round here?”
Lord Leo Smithwood

Time: Morning
Location: Sorian Palace: Guest House

The night had been a dreadful and sleepless affair. His stolen pocket watch and the thief, a person he’d spoken with, who he’d taken at their word simply due to her proximity to Nahir at the time, replayed in his mind. He fixated on every word of their conversation, noting every strange thing the woman had said, how she’d seem to have been trying to goad a reaction out of him the whole time. He wondered if Nahir was also in it and then immediately felt guilt for suspecting royalty of such a petty act. His thoughts were occasionally interrupted by giggle fits that began to wane in frequency. As the sun began to break he noticed his voice had finally returned to normal. At least the strange illness had gone.

Leo had decided to start his day off early, sending one of his own servants out to fetch shoes the moment the shops opened and headed off to wash yesterday’s troubles away with a nice bath. He lounged in the tub of hot water until it grew cold, reminding himself that everything involving his voice was back to normal, his shoe situation would soon be fixed, and that he would find that watch even if he had to tear Caesonia apart brick by brick himself. It was a new day, yesterday’s problems were in the past. He breathed easier.

But as he exited the tub he noted a new disturbance. He looked at his hands, his arms, then he checked the mirror. He stood there frozen in a state of shock. What the fuck?

His skin, his hair, all of him was now hot pink. Several baths later he finally realized this was not washing off. In fact, the incessant scrubbing seemed to have only made it brighter.

And he was supposed to go to King Edin’s Royal Worship today! While sporting the plumage of a flamingo? It has to be the water here. He convinced himself, hoping that he was not the only one who’d soaked in water that was clearly contaminated with something. He dawned a robe and returned to his room, avoiding looking to see if anyone noticed the flamingo man walking through the halls. He continued pacing around his room, repeatedly checking the mirror there and noting that he was in fact, still very, very pink.

He wondered if he should seek out a doctor, what if whatever was in the water was toxic? Eventually, he decided against that, mostly because he hated seeing doctors and did not want to miss the grand opening of The Royal Curd. So he got dressed, several times, trying to find something that didn’t clash with his new shading. It was a fruitless effort, no matter what he put on he was still ridiculously pink. Leo left his room in a gray linen suit and headed to church. Almost fitting to look this ridiculous while attending an event that he guessed would be equally ridiculous.

Daily Misfortune: Leo's hair and skin are now hot pink. Seriously, what's in Sorian's water???
In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: North Pass; Cabin
Interactions: Rue@Potter, Bardulf@Lava Alckon, Bridgette, Mister Luum@FunnyGuy, and Zeva@Pink Khione, Masako @dreamingflowers
Equipment:Sword, hunting knife, a backpack with supplies, and a stoat named Raze who naps in the pocket of his vest.

“Or…” Bowyn spoke up following Bardulf’s hunting game for amas suggestion. He moved around the cabin’s main room as he spoke, scratching at his nose and constantly peaking out windows or watching the door. “Instead of game, we can hunt large beasties and goblin hoards, bigger ama payout, and doubles as training.” He suggested; there were always good rewards offered to those brave enough to hunt down the large and dangerous creatures that roamed and reaped havoc through Avalia. “Then we can keep game meat for ourselves and cut down food costs.” Bowyn continued, he could see little reason for them to spend much, if anything, on food when most, or all, of the group could easily hunt and forage.

Bowyn had spent enough time in North Pass that it was almost like a second home, it was great for hunting, winter fairies weren’t out of place here, and it was always coated in snow. Other than his village, he couldn’t think of a better town to be in. The everpresent cold that seeped and snuck its way into everything, though every crack in the cabin’s woodwork, made his magic feel stronger. The constant embrace of icy chill made everything feel a little more comforting. It made his self-appointed duty of staying up all night, pacing around the doors and windows, locked in a state of heightened awareness; just in case anything were to happen. He felt less lonely in the cold, he didn’t feel tired either but maybe that was due to all the flarus he’d snorted. It wasn’t the cold that caused Bowyn’s nose to run.

He glanced at Zeva, who seemed chilled to the bone despite being indoors and covered in a blanket. “Rue and I can go shopping, seems like you’ll need more than a cloak to keep the frost from biting.” He offered. He’d do almost anything to get out of the cabin and into the fresh air.

