Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts


| N A M E |
Michael St.Edwards

| A G E |

| D U T Y |
Teacher, Military Contact, Power Trip instructor.

| A B I L I T Y |
Invulnerability; Michael cannot sustain injury, and thusly, he cannot die. His bones will not break, his skin will not bleed and his hair will not burn. By every limit that has been tested, Michael is impervious to being hurt. But, while he is unable to being hurt, his offensive capabilities are all human. If he needs to fight, he relies on technique and weapons.

| I N F O |
Former Army Ranger, turned CIA Spook. Discovered he was a Advanced Human when he was in his 20's while deployed at REDACTED for Operation REDACTED. Michael is a man with his ear to the intelligence community, responsible for Campus security and helping Adrian keep the Military at ease about the potentially Literal Nuclear weapons that are kept in the school grounds. Adrian is a bit of a cold guy,
but he's got a heart of gold, who despite what many may think sees the students not as weapons, but as real people.

He teaches P.E, History and Social Science. He's also often putting himself on the line as a Target Dummy when it comes to letting the students loose in the Power Trip.


| N A M E |
Adrian Tobias Jones Gold

| A G E |

| D U T Y |

| A B I L I T Y |
Power Mimicry: Adrian is able to mimic the abilities of other Advanced people. He is not able to mimic the mastery of their powers, and only able to mimic one part of their powers. For example, someone who is able to fly, Adrian is able to mimic their ability to fly, but not their ability to breath while flying, making his Mimicking flawed, while still useful.

| I N F O |
The Son of William Gold, the founder of the Gold Academy For Advanced Younglings. Born in New York, he was raised with one foot in Queens - the ghetto, and one in Manhattan. He's got a knack for knowing people and is overall a pleasure to be around. A real people person - perhaps by virtue of his abilities to 'fit in'.

"I'm a diamond in the rough, like a shiny piece of coal."


| B I R T H N A M E: |
Augustus Julianus Vinci

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[
Agg by friends,
Agghead by bullies.

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
Augustus, named after a roman Emperor, one of the most notable ones, at that, represents his namesake poorly. He's 5'9 tall, not a lot of muscle on his skinny frame. His skin is naturally a on the more shaded side of the spectrum due to his Mediterranean roots. Olive hues and a surprisingly unflawed complexion, the kid never had much problem with acne, which was always nice for him when few things about his appearance is. He's got dark eyes and matching hair. His hairstyle's unkepmt and he pays little attention to it, half-heartedly he's trying to grow it out to get some sort of Hardrock look, perhaps that would offset his aura of punity.

As previously mentioned, Augustus is skinny, he's a pretty small guy. He's not completely without muscle, though, as he has been running track his entire life - not as a sport, but as a way to avoid getting beaten up all too badly. He dresses modestly in T-shirts and jeans, never off any expensive brands despite having the means to afford a three piece suit for every day of the year.

| A B I L I T I E S: |
Organic Transmutation Transformation;
August can change his flesh and blood into other materials. While doing so, he gains properties associated with this material. His abilities could potentially have near endless applications, but so far there is but one material he is able to transmute into, and he has only mastered transmuting individual body parts, full body transformations are far from mastered. His transmutations so far only affects his dermal layers - skin, fat and muscle, they are thusly unable to affect his organs.

Chaosalloy; The 'cool' name Augustus named his power when it is in use. His body takes on a onyx almost space-like shape, becoming jet black with indistinguishable shapes in them. When he is transformed, the part of him that is transformed is as hard as diamonds, he gains increased strength, and when he covers his entire body in it, it becomes like an exoskeleton and he grows another few inches, standing at a total of 6'2. The Alloy is very dense, but moving his bodyparts covered in the alloy is never much of a problem, accounting for the added weight, however is.

| S K I L L S: |
Techwizard - Agg loves tech. iphones, Androids, Googles, he does not care. He'll work with anything. He's at home on a message board on the internet learning a new skill he probably will never have to adapt in his real life. He spends a lot of time tinkering with tech, inventing stuff and fidgeting around with thins he shouldn't. His innate intelligence is very important to him, and he holds it very highly, forgoing other aspects of his life for his nerdy ways.

Popculture; He was raised by the TV, having parents who were both too busy with their own careers to care much for him.

Polymath; Augustus is a Polymath, a naturally born genius and has a IQ that is off the charts, while still not being considered Superhuman. His intelligence is 'natural', unlike his other abilities. But, given how his father's an investment banker and a CEO, his mother's a Surgeon, and he's got PHD's en masse on both sides of the family, it's hardly a surprise.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
Born into riches, Augusts life seemed like it would be smooth sailing. He was a wunderkin, well beyond his years and everyone knew it. He was sent to the finest boarding schools in the world. But he kept getting kicked out, he was a 'troublemaker' in the regard that trouble always found him. He was always targeted by the other students and quickly became a social outcast. Being the richest kid in rich kid school is about as bad as being the poorest in public school. In retrospect, August doesn't feel that much selfpity about it, others always had it worse than him. He's focusing on the future, at least ever since that day when he did one the few only 'young people mistakes' He and a 'friend'. Jonas - a cool kid from Boarding School, and one of the few who seemed to like him, egged August into commiting a crime.

It wasn't so bad, it was just stealing a few candybars from the local corner store. Well, that is till he saw Jonas sneak around the back with a skimask and a pistol. Jonas robbed the place blind, and when he went for the getaway, August stopped. Panicked, confused and feeling incredibly guilty, he tried to reason with the pistol-whipped shopkeeper. That is, till the shopkeeper got out his shotgun and fired a slug right at Augustus.

He survived. The bullets had fallen off his chest and under his shirt was the jetblack metal that saved his life. He Passed out afterwards, and when he woke up, he was being transported to Gold's Academy For Advanced Younglings. A school for people like him. Not nerds, or polymaths. But people with abilities. The Advanced People.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

On my way back from the only store I go to anymore.
I do realize I'm mostly saying what everyone else has already been, but I figured it doesn't hurt for it to come from one more person.

I'm one of the older members of "Valhalla", Odin's discord server. (And the predecessors to those, as I've known the dude for forever.) Like Cyndyr touched on; in literally no shape or form does that Discord server serve as an official server to the guild. Members who are active on the discord server are not in any way, shape or form connected to the guild, the only connection to be made is that most of us know each other from this website. To insinuate any of this is the fault of the discord is ludicrous. "Grim was influenced". Who. The. Hell. Cares? We want to censor Youtube content creators who's biggest demographics are teens from dropping F-bombs, because it might make Teenagers say "Fuck you" to their teacher? No, of course not.

Come on. This is not a real discussion we're having in a thread about issues on the Guild. Inkarnate is clearly projecting his own feelings of Valhalla and it's members onto this thread. He ran away from the server with his tail between his legs, after it was abundantly clear he was not welcome there. No one kicked him, he wasn't banned, he left. If there ever was a bias to be considered, it's that one. Please, everyone, focus to the topic at hand.
What grocery shopping for a family of 5 looks like for the month

y'all got any more of them foods?

All right. Bumporino. Working on the OOC.

What in Rooting Tooting Tarnation is going on here

@HillanWhere do you live that is cold? It was pretty hot today.


Who's a handsome man?

I'm a handsome man. I also dig the whole cold-as-balls-in-august. Any excuse for me to wear a beanie, jeans, jacket and gloves is a good day in my book.

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