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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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<Snipped quote by BlackSam3091>

Actually I just bought it.

Well played. Well played.
F L A S H B A C K:

A Night in April 1985 | New Lilith

The warehouse in the Wharves, one of the many used by the Harbor Kings, where they would store their goods they have stolen from the shipments coming in. They had just gotten a large shipment of heroin, packing it and going to package it and ship it off to their dealers in the morning, but for now, there were only a handful of guards keeping watch over the shipment.

Two of them watched the outside, three on the inside, among them was Carlos Suarez, one of the Lieutenants of the Harbor Kings, a right-hand man of the boss. His wrap sheet was longer than most, assault and battery, breaking and entering, attempted murder, and murder were all among the things he had been booked for.

Yet, he had slipped through the system, on his last case the chain of custody had been broken, and key evidence had vanished. The witness that could send him away for life washed up on the beach, body broken in so many places that she had to have been run over by a truck. Tonight, justice would finally be served. This shipment was risky, it belonged to the Fierro’s and the Kings had stolen it, killed a couple of their guys, this could very well mean war, and they didn't have the resources for that. Not yet, anyway.

“Keep watch. Some of them fuckin' Mexicans might show up to try and steal our shit.”

“Aren't yo-”

“I'm Puerto Rican, dickhead.” Carlos immediately snapped back at one of the guards.

They heard cursing from outside. ”Hell is going on our there?” One of the guards asked, Carlos waved him to go check, the man turned around to grab his gun from the table, one of the blacked-out windows broke as the limp body of one of the guards was sent flying in, a broken nose, knocked out cold and barely breathing.

The three men began moving towards their guns, when they heard the cocking of a handgun behind them, followed by a voice. ”Wouldn't try that if I were you.” The biker-looking man, in his black leather jacket, a hood over his face, but one could see his short blond hair and black sunglasses, his look wouldn't betray his identity, the one truly defining feature to his figure was the belt buckle in his Jeans, a golden A.

”Guns didn't help the guys outside. It ain't gonna do you any favors, either.”

”Think you're the terminator, or some shit?!” Carlos shouted, as the man in the hood grinned, but remained quiet. ”Get him!” Carlos shouted, as his two men charged at the man in the hood, whom smiled, twirled his pistol in his hand and put it back into it's holster as the two men charged at him, one of them picked up a baseball bat from the floor while running, the other a knuckleduster from his pocket.

The hooded man took one step backwards, as the bat came towards his face, dodging the wooden weapon with less than an inch, his arm came down hard on the man holding the bat, snapping his wrist, his hand went limp and a cry of pain rang out, the next guy came along, bring the bat up from the ground, he smashed it against the man's skull, shattering the bat and knocking the guy out cold. The first man whimpering on the ground about his broken hand.

”No guns didn't seem to work, either.” He taunted, as Carlos backed slowly, the masked man heading towards him. ”You lot have been making big moves lately. You planning on starting a war? Lot of innocent people are gonna get hurt, can't let you do that.” He said, as Carlos turned towards the shipping container, getting out the blowtorch and turning it on.

”I'll fucking burn you, Puto!” He shouted, and the hooded man chuckled.

”You think I'm afraid of fire?” a golden flicker could be seen from inside of his shades, as the entire room lit up with bright, warm light as six violent, yet beautiful flames, like tendrils, spawned on the figure's back. Carlos let out a gasp.

”Dios mio..” He dropped the blowtorch, falling to his knees. The torch burning his hand, and he cried out in pain. The vigilante walked to him, grabbed him by the neck and pinned him against the container, a heavy 'THUD' from his body hitting the steel door.

”You tell me what you got planned, or you'll be burned a lot worse than that!” He shouted, and Carlos said a prayer in Spanish, before nodding.

”B-Bank, we're gonna pull a bank heist. Oh god, he's gonna kill me. We need the money to fight the Mexicans.” He said, and the vigilante smiled, kicking the blowtorch to the side, it rolled out of the way from hurting Carlos again.

He grabbed his wrist, put his gloved thumb right next to the wound, still holding the criminal by the collar.

