Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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Sweet. A couple more peeps poking their beautiful little heads in here and I'll feel confident to start the OOC.

All right. so there is hope that I'm not as insane as I think. Nice.
I have an interesting idea for Red Hood...




| B I R T H N A M E: |

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |
Barbie(insulting), Biru

| E P I T H E T H: |

| P O W E R L E V E L : |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
Barbiru is a shorter than average height and toned saiyan, but not overall burly. He has dark hair arranged in a spiky fashion that shoots upwards like a broom. One of such locks sticks forward and hangs loosely. His eyes are dark, but his expression is uncharacteristically mellow and gentle. He usually wears an old style PTO armor without shoulderpads, as well as an utility belt just a bit below his tail's resting position. He also carries a small backpack with more materials as well as a pocket computer, which is linked to his heavily-modded green scouter for enhaced functionality and technical analysis.

| P E R S O N A L I T Y: |
A complete deviant in the Saiyan society, Barbiru lacks the common aggressive behaviour of most saiyans, preferring to live and let live if left unattended. However, as a creature who likes to abide with rules, his kind hearted nature is often forced to perform gruesome deeds and fight for the Saiyans more than he would like to, in order to avoid being punished. Patient and ponderous, Barbiru quickly leapt to a niche almost no Saiyan would ever set foot in. Technology. After all, building and repairing in his eyes are more difficult and challenging than just destroying things. And he doesn't have to stain his hands to do so.

However, there is another side to Barbiru. Since he's capable of attachment and loves peace, should the few things that are important to him be threatened, he will answer in kind. Possesing an unbreakable will and boundless courage, Barbiru might not have the battle instict of his peers, but he has truly heroic spirit. He will be swift. He will be merciful. And he will kill you with hardly a gloat or a word, or die trying.

| T R A D E M A R K: |
All Rounder Elite: Barbiru's style in combat involves a rather trite mix of offense, defense, punches and throws, with Ki blasts. He doesn't have any kind of strong suite whatsoever, and feels dull and boring. However, it is still elite trained style, and it will hurt if one is not careful. Given how this style also has very little weak points besides the lack of true strengths, it could be argued that is a defensive and reactive style among Saiyans, if such a thing existed.

Galick Gun: Rumours say he learnt this technique by being on the receiving end repeated times as punishment for his deeds. Nevertheless, while his version is not as powerful as the Royal Family ones, it is still a good finishing move, and demolition tool.

Ki Transfer: Barbiru is capable of transferring his ki to replenish that of others.

Carbo Barrier: Barbiru spread his arms wide and manifests an interwoven ki warrier that is unbelievable sturdy and can protect himself and allies from mass area attacks, and if he focuses enough, massive ki attacks. However, the consumption rate for the technique is proportional to the amount of damage the barrier receives, and as such, it will not hold for long when piercing or massive energy attacks are used. Barbiru thinks of this as his ultimate technique.

| S K I L L S: |
Gentle Soul: Barbiru doesn't give off battle lust, even when inspected by people with mystic powers (although they would be able to sense regret and self-loathe instead). He also is very hard to enrage, mostly because he has to will himself to hurt people. His Great Ape form suffers as a result, lacking the usual overpowering aggression most Saiyans in Great Ape form have. Since he doesn't have that much blind rage, he didn't need much effort to be able to learn to retain his mind in his Great Ape form, and is even capable of manipulating (large) tools with it.

Perceptive: Given that he has a broader emotional spectrum than the average saiyan, and the fact that the drums of battle don't sound as intense in his mind, Barbiru is often being able to tell and feel details that many would find missing, such as a hint of an emotion of an opponent, a hidden clue, detect which part is the one malfunctioning... even in the thick of battle, which can give him some perks such as seeing attacks better and finding chinks in an opponents' defense.

Engineer: Barbiru's great passion. He is a very capable engineer, even if one were to compare him by other race's standards, and he can create, repair and maintain a wide range of technology devices employed by the PTO, as well as several other factions. He is also able to design new systems from scratch and even improve current technologies.

Cooking: He likes to create, and he also has the other Saiyan passion of eating. It is no wonder he knows how to do this.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
Barbiru was born in the elite of the Saiyans, destined to be an iron-fisted captain over the more uncouth and undisciplined hordes of lower classes. However, something seemed to go very -wrong- in his head. The young saiyan not only failed to show any kind of unrelenting will to fight, but would often throw his fights up. To not hurt his opponents. This brought great shame to his peers and parents, and unable to deal with the child, they decided to send him in suicide missions so he could learn the proper Saiyan way or die trying.

