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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

The room was dimly lit, only a few oil lamps in the meeting locale as the three figures sat on the round table, one empty chair. One of them was wearing a beret, he was looking to the side, whispering something to his second-in-command. "This face works, right?" He asked, gruffly, making a rather stern expression. [Boss "Iron" Cerulean, leader of the Azure Company; 30,000,000 Bounty.]

The man in the top-knot ponytail and kimono nodded. "It does indeed, sir. Very grim. The others will know how you feel." [Marv "The Ninja"; Azura Company Second in Command; 9,000,000 Bounty.]

"Good, at ease." the large man sitting down said, as the ninja leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms in meditation.

Straight across from Cerulean, leaning back in his chair, a man in a straight laced red suit, black and white scarf hanging on his shoulders, brushed some of his bushy black hair away. Snorting, his even bushier black beard rustled as he looked behind him, a shirtless man, bandages over burn scars, laid on the ground like a lump. "Look at 'em, over there lookin' posh. This is why they got Stagio and we got stuck with Meesei. Like every fuckin' year." ["Assembly" Leader Vermillion, leader of the Crimson Company; 27,000,000 Beli Bounty]

The object of his scorn grumbled, "I'm telling you we should take care of...whoever they are...bro!" ["Dread" Chadwick Burgundy, Crimson Company Second in Command; 7,000,000 Bounty]

In the third chair was the green haired woman, younger than either of them men by far. Behind her was her sister-in-arms. She spoke softly. "You two both seem too tense. Just relax, I'm sure old man Goldenrod's gonna show up any minute now, kuhuhu." She smiled. "Heads says he'll show up in five minutes." She wagered, flipping the coin she had been toying with between her fingers up into the air. ["Lucky" Chief Viridian, leader of the Verdant Company; 24,000,000 Bounty] He green hair swept to the side by the motion.

As the coin was flipping through the air, it was caught my the brown-leather clad hand of Kobicha, the second in command. "I don't think it's wise to take bets with the two gentlemen right now." She advised. ["Tactician" Kobicha, Verdant Company Second In Command; 7,000,000 Bounty]

"Yeah, guess you should listen to her: she was smart enough to run from the big bad...Cheese?" Vermillion said.

"Chester!" came a growl from the door as it came open. Stepping in backwards, a teen in a vellow vest over a white dress shirt, a sword at his hip, his short orange hair jabbing out under his black banded fedora. Turning around, he moved the wheelchair to face the table, pushing it forwards as the older man sitting within, neck caught in a brace, left arm, shoulder, and knee kept in casts. "Move that extra chair!" he snarled. [Head "Tycoon" Goldenrod, leader of the Quartz Company; 29,000,000 Bounty]

The boy was already moving. "Yeah pops." ["Lad" Saffron, Quartz Company Second in Command; 10,000,000 Bounty]. Moving the chair, he slipped the wheelchair to the table, filling it's four corners with the four pillars that managed the North Blue.

"Is that not the name of the shithead who messed with our operation on Melonberry?" Cerulean asked Marv, whom nodded. "Yes, sir. You sent me to challenge the captain of the.. Grog Warrior Pirate Crew to a duel in your name. But him and his mates.. Ambushed me." Marv explained, hanging his head in shame. Cerulean nodded in acknowledgement, a scowl on his face.

"Kuhuhu, so it would seem this Chester guy is quite the problem, then? Disrupted Melonberry and your sugar monopoly, and I think it's safe to assume he put you in that chair, then, old man?" Viridian cooed.

"And if not dealt with, his crew could threaten our entire operation!" Goldenrod proclaimed, bringing the room into a contemplative halt.

Vermillion clicked his tongue. "Just cause you got the shit kicked outta ya doesn't mean-"

"They've charged into two of our headquarters and made mockery of all too many of our strongest men. Issac the Rounin, Jeko the Quack, and Deadeye Kuhn...all three were on my payroll, but none of them were able to stop those...Grog Warriors, from tearing apart my headquarters. And from what I've heard, no one else has been able to give them pause either." Finishing his statement, Goldenrod glanced between Chad, Kobicha, and Marv, while Saff stood behind him, not even hiding the smugness on his face.