In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Gaurav Village
Interactions: Phia@princess, Darius@FunnyGuy, Dante@Alivefalling, Menzai@samreaper
Equipment: A pack with some supplies, seeds (in his pockets), a small knife, a mask that hangs from his belt, a weapon with a shifting charm that is either a sickle or a glaive, and a shield/drum with an unbreakable charm.

"Is your family important for some reason or are they wanted for doing bad crimes?"

Cyrus opened his mouth but found the question too complicated for an answer. Dante and Darius bantered about a garden he’d never heard of as Phia slid apples across the table. Menzai emphasized caution and sticking together, he looked as if the burden of all of Avalia rested upon his shoulders, then excused himself from the table.

“Both.” He answered after a long, opened mouth, pause. “Bad crimes being resistance against dark elf rule.” He answered carefully, and since he was certain Menzai already knew and the other three were trustworthy, he added, “My family, royals of The River Fairy Kingdom, refused to be usurped by a false king without a fight. We lost.” He spoke, a hollow statement of facts without attachment to them.

“There were always plants and animals in abundance, I hope that has not changed. And music, everywhere, always someone filling the air with sound, always people dancing. A very fun place to be.” He looked from Phia to the two human brothers, who wanted a day of fun and hoped his home hadn’t changed too much since he last saw it. “We can only give the fliers to people we are sure can be trusted, those uninterested in aiding dark elves for their own gain.” He said but Cyrus quickly realized this would be a hard thing to gauge.

Time: Night
Location: Edge of Lover’s Lake-Roman Ceremony
Interactions: City Guards, Ana@princess, Ari@Tpartywithzombi

A wide grin overtook his serious expression as the guards scrambled to remove their boots. Metal clanked and rattled, some of them nearly toppled over in their haste to follow his command. He hadn’t expected a silly demand, coming from him, to be followed as faithfully as it was, and his reaction was to delight in the brief moment of power and control he wielded. Quickly the grin vanished.

“You have already been told to leave this place by myself, Princess Anastasia, and Prince Munir Ibn Raif al Kadir. I should not have to repeat that.” A voice that barely seemed to belong to him continued. “And inform Countess Damien that a messy room and her inability to keep track of her daughter is not a valid reason to show contempt for our honored guests. Neither I, nor Princess Anastasia, will tolerate any further disrespect towards Varian or Alidasht.” Callum shouted, everyone in attendance would have no trouble hearing that. After all, he had told Wulfric he would work on improving relations with their foreign neighbors, and this was merely him keeping his word. It wasn’t Cal’s fault the beloved Damiens had caused an incident.

Once the guards had taken their leave he draped one arm around Ari’s shoulders and the other on Ana’s. “Thanks for the backup, think I could ask for one more favor? This has been enough excitement for me, I’d like a peaceful, unfollowed, walk back home. Think the two of you could help cause a distraction so I can lose my guards?” He asked, looking first at Ana, “Maybe rile everyone up for your night swim after party?” He suggested before turning to Ari, “And we can continue our talk tomorrow?” He offered, with a smile that conveyed he was certainly up to something tonight.
Lord Leo Smithwood

Time: Evening
Location: Masquerade Ball: Damien Estate
Interactions: Fritz/Riona @JJ Doe, Nahir @Rodiak,
Mentions: Watch-thief Suspect #1 @Potter
Daily Misfortune: An annoyingly high-pitched voice and random fits of laughter.
Predictable Costume: Leo the Lion

Leo couldn’t help but wonder about Nahis’s choice of friends; if the other woman even was a friend and not simply a fresh acquaintance. “Indeed it might, but the keeper of the lost and found, I am not. Splintering one’s focus is the best way to ensure nothing gets accomplished.” He replied, it was simply not his responsibility to track down the owner of a lost object. The way the woman in orange went on about servants stirred a chuckle. “I can assure you it is not an impossible task to cater to one’s guest while ensuring no crimes are committed during a party.” Leo didn’t find this to even be a high standard either, only a baseline expectation.

“My mother hosts many events, they tend to be a bit livelier than this, and all without a hitch. A testament to proper leadership.” Despite the turmoil in their relationship, Leo never missed an opportunity to remind people that Dutchess Smithwood excelled at her duty. “But seeing is believing, so might I have your name so I can ensure an invite to the next gala in Stravy reaches you along with Shahzadi Nahir and her family?” He offered, before turning to Nahir. “The views in autumn are exceptional. Expansive forests with the leaves painting a tapestry of warm colors, and the harbor is often described as breathtaking.” He talked up Stravy.

