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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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Kakashi resorted to copying because he didn't have the necessary mana to use sharing an to its full potential. That or he just liked to troll. Notice that he never used genjutsu, if rarely and 1 kamui left him dead in his tracks. So basically he used the most basic skill, the one where you see through the others JUTSU, maybe even the time slowing one.

Even Sasuke could copy others. (from his fight with Lee) where he picked his moves only by seeing him once. And if you have a lot of chakra nature's(3 in kakashi's case) and basic level of sharingan anyone could copy. But most other have their own style which they deem to be better than resorting to copying.

This is purely my opinion based on real facts.

I mean, except Kakashi uses hella genjutsu. And he's got all five basic chakra natures.

And Kakashi was a jounin at 12. He doesn't set the bar particularly low. The copying aspect of the sharingan is completely nullified by the rules of the RP, though. Since a genin with the Sharingan are not allowed to copy every technique they see.

@Hillan As I pointed out on Skype, this would be useless as you can already "see through obstacles" and see chakra signatures. The only time this would be useful would be when fighting a robot (Asura path, or Savato's recycled Asura path shinobi).

But we have no plans of adding either of these.

Unless it's used to find heat sources deep underground. or like, anywhere, really. Really just gives them an extra layer of vision.

Alternatively, being able to see air currents or the like would be useful.

I'm just gonna throw out the idea that; that if during the harsh winter, the Byakugan learned how to see Thermal signatures.

I know, it's a little crazy.

I am confused as to why all clans must have a Mangekyo-equivalent. Perhaps I should petition for black fire bones. :p

Stop that.


You can read some of the history already. I'll continue working on it tomorrow, when it's not 1.30 AM.

They can also make soup release, depending on how crafty you are.

True story.
Its either 3 tails or 6 tails. A water based tailed beast. It would be bizarre inside someone who uses fire based attacks to have a water based spirit inside them. I think it would be interesting to see what would happen when you put the two natures that cancel each other out together in one person. Also they are my two favorite tailed beasts. Either a giant turtle or a giant slug would work

Fire and water make the Boil Release.

You're welcome.

@Hillan Well, both, as the Sarutobi and Hyuga are now both 'the biggest' and have the most sway, or am I confusing the Hyuga with another clan?

No, that would be correct.

@LokiLeo789 That'd really depend on what you'd want specifically. Also, the Hyuga clan is one of the leading clans, so I'm curious to how that'd affect them in general.

Founding clans, rather.
Hello, I'm interested in joining this Rp if you have room for..*scrolls up and looks title* 😶

What drugs are you on, man?

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