"You had all those two idiots on your payroll? Who's that Kuhn kid, never heard of 'em." Cerulean exclaimed, frowning as he did. Viridian chimed in. "I know him, Dustcity Deadeye. Kuhuhuh, he thinks he's the best marksman in the entire North Blue. Can't have someone spreading such rumors. Reflects poorly on myself." She cooed.

"How are we to handle these Grog Warriors, then?" Viridian asked. "We'll have to deal with them." Cerulean responded. "I'll propose that I take out their captain, and that would be the end of it all. That Chester guy's been a torn in my side for far too long. And in return for me killing him, you guys will all forgo taxing Azure company when they tread on your territory for the next year." He propsed, and the other leaders groaned.

"Not on your life!" Goldrenrod cried, before devolving into a coughing fit.

Letting out a sigh, Vermillion grumbled, "Let's see you take care of him first. Then we'll go over the terms."

Groaning, Chad sat up, saying, "Those other guys though..." Pointing across the room at Marv, he said, "Seriously, they messed you up too, didn't they brah?" Massaging his head, he muttered, "I keep forgetting..."

"W-What?! Me, the mighty Marv losing to some nobody pirates?! Of course not Chadwick!" Marv deflected, shocked. Cerulean grinded his teeth. "You think I'm a fool, Vermillion? You will agree to my terms before I go and take this guy's head."

Vermillion chortled, "You said yerself he's your problem. Shall we call a vote?" Vermillion raised his hand. "The Grog Whatevers are Boss Cerulean's problem: yeah or nah?"

Viridian raised her hand, prompting a snarl from Cerulean, whom looked sharply at Goldenrod, who he assumed would be willing to trade some money for taking out the Grog Warriors, but his hand was already up. "I don't have the manpower to fight them myself."

Vermillion chortled, "Majority rules."

Cerulean frowned. "Fine. I'll kill the captain and that will be the end of it."

"Excellent." Viridian said.

"Marv, we'll devise a plan to get him alone. I think a duel is in place here." Cerulean mused, his face breaking into a smile.

"Is that everythin' Grog Warrior related then?" Vermillion posed.

"Actually..." Goldenrod interjected. "Don Mono got back to me on theo ther half of that incident..."

Sometime later, on board the Hinnon Breeze, the Boozehounds were relaxing from repairing their ship. Chester was laying in the lookout basket on top of the boat, his legs hanging off of the edge, a bottle in his teeth, as usual, dozing in between conciousness and sleep. Kuhn was working on a new bullet in his quarters, while the others were busy doing other things. Kuhn did however have sight out of his quarters to the sea near the coast line of Stagio Island, where he saw a small ship with blue sails on it approach the Hinnon Breeze, not paying much attention to it, Kuhn continued his work. In a couple of minutes, he looked back out of the window, and saw that the boat was still coming towards them, at full speed.

He grabbed his pistol, and headed up towardas the deck. "Oi, Cap'n!" He shouted "Lina, Macario.. Ghostboy!" He called, Chester grumbling from above on the mast.

"I think we're about to get company.. From Azure Company... Let's give dem comp- I'll stop right there." Kuhn said, realizing how silly his sentence was turning into.

The boat pulled up next to them, garning the attention of Chester, whom was now crawling down from the top of the mast on the netted rope, his head first, using his one hand and his legs, bottle in his other. He fell the last two meters, landing on his face, making sure not to break the bottle. He regained his composure as the blue clad ninja with the topknot leapt out of the Azure Boat, and landed in front of them, Kuhn looking at him with sharp eyes.

"Oi, ain't dis dat dude who jumped us' a couple days ago?"

"Oh yeah, punched the snot out of him, didn't we?" Chester said, worming his way on the ground, eventually standing up. "What do you want? round two?"

The ninja remained quiet, as he looked at Chester, pointed his finger at him, and then vanished, drawing his katana on his back as he vanished, appearing behind Chester, his blade in a slashing motion.

"The hell are you do-" Chester asked, only to realize the ninja had cut his bottle in half, now there was grog on the floor. "WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?!" Chester shouted, as the ninja looked back at him. "Boss Cerulean wants to meet you, Grog Warrior Chester. Showdown for Melonbery. Just you and him, mano y mano. One on one, on Stagio Island, in the plaza. A duel to the death. Just you, none of your friends. Got that?" He said, as the flustered Chester walked towards him, about to give him a piece of his mind.

