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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts


"I am the best there is at what I do."

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

My goal is to play not only a much older, but, to some degree, a much more powerful Logan. Not just a mutant born a couple of centuries ago, but a man who's been part of every major conflict in man's history. A Personification of a warrior, in times of his life, blurring the lines between man and beast, as much of his life will have been spent in what can only be described as his legendary berserker rage. My goal is to tell different stories set through time where Logan partakes in one battle after another. At one point, he's a Legate in the roman army, fighting one tribe after the other, curbing them all under his blade, the next, he's a Templar fighting for the holy pope, in the next he's fighting for the south in the American civil war, a revolutionary in the French revolution and the one after that he's a masterless rounin at the end of the Edo-Period.

Writing stories around his desire for combat, testing not only his limits and abilities, but perhaps look to a cure for his anger, while also bringing up shades of my personal favorite versions of Logan. His representation in X-men Evolution, and Hugh Jackman's version will both be huge inspirations for me, which is how through all of the ordeals I have in mind for him, is where he'll end up.

Most stories set in the past will be tragic, I'll try and write as many human stories as beast stories, and to blur the line between the two, to explore the themes of, and ask the question 'is Logan really a man'. Due to the nature of my approach to Logan, he can partake in just about any storyline, he is effectively immortal, been alive longer than most, and I thus hope to do a lot of interaction with others, in any time period.

In the present, he'll be a lot less rage-based, I will go for stories where he pushes for some kind of higher-calling. Picking fights for moral reasons, not because he wants to shed blood.

N O T E S:

Born in ancient Greece, many of the epics written about legendary heroes like Achilles are based upon Logan. He fought against a thousand men in Troy, he was the only man inside of the Trojan horse, butchering everyone in his path till the Greeks could take the impenetrable city.

He is a mutant making him one of the first of his kind, yet, due to the time he's born, he's interacted with the Gods upon several occasions. Ares is one he's had many interactions with, his infinite rage and lust for battle always truly fascinated Ares, and he will on the regular bring on challenges for him, pitting him against his enemies or just for his own amusement.

His powers remain mostly the same to the regular canon, he heals, he's got superhuman senses, and expendable bone claws. My idea is that during the first world war, he got his metal skeleton, but we shall see how compatible that is with the overall world. What would truly be different about him from a combat perspective would be the degree of skill he'd hold, he would've fought, and killed just about every type of warrior mankind's ever produced.

If anyone gets some kind of urge to pick up characters akin to my Logan, (like Savage, or perhaps Hawkman / Hawkgirl), that'd be delightful, and I'd be more than willing to alter any of my details to fit that kind of story.

P R E S E N T - D I V I D E D W E F A L L


March 10th, 2017 - 4:08 AM | RUSSIA

The roar of the crowd overshadowed everything else, the echo of their cheers bounced off of the concrete walls, far drowning out the sound of the rain pelting like bullets against the tin roof, some rain made it's way through the rough and fell on the well lit rundown boxing ring in the middle, the water began pooling in some of the dentures in the ring. In the middle of the ring stood the crimson clad hero, the rain pelted onto his head, bouncing off of the rim of the Gray trucker cap, he carried one quiver, hanging from his waist, six arrows in it. He held the his bow in his right hand, a bottle of beer in the left. In front of him stood two men bigger than himself, at least a foot taller than the former boy-archer and twice as wide.

Harper shrugged, taking another sip of his beer, as the crowd began shouting something in Russian, then chanting it. He assumed it meant something along the lines of 'Let's go' or 'Fight', as the two men in front of him advanced, moving towards him in a semi-circle. "Sure you really wanna do this, boys?" He asked, as the man on his right charged him, throwing out a right hook, Roy took a step backwards to dodge, a knee came his way, sending him into the steel net on the side of the cage. "I guess you do!" The man who kicked him shouted something in Russian to the other, whom then echoed it into the vastness of the arena, the crowd going bonkers.