”You'll turn yourself in, and confess to every crime you've ever committed. Or I'll be back. And it'll be a lot worse than this.” The hooded man growled, Carlos nodded, crying, his sobbing turned into a cry of pain, as his burned hand began healing at the vigilante’s touch, a pain he couldn't even imagine as his skin wound closed, and his tissue began re-growing in a matter of seconds.

”Be good, Carlos.” The man simply said, turning around and taking to the air, out of the warehouse and into the sky.
Many minutes had gone by since Cerulean had sent the captain of the Grog Warriors into the drink. He had felt his powers leaving him as soon as he went underwater, the undertow grabbing him, and for a minute, the Captain felt something he had never felt before. Fear? No, that wasn't it. Chester wasn't afraid of dying, some kind of disappointment, more like it. But, soon, that passed as well, he didn't have enough energy to be disappointed. His thoughts went blank, and right before his lungs started filling with water, he saw a bright light and he felt his body move, and soon, he broke through the surface of the water. A fishing boat, just out of the harbor had caught him in their net, along with several fish.

"That ain't no fish, George!"

"Are you sure, Gregory? I thunk it is."

"I dunn thunk it', George."

"I guess not, cut 'im lose, Gregory!" George replied, as Gregory grabbed a fishing knife and cut the net open, releasing the fish - and the pirate onto the deck. Chester began coughing, puking up water, as he reached towards the net - where his bottle still was, and he took a deep swig, before his eyes shut open and he spit the drink out.

"THE HELL?! IT'S JUST WATER?!" He cried out in a fit of rage, the booze once inside of the bottle had run out into the ocean, and the pirate ran towards the edge of the ship, trying to reach the water where he had been fished out off, as if to grab the booze, but the two fishermen held him back. "You have to turn the boat around, I have to kick Cerulean's ass!" Chester yelled, as he tore the two men from him, both of them fell backwards. "W-who are you? Why do you wanna fight Boss Cerulean?"

"..He ruined my BOOZE!"


M A R C U S K A L V I N C A S S I D Y J A N U A R Y 1 S T 1 9 8 8 (29 ) M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N

"I might not go down in history. But I will go down on your sister."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I tend to attract."
◼ HEIGHT | 191 Centimeters

◼ WEIGHT | 74 Kilograms

◼ BUILD | Well built.

◼ HAIR COLOR | Brown

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue

◼ OTHER | Semper Fi is tattood on his left underarm, reaching from his wrist to his elbow, over his chest the crest for The Hyperhuman Intervention Tactical Unit, "H.I.T"

First thing you might notice about Marcus is his appearance, naturally handsome with his sharp features and well sculpted body, and once upon a time, you'd sense a scent of some expensive perfume on him if you walked past him, these day you'll be met with the sour scent of whatever drink he had ten off. Marcus has the makings of a strong, proud man, he walks with determination in his steps, showing that the training he went through is still in his very essence, despite him trying to wash it away. Used to wearing combat gear or elegant suits, he now wears rundown leather jackets, four day old T-shirts, ripped Jeans and his five year old boots. Hoodies or coats are not uncommon for him to wear, either. His face is constantly scruffy, as he only ocassionally bothers to shave, one a month or so. There's a certain elegance to the way he moves, even despite his drunken stumblings, all betraying his secret that once upon a time, he was someone you could rely on, but no more.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Nobody that comes from a happy home joins the military."
Marcus Cassidy, born to Arthur and Camille Cassidy. His mother a aspiring actress, his father a big shot corporate Lawyer. Thanks to Arthur's business contacts and wealth, Marcus grew up very wealthy, having the ability to get everything he ever wanted. His childhood was somewhat normal, growing up, till he was four years old, at least. That was the first time he ever heard Arthur and Camille fighting, they were arguing about his mother's desire to get her acting career off, which Arthur would not permit. Marcus saw his father hit his mother for the first time that night. It escalated, like stairs that move and in the coming years, Arthur's business would do worse and he began drinking more and more. Once he got drinking, he turned violent, abusing Camille, but never Marcus.

But that changed when he was eleven. Marcus heard Arthur grab Camille, and she cried, cried that she was gonna call the police. Marcus ran into the kitchen, and put himself in between his parents, protecting the most important woman in his world from the monster that was his father. Arthur hit him, and threw him into the fridge, breaking four of his ribs and giving him a concussion.