Since no further information on the likely thieves was relayed to him, and the unknown woman seemed more invested in talk of footwear than thieves it was clear that this conversation was becoming nothing more than a waste of time. The woman locked arms with Nahir like she was trying to forge a strange alliance against him. Over decluttering his room? He kept a tempered response in the presence of royalty. He rephrased the exaggerated tale she’d spun.

“Strange, to paint me as the villain when I simply removed the collection of gaudy footwear,” The irony of ‘gaudy’ coming from a man in a lion themed outfit, slippers and all, was lost on Leo. “That cluttered up my room and put it outside for the responsible party to clean up. But I should get back to my devious plan of finding my stolen watch. I wish you and Shahzadi Nahir a wonderful evening.” He offered a respectful bow and resumed his quest to find his watch. Leo scanned the crowd for a woman in dark blue with gloves.

A lull in the music timed with the scattering of glass caught his attention. A sea of faces turned to look as a woman matching that description ran from the ball. His prime suspect on the run, so close to an escape, with his pocketwatch nowhere to be found.

“There’s been a pickpocket stealing around the ball tonight.” Leo rushed to the nearest guard. “I bet that’s her.” He explained.

And then the giggling returned.
In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Interactions: Jun@JJ Doe, Tanithil @Lava Alckon
Equipment: A halberd, hunting knife (unless Jun lost it), half-plate armor.

“You must be Tanithil!” Zion’s voice boomed with excitement, he had never met a friendly dark elf before. What an exciting day! His eyes wandered to the ship behind the man, a nice enough-looking boat but it sat perched atop an endless sea. Foul waters from which, should that boat sink, there would be no escape. A grimace formed as he thought about his chances of trying to swim, a skill he lacked, with only one arm. He hoped it planned on staying docked. “I am indeed Zion, and my quiet friend here is Jun the Unwavering, savior of young ones.” He introduced Jun, who remained silent, and bestowed upon him a title Zion felt was more worthy of a hero.

Zion waited for a moment, leaning against the halberd he could no longer properly swing. But Jun’s silence persisted. While Zion understood, he too was saddened to see Malachi and Kenia both called away for a different purpose, he did not want to enter a new team on the wrong foot. “Ah, it is hard to think of something to say when the cries of the belly demand attention.” Zion attempted to cover up Jun’s silence, and on cue, his stomach emitted its own mighty roar. “I hope we have not missed breakfast!” His head swiveled to one side as he caught the scent of fresh, hot, fish dishes wafting towards the dock. The motion nearly caused a fall, his balance still off-kilter, but he hardly noticed as he remembered the one good thing about the seas. They were filled with tasty fish!
In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Gaurav Village
Interactions: Phia@princess, Darius@FunnyGuy, Dante@Alivefalling, Menzai@samreaper
Equipment: A pack with some supplies, seeds (in his pockets), a small knife, a mask that hangs from his belt, a weapon with a shifting charm that is either a sickle or a glaive, and a shield/drum with an unbreakable charm.

Cyrus returned to the village only a little late for breakfast. His hair and clothing were still soaked from the rain and his pants were splattered with mud that also caked thick around his boot. He smelled of rain and forest with the sharp scent of zemak clinging to him, strongest of all. His time in Gaurav village had been filled with tension, misplaced bottled anger at Menzai for a situation out of the wolf’s control. An ever-following unease at building tension of those around him, the looming danger. Now his calm demeanor was restored, and all that bottled wrath dangled from his belt. Its hollow eyes kept watch, lying in wait for a time when it could be set free.

He ate quietly, barely listening to the ambient conversation as a warm meal easied the chill of rain away. His attention was caught only by the sound of Phia banging a spoon against the table. As she announced her idea, Cyrus slowly shook his head, but to his surprise, Menzai voiced his agreement. Far too exhausted to argue, he only turned his head to Menzai and spoke in a tone empty of emotion. “If I or any of my family are recognized, things will become very dangerous for us.” Then he looked at Phia, whose joy was an infectious thing, and offered a faint smile. “We must be very cautious who we share those fliers with. But I would like to buy you all a Riverfruit Slush.”
and three years later...is there any interest?

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