Roy held his ribs with his right hand as the man on the right, catching sight of the spider-tattoo under his left eye as the light from the spotlights hit him just right, charged at him. Spider-Guy lifted his leg, about to pin Roy against the cage with a kick. Harper pushed himself to the side, rolling against the wall 180 degrees, using the momentum of his dodge to kick up, his leg colliding with the man's face, making Spider-Dude stumble backwards. The crowd letting out a "Ooooh"

Roy took another sip of his beer, before making a disgusted grimace. Russian beer was disgusting, even more so when it was room-temperature. It tasted like piss, and judging by this place.. Well, he thought it best not to think of anymore. Spider dude charged him again, Roy slapped him in the face with his bow, hunching down, he swooped his legs, only to look up to the other man - his short mohawk reminded Roy of a character from a video game he used to play as a kid. His train of thought was cut short by the Mohawk-Man's knee colliding with his face, knocking off his mask, sending him skidding on the floor. ".. Not the face, man." He cried, the bottle of beer rolling next to him, he crawled up, his cap falling off his head as he did. Mohawk-Bro was gonna crush him under his foot, but Roy shot back up onto his feet, grabbing the bottle on his way, smashing it against the man's skull glass shattered everywhere, while the man was dazed, the Red archer kicked him in the chest, making him stumble backwards, pulling two arrows on his bowstring, aiming the bow horizontally, squinting and sticking out his tongue slightly in the corner of his mouth. He let the arrows fly, whistling through the air before they piercing the man in one shoulder each, prompting the Russian fighter to cry out in pain.

Spider-Person looked at his ally being impaled with the arrows and laughed, shouting a few words - incomprehensible to Roy, and then attacked Roy, running at him, Roy was about to pull another arrow, when he was met with a headbutt, Roy stumbled backwards, when the man's follow up came, the righ thook was stopped by Roy's bow stabbing him in the chest. The Spider hunched over, holding his chest. "Yeah, well, that's what you get!" Roy taunted, wiping blood from his busted lip, taking his eyes off the man for a moment - long enough for him to produce a knife from his combat boot, the knife slashed Harper over the chest, Roy's eyes widened as he let out a cry of anger, punching the man in the face, giving some distance between the two, he pulled another arrow and fired it.

Missing, the arrow whizzed narrowly passed the Spider guy's face, gracing his cheek. The Russian touched his bleeding face and let out a laugh, twirling his knife in his hand. "Stand still! All three of you!" He shouted, drawing another arrow, this time, the Spider guy froze as the bowstring was released, missing him again, now the entire crowd was laughing at Roy's failure. Roy pulled his hat over his face, as if to hide his face.

A loud sound was heard from above, and soon a loud crash was heard on the arena, as the spotlight form above had fallen down on the man fighting the archer, knocking him out, severed by the two arrows. As only one of the three combatants still stood up, the crowd's laughter died out, leaving only dead silence. Great. They're gonna come shoot me now. He though, Mobster guys came up to the ring, opening the gate on the side, dragging the two knocked out fighters out of it. Another came towards Roy, whom had his hand on his quiver. The serious face of the mobster cracked into a smile as he patted Roy on the shoulder, before he began laughing, raising Roy's arm into the air in victory and the crowd began cheering.

"I need a drink.." Roy mumbled as he smirked, holding his bow over his head.
@Hillan I suppose accepted :p

I suppose I accept that you accepted it.


"Hold my beer, I've got to make this shot."
Roy Harper 19/1 1991 (26) M A L E NEUTRAL GOOD

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

The idea is to play a Roy who, for the most part, is identical to that of the Canon one, at least by the start of the New 52. A depressed alcoholic who's aiming to take his own life, yet not able to do it himself. He searches out danger, throwing himself into dangerous situations, in the hopes of doing one last bit of good before he gets killed.
The character will be dragged out of this path by his long time, and closest friend, Dick Grayson. As the latter approaches him with a mission that requires his skills. The idea is to write how Roy fights against his vices, how he deals with constantly being the underdog, and how he'll keep himself above water in his lifelong fight against depression.

N O T E S:

I'll workout a Timeline sometime soon, but I'll jot down a couple of things that are on my mind for him so far.

Born from Native American ancestory, was raised by Natives for his first eight years, his mom then moved with him to Star City. His mother was a long time alcoholic and heroine addict, having more step fathers than Roy could ever remember, each of them a bigger bastard than the last.

He took to some petty crime, but always felt like there was more to life than stealing pocket change from people, soon, he began picking fights with the actual criminals, as a teenager he was protecting people. Upon the emergence of the Green Arrow, it inspired Roy, and he, like the Vigilante, began using a bow and arrow, like he had been taught in his childhood.

The Green Arrow would eventually take him in and make him his protégé, his sidekick, his partner. Oliver dubbed him Speedy, and as a 15 year old, he was patrolling the streets of Star City.