Marcus spent his preteens and teenage years living under the thumb of Arthur, pretending to be a normal, happy family. And at times, they were. He and Arthur had good times, Arthur taught Marcus how to ski, and how to drive, he helped him with his homework and he talked with Marcus when Marcus has his first crush on a classmate. But the good times didn't make up for the bad times. When Marcus was 17, he had a little sister, Daisy. He was scared, and angry that his little sister would grow up with Arthur, living under his thumb, and Marcus couldn't stand for it, so before Daisy's first birthday, he shipped off to join the military. While going through basic training, his abilities manifested, stopping a bullet in the middle of the air. Calls were made, and he was taken out of his training, and instead relocated to Canada, PRCU. Where he would finish his high school education, and go on to live for the next five years.

At 22, he was offered a spot in the H.I.T Program, one he rejected at first, instead wishing to serve his country, finishing his military training. He became a Marine, and for two years he was deployed to hotzones all over the world. Fighting dictators and terrorist forces alike. That is, until his unit was put in the Operation “Dawn Of Orion”. Officially, their mission was to confiscate blueprints for a new bio weapon from a terrorist cell in Sudan. Unofficially, it was a black ops to eliminate a threat the Marines had no business in dealing with. His squad was attacked by three Hyperhumans, Marcus used his abilities to fight two of them off, but was defeated and put in critical condition.

Half a year later, he had recovered from his injuries. He was honorably discharged with a purple heart for his bravery. Having for the first time truly seen what Hyperhumans out of control could do Marcus got in contact with Helpand joined H.I.T. But not before returning to Crescent City, and giving his father a piece of his mind.

He was the model agent of H.I.T for the entirety of his career. It all coming to a heed in 2016, when he was tasked with tracking down a Hyperhuman serial killer, who had already claimed 6 Victims, his M.O was the ice related wounds. He found Mr.Frost, as the deranged lunatic insisted he would be called. The two had a battle, where Marcus killed the Hyperhuman. Discovering 20 teens and children, all of which were missing – and the offspring of Hyperhumans, frozen to death. Having been powerless to stop their deaths, it finally got to him.

He quit his job at HIT and moved back to Crescent City, his mother had divorced his father, and gotten full custody of their child, his little Sister. He began numbing his pain in the comfort of unknown women and cheap booze. And that's about where he's stayed for the past year.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"All I want is some good tunes, a pretty girl and a cold drink. Not asking for the world here."
Marcus is running from his past. Well, trying to drown it, more accurately. He's full of self hate, loathing and doubt unable to know if he's made the right call in life. He's trying to forget his problems and occupies his time with cheap booze and expensive women.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"What goes up, always comes down. Unless I say so."
◼ Gravity Manipulation | Marcus is able to gather complete control over Gravity, one of the four fundamental forces of physics. He can add force to gravity, or subtract, allowing him to make you very heavy, or almost weightless. He's able to affect large areas, such as entire buildings. He can create new points of gravity, creating new gravitational pulls, albeit, he cannot remove ones he has not created. This allows him to pin foes, or things to walls by pushing them against it. By making threads of new gravity points, he's able to feign telekinesis, or flight, simply slingshotting himself through the air. But, most efficent is his ability to create null-gravity zones in a area around him, he can all but turn off gravity, giving himself artificial gravity to still move, but putting any opponent in total inertia, making them unable to generate friction.

◼ Martial Training | Marcus is trained in Martial Arts, Marksmanship and Vehicular Warfare by both the U.S Military and H.I.T, making him an excellent combatant, trained in a wide variety of martial arts.

◼ Free Running | You don't get to chase down rogue speedsters or super agile freaks without learning how to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Being able to control gravity, and therefor being able to control if you fall or not aids greatly in this effort..

◼ Detective Skills | He used to operate as a detective for H.I.T, as port of his workload as a Agent. His skills are on par with the best of Crescent City P.D, plus added knowledge about Hyperhumans.

