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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

OOC's under construction. Should be done later tonight.
I might be interested in joining if you would have me Hillan.

Sure! Sleep is eluding me, but I'll catch that sonofabitch if it's the last thing I'll do.

I'll have OOC up tomorrow with a character sheet and essential information, I'll add more in the coming days. I need to sleep as it's currently six am, though.

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

"You see, I very clearly wrote 'Original Character do not steal.' on Kale's character sheet. What do you mean your version is a female and nothing like him? It's the principal dammit."

Intellectual property theft. Throw the book at them.
<Snipped quote by Hillan>
1,200? 7,000+? Near 10,000?
You mean like in the low thousands?

Low-Class warriors would be in maybe around 5K as adults, Elite would be pushing on 10K and 'Super Elite' would be at maximum 15K.

Lowering your powerlevel, sensing ki, that sorta thing are all abilities none of the cast will posses at the beginning, we will rely on Scouters. Idea of some of us using blasters is not completely unlikely, depending on how the cast shapes up. I'll alter the narrative to fit what characters everyone cooks up. So, no pressure that we'd end up with all low class or all elites.

Obviously, Super Saiyan won't happen in the near future, but that goes without saying.
But what if I don't own either Xenoverse games and Dragon Ball Super stole my Saiyan's vegetable pun?

Sue Toei.

Ihihi... A Dragon Ball Z RP that isn't set clear up at post Battle of Gods bullshit powerlevels from the start? Now THIS is going to be fun! Color me interested! I'll just pre-emptively reserve a female Saiyan low-class warrior, just in case there's restrictions on rank or gender for roles, and the name Cailan, because DAMNED IF ANYONE'S TAKING MY VEGETABLE NAME!

...Although sadly, the best reference image I'll likely be able to provide for her is just a Xenoverse 2 character. ^^; Ehehe. Sorry about that.

That's perfectly fine! Vegetable related puns are a must. So are manageable power levels. A power creep that isn't "Chracters become a Million times stronger over the course of one week." like, y'know, Namek, is also in the cards.

Xenoverse 2 images are fine. I'll probably end up doing the same for mine.

Potential interest, pending on more information once the OOC comes.

Glad to hear it. Think the most important thing for people to know, right out of the gate is that Saiyans will be (At least starting out, we'll see what the general consensus is.) the only race that will truly be playable. I am pretty open to letting players play NPCs, and for this scenario I'd even encourage people to create their own alien species for us to interact with. I'm just one man, and there's only so much Sci-Fi I know off to take inspiration from.

Oh, and Powerlevels are gonna be 'important'. In the sense that the main cast will start somewhere at the strength of Raditz - Nappa - Bardock. It'll be largely AU, and I'm going to revamp the backstory of the Saiyans and Planet Vegeta to make it make a little more 'sense' as our dear Toriyama wrote the entire series on impulse, he never really had a plan - and it shows quite frequently.

Interest Check is not representative of OOC. OOC will contain a lot more information, sheet and other such goodies.

We all know the story of how one young girl on a quest to find seven magical orbs - how she ran her motorcycle into a young boy who had lived in the woods his entire life, and how that little boy, Goku, would go onto become not just the savior of Earth, but the entire universe, and perhaps not just his universe. We know about his hardships and his story, the friends he made and the foes he fought. The family he created, the children he created and the legacy he left.

This, this is a story completely different from that. This story is one about the greatest warrior race in the entire universe, how their pride was shattered by a tyrant, and one last, desperate attempt at removing the Frost Demon's foot from their heads. This is the story of the renegades, the wildcars, the mavericks. The pathfinders of a dead civilization and their struggles in a brave new world far away from everything they ever knew.

This is the story of the Saiyans of The Primal Fury. We will play as The Elite, born into greatness, the leaders and commanders of the Saiyan army, and the Low Class warriors,the disposable grunts. Those that thanks to a cunning plot of the King, were sent away to a new galaxy, far away from Frieza's plan to eradicate the Saiyans to craft a new path for the Saiyan race, to carry on their legacy.
"I caught glimpses of dem Verdant people over at dat Locksley Inns."

"Which one was that, again Kuhn?" Chester called from down on the boat

".. Don't try me, Cap'n. It's been a long day for dis man." Kuhn told him, rubbing his forehead. While Chester had walked around the area of the boat, still within earshot, looking through the left behind things of the Company men. "Kesrizu was where I've been spending the past four months."

"Oh yeah! You worked for the bad guys! Then Macario over there kicked your ass!" Chester chimed in, and Kuhn shot him a one-eyed glare. "It was a draw. And I did not use real bullets." He deflected, before returning to the topic.

"I remember Goldenrod - dat shithead - had plans for dis week, around dis 'ere part of da Blue. He asked for extra men to be sent here. Nobody would tell me anyting, but 'tis all you information ya' get when you're a hired pistol."

"Could it have been just to steal the Wine? Dat seems a lil umambigious for Goldenrod..." Kuhn finished his thought, looking over at the other three on the deck, Chester had just arrived back on the deck, a bottle in his hand he had apparently looted from one of the packs on the ground. "Wait, they stole the wine? WE were gonna steal that wine!" Chester exclaimed. "I'mma beat the snot out of those two blue and yellow guys!"

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