He joined the Teen Titans in his late teens, where he became good friends with Dick Grayson, Starfire, Raven and the rest, but when the team eventually went their own ways, he took the streets of Star City again, this time under the guise of Red Arrow. The years of being a vigilante began tearing at him. When he was 20 years old, his mother died from an overdose, supplied by her fourth husband. Upon learning this, Roy broke into the man's house on the night of his mother's funeral and beat him to death in a fit of uncontrollable rage.

He continued as The Red Arrow for another couple of months, while turning to the bottle like his mother had before him, he eventually retired when he couldn't shoot his bow anymore. Going further down into his misery, he traveled the world, performing odd jobs where he could to get enough money to buy another bottle and a warm bed.

Now, in 2017, he's tired of living, life's not for him and armed with cynical wit, an unhealthy dose of apathy and sarcastic outlook on life, he's putting his foot forward to try and put some good into the world as his final act before he leaves it for good.

"Hold my beer, I've got to make this shot."
Roy Harper 19/1 1991 (26) M A L E NEUTRAL GOOD

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

The idea is to play a Roy who, for the most part, is identical to that of the Canon one, at least by the start of the New 52. A depressed alcoholic who's aiming to take his own life, yet not able to do it himself. He searches out danger, throwing himself into dangerous situations, in the hopes of doing one last bit of good before he gets killed.
The character will be dragged out of this path by his long time, and closest friend, Dick Grayson. As the latter approaches him with a mission that requires his skills. The idea is to write how Roy fights against his vices, how he deals with constantly being the underdog, and how he'll keep himself above water in his lifelong fight against depression.

N O T E S:

I'll workout a Timeline sometime soon, but I'll jot down a couple of things that are on my mind for him so far.

Born from Native American ancestry. He was raised by Natives for his first eight years, his mom then moved with him to Star City. His mother was a long time alcoholic and heroine addict, having more step fathers than Roy could ever remember, each of them a bigger bastard than the last.

He took to some petty crime, but always felt like there was more to life than stealing pocket change from people, soon, he began picking fights with the actual criminals, as a teenager he was protecting people. Upon the emergence of the Green Arrow, it inspired Roy, and he, like the Vigilante, began using a bow and arrow, like he had been taught in his childhood.

The Green Arrow would eventually take him in and make him his protégé, his sidekick, his partner. Oliver dubbed him Speedy, and as a 15 year old, he was patrolling the streets of Star City.

He joined the Teen Titans in his late teens, where he became good friends with Dick Grayson, Starfire, Raven and the rest, but when the team eventually went their own ways, he took the streets of Star City again, this time under the guise of Red Arrow. The years of being a vigilante began tearing at him. When he was 20 years old, his mother died from an overdose, supplied by her fourth husband. Upon learning this, Roy broke into the man's house on the night of his mother's funeral and beat him to death in a fit of uncontrollable rage.

He continued as The Red Arrow for another couple of months, while turning to the bottle like his mother had before him, he eventually retired when he couldn't shoot his bow anymore. Going further down into his misery, he traveled the world, performing odd jobs where he could to get enough money to buy another bottle and a warm bed.

Now, in 2017, he's tired of living, life's not for him and armed with cynical wit, an unhealthy dose of apathy and sarcastic outlook on life, he's putting his foot forward to try and put some good into the world as his final act before he leaves it for good.
Kuhn scoffed as Macario headed back to his boat. "Kind of a butter betty dat one, isn't he? I'll try and find out anyting about dis contest. See if I can figure out where da wine's being held, if we're to steal it proper." Kuhn noted, as he too made his way down from the lookout point, heading in the opposite direction to Lina. He had been walking for a good five minutes, as he came to a fourway crossroads. At all of the roads, there were signs that pointed in the direction of the road. The wooden signs all read the same thing; "Locksley Inn, 600 meters."

"Dat's... Strange." Kuhn thought to himself, taking the path to the left, he headed towards this Inn that somehow managed to be in four places at once. In another couple of minutes, the gunslinger arrived at the Locksley inn, a tavern like most others, the sign was shaped like an arrow, and in the doorway a guy wearing a feathered cap stood, leaning against the door. "Oi!" Kuhn asked, the man looking up at the stranger.
"What can I do ya' for?"

"You happen to know anything about the Wine Tasting Contest?" Kuhn asked, and the man froze up. "Yeah. It's over at The Locksley Inn. Filthy pricks stole it from us this year."

"... Mate, dis is da Locksley Inn, says so on da sign. Are you not part of dis here establishment?"

"Hm? What are you talking about? This is the Locksley Inn. I'm the bouncer, this is a high-class establishment, not like the shitty Locksley Inn."

"... What."