◼ Drinking | Years of practice, he's become an excellent drinker, able to drink most under the table. With his years of bar diving during his days off, he's developed a kind of 'urban shamantism', able to connect with a bar and the people in it, quickly getting a read on them. This has lead to him becoming somewhat charming, both to further his own interests, and to get with the ladies. That, or the booze's talking.

◼ Powers | His gravity abilities are powerful, but due to their natural power to mess with physics, Marcus is constantly wired to play them down. To rely on his martial prowess, over his powers. As such, he never truly cuts loose, as if he did, things would go terrible and he'd very easily become the thing he's spent his adult life battling.

◼ Concentration | His powers require great amount of concentration, if he cannot muster that up, his powers will not amount to much. Emotional grief works as a substitute, leading to him keeping his feelings under lock and key, too.

◼ Physical Form | If he cannot see a bullet come – and stop it in the air. His body's just flesh and blood. No super soldier serum, no alien DNA, no healing factor. If you shoot him, he'll die, just like a regular human.

◼ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | Marcus has been suffering from PTSD ever since he was a child, the brutal beatings he took at the hands of his father laid the groundwork for the damage the trauma he would face later in life. His current mental health could by some shrinks be considered a psychotic episode, being mentally burnt out'.

◼ Alcoholism | He's an alcoholic, addicted to the sauce. He'll drink himself to death, sooner or later.

◼ Impulsive | Thinking before acting isn't Marcus's strong point anymore, he'll just do things.

◼ Self-Sacrificing | Not to say Marcus is suicidal, he's not. But he'd be okay with getting run over by a car.

▼ N O T E S:


Camille Cassidy |
Loving mother, recently divorced from Marcus father, Arthur, 50

Daisy Cassidy |
Baby Sister, 12


Lisa Smith |
On Again Off Again Girlfriend, 28.


Arthur Cassidy |
Estranged Father, 52

◼ Lonely Hearts Club | Pointe Bordeaux Marcus knows all the ins and outs of the Lonely Hears Club area, every bartender has poured him a drink ever stripper knows his name, and every bouncer has kicked him out.

◼ H.I.T Suit | A ballistic weaved, specially tailored suit capable of protecting against small caliber gunfire, knives. It's also fire resistant and puts the suits of the Feds to shame.


T H O M A S C A S E Y C A M P B E L L U N K N O W N (57) M A L E H E L L I O N

"We matter if we make ourselves matter."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"The weight of the world is on my shoulders."
◼ HEIGHT | How tall is your character? (Imperial preferred, metric accepted.)

◼ WEIGHT | How heavy if your character? (Imperial preferred, metric accepted.)

◼ BUILD | Your character's body shape, this can be a single descriptive word that you can build on in the description section below.

◼ HAIR COLOR | What colour is your character's hair? Note you can elaborate on this in the description if your character changes their hair colour often or if it's a difficult to describe color or combination.

◼ EYE COLOR | What is character's eye color? This can be elaborated on if needed in the description should your character be wearing colored contacts or has changing eye colors due to their abilities.

◼ OTHER | Can be changed/removed depending on if your character has any other noteworthy features. Feel free to add additional stats for piercings, tattoos, scars etc. Sexuality could also be added here if you feel it's worth noting.

A written description of the character's appearance. Keep in mind that appearance isn't only limited to their physical make up, but the style of clothes they wear, they're body language and in general how they present themselves.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"One Wing In The Fire."
This is the story of your character's life, their defining moments nd how they made it from the womb to where they are now. You can include as much other details as you think is necessary but don't go overboard and spell everything out. Sometimes its best to show through the IC than to tell in the CS.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Witty Quote #4"
What is driving your character? What makes them tick? Why do they act the way they do.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"You'll lose."
◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

▼ N O T E S:

"You don't get to be in this game this long without making a couple of enemies."

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

M A R C U S K A L V I N C A S S I D Y J A N U A R Y 1 S T 1 9 8 8 (29 ) M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N

"I might not go down in history. But I will go down on your sister."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I tend to attract."
◼ HEIGHT | 191 Centimeters

◼ WEIGHT | 74 Kilograms

◼ BUILD | Well built.