"You got that?" Marv asked Chester, as Chester walked towards him, Marv walked to the side of him, Chester's side was now facing Marv's ship, as Chester's had shot out at speeds faster than Marv could've reacted to, with a loud bang, Marv was sent flying back into his ship, landing flat against their mast, making the entire ship wobble heavily, before balancing itself again. Marv was knocked out cold, blood pooring out of his nose, missing a couple of teeth. His crewmates all shocked, as they set sail.

"Yeah, I got it, I'll be there." Chester said coldly, his face darkened with anger about the spilled booze from before.

"Oh yeah, Lina, I guess I can fulfill my promise now!" He said, turning to Lina, with a smile, once the anger over the spilled grog had settled, he had found another bottle to sate his thirst.

"... What pomise is he talkin' about?"

"You do realize it's a trap, don't you, cap'n?" Kuhn asked Chester, whom shrugged. "Who cares."

"I 'spose so, ye." Kuhn added, before everyone went back to their duties.

"Hey, did he mention when the duel was supposed to take place?" Chester asked, and everyone else shrugged, only for a knife to be thrown at them from the ship sailing away, a note attached to the knife.

"At noon." The note read.

"Ninjas, man." He exclaimed with a huff.

Eiichiro Kishimoto

He had made his way to the training field, the crowds had kept him quite busy, a couple of villagers had stopped to talk to him while he had picked up supplies for their meeting. He carried a bag over his shoulder as he arrived on the training field, his students were nowhere to be seen, except for the bluehaired girl standing in the middle of the field. Kishimoto ignored her for now, walking over to the opposite end of the field, he set up the kettle of tea he had prepared, as well as his bags of tea flavor. Once he had prepared the tea to begin boiling, he headed over the to young girl, who was waiting for the rest of the team to gather.

Kishimoto tapped the girl on the shoulder with his finger to get her attention, his crutch hanging on his wrist in it's leather strap, trying not to startle her. "Hey, Chikage?" He asked firmly.

The young kunoichi was fully distracted by the explosives she was juggling when she felt something foreign touch her shoulder. Having already gotten into her imaginative mindset from earlier about a potential invasion she was very quick to react again. Before the words even left the former Hokage's mouth, Chikage used some chakra to activate the bomb she just caught in her left hand. She rolled forward in a somersault, letting the other two bombs fall harmlessly to the ground where she was sitting right at Kishimoto's feet, before giving the primed bomb a quick toss while she was midway through her second roll. "Take this!" she shouted, timed with practice so that her would-be assassin would hear her words just before the bombs would explode at his feet. The primed one would set off the other two for a somewhat larger overall explosion, which Chikage would have her back to as she reached a safe distance. She wouldn't realize her mistake in letting her boredom and imagination get the better of her until it was far too late.

Kishimoto was rather surprised by all this, and as the bombs were falling to the ground, his crutch flew through the air, knocking the two bombs to the side, into the pond on the side of the field, a few meters to the side of them, then the crutch cut through the air again, and the third bomb exploded in between the two, yet far away to avoid Kishi taking any damage, only dirtying his poncho. "Oi. You should be careful with those things!" Kishi said strictly at her, revealing his lack of an arm and leg to her.

Once he had cleared up the reaction of the young girl, he grinned. The other two were now arriving, and he whistled at them to get their attention. "Over here, gather round." He said, as he began huddling towards where he had put down the tea kettle, some 25 meters away from Chikage, it taking him a moment or two to make his way over there in his condition.

"Hello. I'm Eiichiro Kishimoto, but you might've heard of me as the second Hokage, I lead the village during the long Winter, and during the war. My father was the first Hokage, so one could say I had quite some shoes to fill." Kishimoto introduced himself, chuckling. "But, don't worry about that. Now, I'm a Jonin again, and it's my duty, honor and pleasure to train and mold you young shinobi, to make you a better generation of ninja than mine ever was." His tone was rather cheerful.

He was sure the question would come up. "And yeah, it's real. I am missing both my arm and a leg, I lost them during the war, but I'm doing just fine without them. It was quite disarming at first, though." He joked, motioning for the three younglings to sit down. "I insist you all grab a cup of tea, and introduce yourselves. Say something about yourselves, like I did. Anything you want the others to know about you. And once we're done with that, we actually have a mission to begin today." He finished, taking the boiling kettle to the four cups, filling them up, putting the kettle down and grabbing a cup.