"Ya' daft, cowboy? This is a different place. the Locksley Inn is our biggest competition, always fighting for the wine contest with us and the other two inns, that are also both terrible, just not as bad as that one." The man explained, and Kuhn shook his head. "So.. There's four different inns?"

"Completely different. Yes."

".. All named Locksley Inn?"

"What? No. This is Locksley Inn. The others are Locksley, Locksley Inn, and the third one is the Locksley Inn."

"You're saying it weird.."

"What's so hard to understand? They're named after the four families who opened the inns, six hundred meters away from the crossroads some hundred years ago, back when Stagio Island was first founded."

"I- What. Know what? Nevermind. Do you have beer? I need a drink."

"We do, if you have cash. Or you can pay by other means."

".... Like?"

"We armwrestle a lot over here."

"I can do dat."


Chester was digging through the stash of the lying merchant, trying to find the grog he had been promised, only finding either empty bottles, bottles filled with water, or those that was currently becoming alcohol, none of which was finished. Till his grubby hands made their way to the bottom of the rack, furthest in, breaking several bottles as he reached for it, he found the bottle, pulling it out, he smiled, heading outside from the little shack he had broken into, he uncorked it and took one sip, feeling the taste as the liquid energized him, the joy of the booze distracting him from noticing the shadowy figure appear from behind.

The sunlight reflected off of his arm as the forearm of the large man struck Chester in a upward motion, hitting Chester in the back, cutting the pirate up to the shoulder. Making him stumble forward turning around to face his opponent, as the larger - blue clad man cross slashed Chester in the chest with his arms, slicing his chest as blood splattered over the larger man. Chester fell to his knees, holding his chest in agony as he panted, caped figure grabbed him by the hair. "You should've stayed out of my business, little man." He threw him him as hard as he could in the other direction, towards the sea, he landed some ten meters out of the beach in the water, sinking like a rock.

The black haired, navy clad ninja emerged at his master's side, all markings of his previous encounter with the Grog Warriors were now gone, once again. "You can go tell Goldenrod that that Chester kid's taken care off." Cerulean instructed Marv, whom nodded. "Beautiful throw, sir." Cerulean gave him a smile, the cheeky, coy kind he had been practicing for the last few minutes, making his way down to the warehouse district.

"Thanks, Marv. I felt good about it."

@Hillan Can you post a permanent link to the discord again?

@pkken@Hillan @LokiLeo789 So team Konoha is in the lead right now in regards to finishing the mission and to give the others some time to play catch up I'm going to wait for tomorrow to move us on. (Because I know you guys are all active and we can move on regardless.)

For other teams it seems like there has been some inactivity. Crash seemed
absent so I'll have a look and figure out if these people are out of the rp or just winding down from Christmas.

Remember it's dexember - we all have to spend time on real life. So don't panic if the RP slows down.

Too late. I already lit everything on fire.

Sarutobi Ira

The gale from the Hokage's jutsu came towards Ira and the two chunnin, after knocking the Eight-Tails one tentacle off it's course, saving their life, yet instantly putting it in danger again. While the Hyuuga and the heir to the Sarutobi clan ducked and hit the ground, Ira stood steadfast, putting crossing his arms over his face as they were covered in metal, the natural resistant to wind his Steel had allowed him to without any injury parry the technique, only sliding backwards a little from the impact as it dispersed around him.

Ira watched the Kumo ninja arrive and surround them, out numbering them four to one, he let out a loud gulp. "Well.. Shit." He exclaimed, as the Hokage started combat with the cloud forces, engaging them with her techniques, taking four of them on at once, truly a remarkable show of skill. Ira got engaged on by a Shinobi donning knuckle dusters, the man was bigger than him, wearing a flack jacket - a chunnin, for sure. He leapt from his place in the trees to a tree above the three Konoha ninja, Ira quickly coated his arms once more, with thicker steel, increasing the strength of his hit, as he full force let out a punch at the rather thick tree behind him, cutting it down with but the force of his fist. The ninja was surprised, as the tree he was standing on fell to the ground, so much so that he fell towards the ground, recovering in the air, regaining his composure.

"Tch. Konoha nin? You seem pretty strong for a kid." The Cloud shinobi said, and Ira blew his hair out of his face. "You'd think I was in charge of these two losers." Pointing back at Mu and Dio, who were now knee-deep in enemy combatants. The cloud ninja smirked. "Sure. You do realize your trespassing could lead to a war, right?" The ninja said, as Ira nodded. "It could. But you're a scout patrol, and we're a diplomatic envoy lead by the Hokage, assaulted by a tailed beast, that you according to official records should not have on your territory." Ira explained, remembering reading the informational papers his father got sent to his house, he always had been interested in the global politics and the interactions between the hidden villages.