◼ HAIR COLOR | Brown

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue

◼ OTHER | Semper Fi is tattood on his left underarm, reaching from his wrist to his elbow, over his chest the crest for The Hyperhuman Intervention Tactical Unit, "H.I.T"

First thing you might notice about Marcus is his appearance, naturally handsome with his sharp features and well sculpted body, and once upon a time, you'd sense a scent of some expensive perfume on him if you walked past him, these day you'll be met with the sour scent of whatever drink he had ten off. Marcus has the makings of a strong, proud man, he walks with determination in his steps, showing that the training he went through is still in his very essence, despite him trying to wash it away. Used to wearing combat gear or elegant suits, he now wears rundown leather jackets, four day old T-shirts, ripped Jeans and his five year old boots. Hoodies or coats are not uncommon for him to wear, either. His face is constantly scruffy, as he only ocassionally bothers to shave, one a month or so. There's a certain elegance to the way he moves, even despite his drunken stumblings, all betraying his secret that once upon a time, he was someone you could rely on, but no more.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Nobody that comes from a happy home joins the military."
Marcus Cassidy, born to Arthur and Camille Cassidy. His mother a aspiring actress, his father a big shot corporate Lawyer. Thanks to Arthur's business contacts and wealth, Marcus grew up very wealthy, having the ability to get everything he ever wanted. His childhood was somewhat normal, growing up, till he was four years old, at least. That was the first time he ever heard Arthur and Camille fighting, they were arguing about his mother's desire to get her acting career off, which Arthur would not permit. Marcus saw his father hit his mother for the first time that night. It escalated, like stairs that move and in the coming years, Arthur's business would do worse and he began drinking more and more. Once he got drinking, he turned violent, abusing Camille, but never Marcus.

But that changed when he was eleven. Marcus heard Arthur grab Camille, and she cried, cried that she was gonna call the police. Marcus ran into the kitchen, and put himself in between his parents, protecting the most important woman in his world from the monster that was his father. Arthur hit him, and threw him into the fridge, breaking four of his ribs and giving him a concussion.

Marcus spent his preteens and teenage years living under the thumb of Arthur, pretending to be a normal, happy family. And at times, they were. He and Arthur had good times, Arthur taught Marcus how to ski, and how to drive, he helped him with his homework and he talked with Marcus when Marcus has his first crush on a classmate. But the good times didn't make up for the bad times. When Marcus was 17, he had a little sister, Daisy. He was scared, and angry that his little sister would grow up with Arthur, living under his thumb, and Marcus couldn't stand for it, so before Daisy's first birthday, he shipped off to join the military. While going through basic training, his abilities manifested, stopping a bullet in the middle of the air. Calls were made, and he was taken out of his training, and instead relocated to Canada, PRCU. Where he would finish his high school education, and go on to live for the next five years.

At 22, he was offered a spot in the H.I.T Program, one he rejected at first, instead wishing to serve his country, finishing his military training. He became a Marine, and for two years he was deployed to hotzones all over the world. Fighting dictators and terrorist forces alike. That is, until his unit was put in the Operation “Dawn Of Orion”. Officially, their mission was to confiscate blueprints for a new bio weapon from a terrorist cell in Sudan. Unofficially, it was a black ops to eliminate a threat the Marines had no business in dealing with. His squad was attacked by three Hyperhumans, Marcus used his abilities to fight two of them off, but was defeated and put in critical condition.

Half a year later, he had recovered from his injuries. He was honorably discharged with a purple heart for his bravery. Having for the first time truly seen what Hyperhumans out of control could do Marcus got in contact with Helpand joined H.I.T. But not before returning to Crescent City, and giving his father a piece of his mind.

He was the model agent of H.I.T for the entirety of his career. It all coming to a heed in 2016, when he was tasked with tracking down a Hyperhuman serial killer, who had already claimed 6 Victims, his M.O was the ice related wounds. He found Mr.Frost, as the deranged lunatic insisted he would be called. The two had a battle, where Marcus killed the Hyperhuman. Discovering 20 teens and children, all of which were missing – and the offspring of Hyperhumans, frozen to death. Having been powerless to stop their deaths, it finally got to him.