Sarutobi Ira

"You fucking coward!" Ira cried as Dio put him on his knees on the ground with a swift kick to his stomach. "Attacking me like that's something I'd expect from such a low-class shinobi like you, Dio." Ira said, getting back on his feet, holding back from using his metal jutsu and tearing the Hyuuga's face off. "You're lucky I was busy listening to Lady Hokage, or I would've torn you a new one. Don't test me, asshole." Ira warned him, before turning back to his sensei, bowing once again. "Thank you, Lady Hokage. It's gonna be a real treat to be trained by someone of your renown. But, I have to ask, Mu Sarutobi makes sense that he's on this team - he's the second best prodigy of our clan's current generation. But what is this Branch Scum doing in our elite team?" Ira questioned, before thinking on her words, he got his hair out of his face, before he spoke up.

"The Weak are meat, and the strong will eat's an old saying, isn't it? From a time before the winter, hell, even before this - or any village existed, right? That the weakest warriors had no right to ask for food, and food was only given to the strong, those that had proven themselves in the heat of battle. That cowards - Like Dio, are worthless, and only real warriors will prosper." The Sarutobi said, venomously at his Hyuuga classmate, completely disregarding the fact that both Dio and Mu were higher rank than him, despite all of them going to the Academy together.

@Buddha wow. Team Kishi/Generation have some heavy responsibility don't they?

Nothing they can't handle!

@LokiLeo789I regret thinking I would be fine with only offensive ninjutsu

Have the other sarutobi engage Dio for using ninjutsu on their grounds, thinking it's an enemy and not just two kids fucking around. :B

Well this is what happens when I start feeling creative and go right into something. Character Ideas run through my head. So I put a character together. In all honesty I thought ANBU were at least low as chunin level when I was thinking the character up. Its not often in canon they went into the ANBU, unless they were dealing with the ROOT. Or dealing with Uchiha storyline stuff, or Obito/Kakashi storyline stuff.

It's an easy mistake to make, and I would be fine with having someone of chunnin tier be in the ANBU, as long as they were on the Jounin side of things, not the genin side.

The problem is; we have no intention of making any currently relevant plots for the ANBU. No missions to involve them in, or such, as the focus are on our teams of chunnin / genin and jonin.

@Team Kaido;

Kaido's assasisins will attack you guys, defend yourselves, they'll get the element of surprise on you, and they'll fight using their swords, taijutsu and water ninjtusu. You're free to take them down however you wish.

Uchiha Kaido

The Uchiha Grounds - Side Hall.

In the open area of the hall, Kaido was working out, like he did every morning. Push-ups and pull-ups, shadow boxing and all kinds of stretching. None of his peers were awake, or avaiable to spar at this time of the morning - nor did most care to spar with Kaido, he always ended up taking things too seriously, unable to properly distinguish from sparring and real combat. Taharu learned that the hard way when Kaido cut his face open last year in a sparring session. He was intrigued with his new assignment today - he would lead a team. That in of itself wasn't new to him, he had been in charge of many missions in the past, but never had he been put in the mentor position like this. It would certainly be interesting for him to try his hand at teaching.

The Third Hokage had summoned him, admitting to her being the one sitting in that office hurt a little, sure, she was older and more experienced than him, and that was in the end what she won on, but he was a man who's entire life had been about unity – he had put off war between two mighty clans in the village, possibly preventing a civil war. He was a hero, and he'd be damned if people didn't respect that.

His thoughts circled around the day ahead as he finished his workout, wiping sweat off of himself, he got dressed in his black shirt and his green flack jacket with it's high collar, fixing his necklace to hang on the outside of the vest.

He quickly made his way to the Kage's office, no time for breakfast today, he worked best on an empty stomach, helped him focus. Comfort was for the weak, and all that.

Kaido reached the office, and was called with the other two, lead in by one of the Kage's aides. He looked at Kishimoto, a slight frown on his face. It upset him that someone who once was the strongest man in the village – perhaps the world – was now nothing more than walking propaganda why landmines are bad. Yet, he still deserved respect, for his worthy sacrifice during the war. Kaido bowed deeply in front of Kishimoto, looking down at the floor. ”Good morning, Kishimoto-Sama.” He adressed him, earning a soft smile of approval, before turning to the other Jonin, Osuushi Senhime, a foreigner. He didn't trust her, not one bit.

