Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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<Snipped quote by Hillan>

♪~Lore dump that doesn't really affect anything here~♪

Here's a shitty image of it all. It's often referred to in Eastern medicine. It's kinda simple, Wood is kindling for Fire and grows from Water. Wood is also cut down by Metal as one cycle explains.

The elements are also represented by four holy creatures and the Jade Emperor and have a dominion over a particular area: Xuanwu (Genbu in Japanese) is the Black Turtle of North and is Water and is often also portrayed with a snake. Bai Hu (Byakko in Japanese) is the White Tiger of the West and is Metal. Zhu Que (Suzaku in Japanese) is the Vermillion Bird of the South and is Fire. Qīng Lóng (Seiryu in Japanese) is the Azure Dragon of the East and is Wood.

Finally there is Earth and that is associated with the Jade Emperor and he is the center.

America did it wrong.

China deserved the big bombs.

I was surprised that Naruto didn't go for the 'traditional' five element structure of Water, Fire, Earth, Metal and Wood. But I guess they don't have as much fun with combinations :P

Literally when is Metal and wood considered traditional elements? lol

Me and my love for weirdness.

Fairy Tail RP: I waited for a Mage that uses Orgasm Magic.

Naruto RP: *Waits for a Senju because hey they're so.......wood....*

That cuz I've never seen a Senju executed well in a Naruto RP.

BTW Hil, Bud. You guys know any player who have written a decent Uchiha character so far and other characters like Senju etc, it doesn't have to be from a canon clan, it can be an original.

I'm doing my marathon on old Naruto RPs for a good read and see it dying. SO far, I saw none. Guild wise.


Yeah, plenty. Every RP me and buddha's been in (Or whtever his name's been) had at least someone playing something decently. We tend to surround ourselves with good people, so, I'd start there. Don't really have any specifics come to mind, though.

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Link expired. Make sure you check 'never expire' when grabbing a link.

Wanna fight me

fuku hilan

[__] Not wrecked

[x] Wrecked.

So, when can we expect our opening IC post?

I aim to start by wednesday, thursday. I have to host a karate tournament friday, so probably not then. Otherwise, saturday.


For all y'all nerds.

I-I like Discord for group chats.

We could do that, as well.

In case anyone cares to join the group chat for the RP, hit me up on skype @Hillanx

@Hillan Oh but the Genin will be someday. Especially if they have room to grow. I would think the next generation of genin, would be slightly stronger then the current one. As time passes jutsu's should be getting more advanced. It wouldn't be too far fetched that the genin would be getting stronger.

Sure, but if the genin are getting stronger, so would the jounin.
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