He quit his job at HIT and moved back to Crescent City, his mother had divorced his father, and gotten full custody of their child, his little Sister. He began numbing his pain in the comfort of unknown women and cheap booze. And that's about where he's stayed for the past year.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"All I want is some good tunes, a pretty girl and a cold drink. Not asking for the world here."
Marcus is running from his past. Well, trying to drown it, more accurately. He's full of self hate, loathing and doubt unable to know if he's made the right call in life. He's trying to forget his problems and occupies his time with cheap booze and expensive women.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"What goes up, always comes down. Unless I say so."
◼ Gravity Manipulation | Marcus is able to gather complete control over Gravity, one of the four fundamental forces of physics. He can add force to gravity, or subtract, allowing him to make you very heavy, or almost weightless. He's able to affect large areas, such as entire buildings. He can create new points of gravity, creating new gravitational pulls, albeit, he cannot remove ones he has not created. This allows him to pin foes, or things to walls by pushing them against it. By making threads of new gravity points, he's able to feign telekinesis, or flight, simply slingshotting himself through the air. But, most efficent is his ability to create null-gravity zones in a area around him, he can all but turn off gravity, giving himself artificial gravity to still move, but putting any opponent in total inertia, making them unable to generate friction.

◼ Martial Training | Marcus is trained in Martial Arts, Marksmanship and Vehicular Warfare by both the U.S Military and H.I.T, making him an excellent combatant, trained in a wide variety of martial arts.

◼ Free Running | You don't get to chase down rogue speedsters or super agile freaks without learning how to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Being able to control gravity, and therefor being able to control if you fall or not aids greatly in this effort..

◼ Detective Skills | He used to operate as a detective for H.I.T, as port of his workload as a Agent. His skills are on par with the best of Crescent City P.D, plus added knowledge about Hyperhumans.

◼ Drinking | Years of practice, he's become an excellent drinker, able to drink most under the table. With his years of bar diving during his days off, he's developed a kind of 'urban shamantism', able to connect with a bar and the people in it, quickly getting a read on them. This has lead to him becoming somewhat charming, both to further his own interests, and to get with the ladies. That, or the booze's talking.

◼ Powers | His gravity abilities are powerful, but due to their natural power to mess with physics, Marcus is constantly wired to play them down. To rely on his martial prowess, over his powers. As such, he never truly cuts loose, as if he did, things would go terrible and he'd very easily become the thing he's spent his adult life battling.

◼ Concentration | His powers require great amount of concentration, if he cannot muster that up, his powers will not amount to much. Emotional grief works as a substitute, leading to him keeping his feelings under lock and key, too.

◼ Physical Form | If he cannot see a bullet come – and stop it in the air. His body's just flesh and blood. No super soldier serum, no alien DNA, no healing factor. If you shoot him, he'll die, just like a regular human.

◼ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | Marcus has been suffering from PTSD ever since he was a child, the brutal beatings he took at the hands of his father laid the groundwork for the damage the trauma he would face later in life. His current mental health could by some shrinks be considered a psychotic episode, being mentally burnt out'.

◼ Alcoholism | He's an alcoholic, addicted to the sauce. He'll drink himself to death, sooner or later.

◼ Impulsive | Thinking before acting isn't Marcus's strong point anymore, he'll just do things.

◼ Self-Sacrificing | Not to say Marcus is suicidal, he's not. But he'd be okay with getting run over by a car.

▼ N O T E S:


Camille Cassidy |
Loving mother, recently divorced from Marcus father, Arthur, 50

Daisy Cassidy |
Baby Sister, 12


Lisa Smith |
On Again Off Again Girlfriend, 28.


Arthur Cassidy |
Estranged Father, 52

◼ Lonely Hearts Club | Pointe Bordeaux Marcus knows all the ins and outs of the Lonely Hears Club area, every bartender has poured him a drink ever stripper knows his name, and every bouncer has kicked him out.

◼ H.I.T Suit | A ballistic weaved, specially tailored suit capable of protecting against small caliber gunfire, knives. It's also fire resistant and puts the suits of the Feds to shame.


M A R C U S K A L V I N C A S S I D Y J A N U A R Y 1 S T 1 9 8 8 (29 ) M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N

"I might not go down in history. But I will go down on your sister."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I tend to attract."
◼ HEIGHT | 184 Centimeters

◼ WEIGHT | 74 Kilograms

◼ BUILD | Well built.