"That's the Hokage? You're joking!" The chunnin - probably only a few years older than Ira shouted, as Ira smirked. "Hardly. You think we're some schmucks? Some low-level soldiers of no renown who are sent out on their first mission, behind enemy lines with the Hokage? What a joke!" He exclaimed, the Chunnin lowered his stance a little, clearly showing signs of getting unnerved - upon seeing how the oldest of the group - the one eyed lady - fighting even with the strongest fighters in his unit.

"We're the Hokage's elite guard. The two behind me are as strong as ten Jonin. I'm more like a hundred. Our mission is to protect Lady Mawari-Sama. You are outmatched here. Return home. Or face My wrath." Ira warned him, the only emotion one could see on his face was a sadistic smirk. The Chunnin had a few drops of sweat rolling down his face ."Grrr.... I-I wouldn't be much of a ninja if I didn't protect my borders. Even if what you're saying is true.. HERE I GO!" He shouted, charging Ira, who's face changed expresions. "Hey! Wait a minute! Didn't you hear me! Hokage elite guard, I'll kill you!" Ira shouted, as the chunnin charged at him, moving faster than Ira could counter, as his knuckle-dusted hand was about to clash with Ira's face, the Cloud ninja vanished in a flash - swept away by the Hokage.

"I- Wha - Oh." Ira exclaimed, surprised, catching his breath, as he heard something above him, a ninja armed with a tanto came leaping at him, spinning from the air. He stepped back, avoiding the cut narrowly as the ninja landed - dealing a kick to his chest, he could barely make a metal plate in the spot in time to protect himself, still being thrown back from the attack, sliding on his boots. "You wanna start a war?! THEN LET'S GO!" Ira shouted, charging at the shinobi, whom did the same, charging at him, the Cloud ninja hit Ira with the hilt of his sword as Ira threw his fist at the ninja, the tanto collided with his face before his fist hit the enenmy, he felt the lack of power behind the hit - the enemy was pulling his punches, he was wearing a gray face mask, only his eyes could be seen through the mask - they were young.

The enemy was another young soldier, just like him. doing his best to stave off a war. As his full-force black fist was about to collide with the enemy genin's face, Ira pulled his punch, simply nudging the enemy in the face. Naturally, they could never admit they were doing this - they had to give off the imporession they were powerful, strong enough to not be messed with.

"I told your friend. We're a diplomatic envoy - the guards of the Third hokage. You have no chance, stand down!" He continued to lie, the genin shook his head. "Yeah? And? I'm the Second Raikage!" The ninja shouted, as he weaved a handseal, a gust of wind was produced from his palm that he used to send Ira flying backwards - the Sarutobi quickly regained his balance.

Shit, this Kid saw through me. As he did, another cloud ninja attack Ira, Dio stepping in to save him, leaving with a snide remark. "Yeah, well? Screw you!" Ira shouted, the genin with the sword attacking him again, Ira sidestepped the sweeping blade, delivering a soft knee to the boy's stomach.

"Miracle destruction punch!" Ira shouted, as he unleashed a uppercut, hitting the boy's chin, not hard enough to actually hurt him. Yet, the boy leapt into the air, mimicing actually getting injured. "Man, you're really looking for a war, Leaf-scum!"

Shit, he's smart. Ira suddenly held his arm, wincing in pain. "Grr, you sneaky Cloud ninja! Using a unseeable wind technique to cut my arm!" He pretended, the enemy ninja taken a back. In the corner of his eye, however, Ira saw a Clou ninja raise his sword over his head, about to strike down on the Hyuuga. Without hinking, Ira moved.

The clashing of metal rang out behind Dio, as Ira appeared, the blade of a katana caught with his hands. "Can't. Cut. Me.." Ira said, gritting his teeth, the strength of the cloud ninja was impressive, he had to hold back the katana with such force that several veins in his face were showing. Ira grabbed onto the blade and leapt into the air, using it as leverage to kick the ninja with both his feet, as he let go of the sword, sending the man flying.

"For someone who can see everything, you're not paying a whole lot of attention, peasant." Ira remarked at the Hyuuga, s the genin he fought earlier came back, swinging his sword.
@Hillan are you gonna post for Ira soon ye fuck

Are you gonna stop being a little bitch soon ye fuck

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