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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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I'm more speaking on how our past sensei influence our current Chuunin.

For instance, in Cockatoo didn't have Scarecrowman as a teacher, he wouldn't know Chidori, ect.

It also builds interactions and relationships. ie, 'Oh, it's Bob. I was in Bob's squad as a Genin and we did our Chuunin exams together. I fucking hate Bob.'

Like Buddha said, you're free to make up history between the genin / chunnin once the teams are made. Gooooo nuts.

Even so, with so many Chuunin, somebody had to train them up.

True! But they're Chunnin, they're not really students anymore at that point. They're soldiers with a leader.

Regardless, teams are gonna be exciting.

Would you classify a bone hiding knock off as a D-rank? I really wish more canons had defined ranks.

I'm also curious as to which people will be assigned to which squads. Especially when it comes to sensei, as said sensei do influence their squad's development a fair bit.

I'd say it being a D-rank is perfectly fine.

I'd personally would prefer if my jounin lead a squad of all Genin, so, there's that.

@Buddhadidn't a good amount of uchiha unlock mongankeyo sharingan during warring clans era?

It was implied it was more wide-spread during that time, yeah. But it's a relative term. Ten people with Ms is still more than we ever saw in the show, yet not really a significant number.

<Snipped quote by Buddha>

Ahh, c'mon. Kimimaro didn't have to use a separate technique to travel through his spires!

Lord knows he should have.

Ok so we got a Naruto, a Sasuke, and the rabble of Side Chars. Lets see who will be the Sakura...

We do?

SUre thing Bubu. Lol me and my nicknaming habits.

*scratches head*
Question: It's normal for a female Uchiha to have a sharingan in this RP right? Then again Sarada had it. I assume it's not gonna be "OMGF!! A female Uchiha with a sharingan what a surprise!" *cough AU then again*

I hate to sound like an Uchiha wanker but what's their situation in the village? It's just military police stuff?

I realized, you're giving me the Savato vibe. You him? Got lots of catching up to do man~

I also have a specific request. If you ever watched Sasuke Shinden, the first two episodes are out on any anime website. I like to request that anything with Ria will partly involve the detective style. If you/anyone have watched the first episode, he literally see through the guy's memories. Long story short, I'd like her to be involved in anything mystery. IMO, basic sharingan is awesome and Kishimoto failed to show why it's good for detective stuff. This is exactly how I want to use sharingan and not just "I have sharingan therefore I copy, dispel your jutsu and the more emo I get, me >you"

Calling either of us Savato's such an insult, man.

Female Uchiha with Sharingan is nothing special, no. Reason we didn't see any of them in the canon's because it's a Shounen. Doesn't really play to the demo Kishi was aiming for.

I don't think a police force is established yet. But the Uchiha are far from as big as they were in canon (even before Itachi Yamcha'd them.) They're not nearly as influential as they were. So them having the police force seems kinda weird. Maybe an uchiha founded the police force, but it's open to all shinobi.

As for detective stuff, we'll be sure to make a couple of missions that tailors to mystery solving and not just destruction.

Everyone has all 5 chakra natures?

Well, to my defense I never saw him use wind or fire.

Everyone can use all 5 natures, yes. Naruto could use water or fire techs, if he wanted. He could, however, not use Fire, or Water, or Lightning, or Earth Chakra to enhance his rasengan, or his Kunai. (As explained by Kakashi and Asuma when he learned the Rasenshuriken). Since he did not have any natural inclination to those natures, and that's what we're commonly talking about while talking about Chakra natures.

So, either Hiruzen was naturally gifted in all five, or he worked his ass off to master all five from the ground up. Regardless, dude was fucking badass.

Besides, everyone has all five chakra natures, it just takes a lot of skill to use all five (i.e. to the point where someone that uses all five is revered as God Shinobi.. point in case, Hiruzen.)

Eh, that came down to Hiruzen's skill and strength. Hashirama had the same title, and he only used his wood techs. (well, most notably, anyway.)

Hiruzen mastered all the elements, unlike Kakashi, and I suppose that's where the title really lies.
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