◼ HAIR COLOR | Blond

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue

◼ OTHER | Semper Fi is tattood on his left underarm, reaching from his wrist to his elbow, over his chest the crest for The Hyperhuman Intervention Tactical Unit, "H.I.T"

First thing you might notice about Marcus is his appearance, naturally handsome with his sharp features and well sculpted body, and once upon a time, you'd sense a scent of some expensive perfume on him if you walked past him, these day you'll be met with the sour scent of whatever drink he had ten off. Marcus has the makings of a strong, proud man, he walks with determination in his steps, showing that the training he went through is still in his very essence, despite him trying to wash it away. Used to wearing combat gear or elegant suits, he now wears rundown leather jackets, four day old T-shirts, ripped Jeans and his five year old boots. Hoodies or coats are not uncommon for him to wear, either. His face is constantly scruffy, as he only ocassionally bothers to shave, one a month or so. There's a certain elegance to the way he moves, even despite his drunken stumblings, all betraying his secret that once upon a time, he was someone you could rely on, but no more.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Nobody that comes from a happy home joins the military."
Marcus Cassidy, born to Arthur and Camille Cassidy. His mother a aspiring actress, his father a big shot corporate Lawyer. Thanks to Arthur's business contacts and wealth, Marcus grew up very wealthy, having the ability to get everything he ever wanted. His childhood was somewhat normal, growing up, till he was four years old, at least. That was the first time he ever heard Arthur and Camille fighting, they were arguing about his mother's desire to get her acting career off, which Arthur would not permit. Marcus saw his father hit his mother for the first time that night. It escalated, like stairs that move and in the coming years, Arthur's business would do worse and he began drinking more and more. Once he got drinking, he turned violent, abusing Camille, but never Marcus.

But that changed when he was eleven. Marcus heard Arthur grab Camille, and she cried, cried that she was gonna call the police. Marcus ran into the kitchen, and put himself in between his parents, protecting the most important woman in his world from the monster that was his father. Arthur hit him, and threw him into the fridge, breaking four of his ribs and giving him a concussion.

Marcus spent his preteens and teenage years living under the thumb of Arthur, pretending to be a normal, happy family. And at times, they were. He and Arthur had good times, Arthur taught Marcus how to ski, and how to drive, he helped him with his homework and he talked with Marcus when Marcus has his first crush on a classmate. But the good times didn't make up for the bad times. When Marcus was 17, he had a little sister, Daisy. He was scared, and angry that his little sister would grow up with Arthur, living under his thumb, and Marcus couldn't stand for it, so before Daisy's first birthday, he shipped off to join the military. While going through basic training, his abilities manifested, stopping a bullet in the middle of the air. Calls were made, and he was taken out of his training, and instead relocated to Canada, PRCU. Where he would finish his high school education, and go on to live for the next five years.

At 22, he was offered a spot in the H.I.T Program, one he rejected at first, instead wishing to serve his country, finishing his military training. He became a Marine, and for two years he was deployed to hotzones all over the world. Fighting dictators and terrorist forces alike. That is, until his unit was put in the Operation “Dawn Of Orion”. Officially, their mission was to confiscate blueprints for a new bio weapon from a terrorist cell in Sudan. Unofficially, it was a black ops to eliminate a threat the Marines had no business in dealing with.

His squad was attacked by three Hyperhumans, Marcus used his abilities to fight two of them off, but was defeated and put in critical condition. Half a year later, he had recovered from his injuries, having for the first time truly seen what Hyperhumans out of control could do, Marcus went back to PRCU and joined H.I.T. But not before returning to Crescent City, and giving his father a piece of his mind.