He acknowledged her with a nod.

He turned to the third and gave her a smaller bow than he had to Kishi. ”Third.” He simply said, waiting for his file. Was was given 'Team Trouble' They called them. A couple of troublemakers, incapable of taking shinobi life serious – kids, not soldiers. And he was put in charge of changing that. And one of his students was a rather exemplary Hidden Leaf soldier, the will of fire was strong in her, a little inspiring, in fact. He would have to whip all three of them into shape, however, and he knew just how. A grin creeped up on his face as he did, excusing himself and bidding the other three in the room farewell, adressing all three of them with the proper honorifics.

He left as quickly as he had entered, to devise his plan. He read up properly on all of his students – every report that he could get his hands on, to get a extensive basis of knowledge on them. He liked doing his homework.

The same sly grin creeped up on his face, as he made handseals while standing on top of the roof of one of the buildings, and his body was shrouded in a thin veil of water, and soon, 3 identical copies of him stood before him. All three of them transformed into masked warriors, wearing balaclavas and proper war gear, ninjatos and kunai in their hand, as they emerged to attempt their assaination of Kaido's students, using their Silent Killing techniques to avoid detection from others, while they hunted down their marks.

Sarutobi Ira

Ira had woken up bright and early, like he did everyday. His morning routine was rigorous training, exercise and a nice hot shower and a warm meal prepare for him by the servants at the Sarutobi household. He was wearing his usual grey coat, black tank-top and grey pants with black boots, his forehead protector strapped to his arm. He had been told that he would be meeting his sensei today, thanks to his family in the Sarutobi Clan.

His father sat down on the other end of the table, next to him. Wearing a grey coat, similar to Ira's, but longer with thunder patterns at the bottom. "Morning, Father." Ira told his father, whom grinned. "Morning, my son. Excited for today?" He asked and Ira nodded his hand. "Yeah, I am. I wonder who's gonna be my leader. I hope it's something strong, that I can learn a lot from." He mentioned, peering at his father.

"You know I've given up training students a long time ago." Hashi told him with a rough laugh, Ira smirked. "But I know your sensei's someone even better than me."

"Surely, you jest, father." Ira retored in disbelief.

"No, you should head out, probably to the town square, and wait for them to find you. If they don't, go check at the Kage's office, i've been told they'll be waiting for you there."

Ira blinked twice, trying to grasp what he was hearing. There was a chance. The normally well composed boy scrambled from the table, almost tripping over his chair as he bolted for the Kage's office, leaving his father behind in the house laughing roughly.

Ira darted as quickly as he could through the town, arriving in sight of the Kage's office only a few minutes later, only to hear comotion at the local ramen place, something about a woman had dragged two ninja off. He got closer, only to find the Lady Hokage herself there. He walked up to a bystander, still a few meters away from the hokage - whom was out and about, an unusual sight, honestly.

"Pst. What's going on."

"She told some chunnin to go fetch her a young genin. Uh, Ida, I think his name was."

"Out of my face." Ira retored, his composure back, as he gently pushed the man, walking towards the Hokage. "I heard you summoned me, Lady Hokage. Has something tragic happened to my sensei?" He asked, kneeling in front o the woman, whom for all intents and purposes, was the most imporant person in this entire village - even more so than himself and his father.

Is it weird that when I got to the climax of naruto when they are fighting kaguya that I just stopped watching it

I usually also stop after climax.

<Snipped quote by Masaki Haruna>
I don’t know what Buddha’s ruling on this, but when I ran a similar RP I went by the theory that only one (dojutsu) kekkei genkai would come out genetically— basically you only have one even if genetically you descend from two clans who both hold such kekkei genkai. It makes no sense to me to have both— one would or should overwrite the other. Recessive vs Dominant genes and all that.

Like Buddha said, Kaido doesn't have either. But, I agree with what you're saying. You'd have one or the other. Perhaps a mutation on one taking on the traits of the other. Sharingan with 360 degrees vision, or Byakugan that can predict moves. Not that it's relevant. I made Kaido Uchiha - Hyuuga in order to build up expectations for him to have a crazy KG, only to give him none.

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