He was the model agent of H.I.T for the entirety of his career. It all coming to a heed in 2016, when he was tasked with tracking down a Hyperhuman serial killer, who had already laid out 6 Victims, with ice related wounds. He found Mr.Frost, as the deranged lunatic insisted he would be called, the two had a battle, where Marcus killed the Hyperhuman. Discovering 20 teens and children, all of which were missing – and the offspring of Hyperhumans, frozen to death. Having been powerless to stop their deaths, it finally got to him.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"All I want is some good tunes, a pretty girl and a cold drink. Not asking for the world here."
Marcus is running from his past. Well, trying to drow it, more accurately. He's full of self hate, loathing and doubt unable to know if he's made the right call in life. He's trying to forget his problems and occupies his time with cheap booze and expensive women.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"What goes up, always comes down. Unless I say so."
◼ Gravity Manipulation | Marcus is able to gather complete control over Gravity, one of the four fundamental forces of physics. He can add force to gravity, or subtract, allowing him to make you very heavy, or almost weightless. He's able to affect large areas, such as entire buildings. He can create new points of gravity, creating new gravitational pulls, albeit, he cannot remove ones he has not created. This allows him to pin foes, or things to walls by pushing them against it. By making threads of new gravity points, he's able to feign telekinesis, or flight, simply slingshotting himself through the air. But, most efficent is his ability to create null-gravity zones in a area around him, he can all but turn off gravity, giving himself artificial gravity to still move, but putting any opponent in total inertia, making them unable to generate friction.

◼ Martial Training | Marcus is trained in Martial Arts, Marksmanship and Vehicular Warfare by both the U.S Military and H.I.T, making him an excellent combatant, trained in a wide variety of martial arts.
◼ Free Running | You don't get to chase down rogue speedsters or super agile freaks without learning how to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Being able to control gravity, and therefor being able to control if you fall or not aids greatly in this effort..
◼ Detective Skills | He used to operate as a detective for H.I.T, as port of his workload as a Agent. His skills are on par with the best of Crescent City P.D, plus added knowledge about Hyperhumans.
◼ Drinking | Years of practice, he's become an excellent drinker, able to drink most under the table. With his years of bar diving during his days off, he's developed a kind of 'urban shamantism', able to connect with a bar and the people in it, quickly getting a read on them. This has lead to him becoming somewhat charming, both to further his own interests, and to get with the ladies. That, or the booze's talking.

◼ Powers | His gravity abilities are powerful, but due to their natural power to mess with physics, Marcus is constantly wired to play them down. To rely on his martial prowess, over his powers. As such, he never truly cuts loose, as if he did, things would go terrible and he'd very easily become the thing he's spent his adult life battling.
◼ Concentration | His powers require great amount of concentration, if he cannot muster that up, his powers will not amount to much. Emotional grief works as a substitute, leading to him keeping his feelings under lock and key, too.
◼ Physical Form | If he cannot see a bullet come – and stop it in the air. His body's just flesh and blood. No super soldier serum, no alien DNA, no healing factor. If you shoot him, he'll die, just like a regular human.

◼ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | Marcus has been suffering from PTSD ever since he was a child, the brutal beatings he took at the hands of his father laid the groundwork for the damage the trauma he would face later in life. His current mental health could by some shrinks be considered a psychotic episode, being mentally burnt out'.
◼ Alcoholism | He's an alcoholic, addicted to the sauce. He'll drink himself to death, sooner or later.
◼ Impulsive | Thinking before acting isn't Marcus's strong point anymore, he'll just do things.
◼ Self-Sacrificing | Not to say Marcus is suicidal, he's not. But he'd be okay with throwing himself in front of a train to save another person, simply just to not have

▼ N O T E S:


Camille Cassidy | Mother
Loving mother, recently divorced from her Husband, Arthur, 50

Daisy Cassidy | Sister
Baby Sister, 12


Lisa Smith |
On Again Off Again Girlfiend, 28.


Arthur Cassidy |
Estranged Father

◼ Lonely Hearts Club | Pointe Bordeaux Marcus knows all the ins and outs of the Lonely Hears Club area, every bartender has poured him a drink ever stripper knows his name, and every bouncer has kicked him out.

◼ H.I.T Suit | A ballistic weaved, specially tailored suit capable of protecting against small caliber gunfire, knives. It's also fire resistant and puts the suits of the Feds to shame.

<Snipped quote by Buddha>


<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Respect your elders Hillan, you retard. ♥

Fuck you mean elders

I'm like, ten years older than you boi.

Don't think I won't slap yo shit just because you're Brazilian.

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