Of course, Barbiru not only failed in such a task, and leave the planet unmarred, he failed in the worst way possible. He somehow befriended the high-tech natives of the planet and thus gained enough knowledge to rig his own pod systems and go back to Planet Vegeta without finishing his mission. Barbiru's punishment, however had to wait because the PTO came along, guns blazing and putting their heels over King Vegeta's throne. Barbiru felt no less vexed than his comrades about the matter, after all, as bad as King Vegeta was, the new guys looked even worse. Surprisingly fought hard in that war, but eventually it was But... he didn't want to start fights. Not yet at the very least. Deep down, he knew that somehow, that Frieza madman had to be stopped. But it would be unwise to fight again in the same fashion they had lost. So he bid his time like many others. The PTO provided, nevertheless, a surprising boon. Scientists and technology. Barbiru wasted no time in chasing these flighty seemingly servitor races by running errands in secret, in exchange of their precious knowledge. And of course the benefit was mutual. The protection of a Saiyan was nothing to scoff at.

Until King Vegeta caught wind of his deeds once again. He offered him a choice. To punish him for not being Saiyanlike enough, or join a certain ship's crew. Barbiru's choice was a no brainer.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
The Barbie thing was totally intentional.

Accepted. By the way.

IC is now open. Go apeshit.

I mean, don't actually. No Blutzwaves allowed on board. Or Monkey business.


Age 738, Planet Vegeta, North Galaxy, Universe 7.

The Court was bustling that noon. Saiyans walking in and out, on orders of Freeza himself, all Saiyan warriors had been called back to Vegeta. This was something that had never happened before, and it was cause for concern - or joy. Some figured it was finally time for Freeza to show the greatest warrior race in the unvierse some appreciation, they had spent the last decade working for him and they had expanded his empire extensively while doing so. In truth, the Saiyans was probably the greatest addition imaginable to the Freeza forces.

Which is why what would transpire in the coming weeks so incredibly unbelievable.

Vitar made his way to the court, he had arrived on the planet quite some weeks ago. He was, like a handful of others, put under Martial Hold, following the battle of Kasaar, a national embarrassment that will forever leave a dark smudge on the otherwise near flawless record of the Saiyan race. Today would be his, and the other accused's trial, held by King Vegeta himself. His king was not known for showing mercy to those that fail him, and Vitar was not expecting such, either. Yet, today was a special day. One where everything would change.

Today would be his last day on this planet that has been his home.

He made his way to the full court, over five hundred of the Saiyan Elite was in the court that day - more than Vitar had ever seen. Every important warrior of the race was there. King Vegeta and the Prince sat in the middle back end of the court in Thrones. Next to them was the lower podium where the massive man, the second strongest warrior of their race - Chief Counselor Nappa. Vitar was wearing his armor with his ensignia on the chest, his Saiyan Jewelry made out of a bronze shade around his neck, plus the piercings in his ear to match. His knife was sheated right under his tail on his leg. His black jumpsuit with the short round collared shirt could be seen under his black and green armor. His cape was draped over his right shoulder, covering his left arm, covered by the one fingerless black glove he wore on his left hand. He worse matching rings to his necklace and piercings on his right hand.

He made his way through the isle, to his place where he would be sitting in the middle of the room, next to his fellow warriors who were to stand trial today. No more than a handful of them had managed to bring shame to an entire species, truly, battle of Kasaar had been an embarrsment. Vitar's eyes med King Vegeta's, and then they went to the side of the room, leaning against a wall was the blue-skinned man that sent a shiver down Vitar's spine. Freeza's right hand man, Zarbon had come to watch the dealings.

Shit. He would have to improvise, then.

With a gulp, he took his spot, but before he could sit down, another black haired warrior, a fellow low class soldier that had clawed his way into the elite put his hand on his shoulder.

"Vitar." The man spoke, as Vitar turned around, facing Bardock, one of his seniors that had taken care of him like a brother. "It'll be fine, brother." Vitar assured him, as he put his hand up to Bardock, getting the Saiyan's hand off of his shoulder, turning back around. Bardock nodded, leaving. He had a mission today that he and his crew was gonna set out on, Vitar was supposed to have gone with them, but plans changed, as they do.

He bowed his head as he sat down. "My Lord.." He said, and Vegeta snarled at him. "Silence." the room queieted down as the King's words rang out. Nappa stood up. "The Charges of the awful, martial embarrassment on Kasaar. For bringing shame on all of Saiyankind, you are here to face Trial. While normally, we would just kill you and throw you to the space-wolves, the King has given you a chance to try your case."

Vitar stood up. "Commanding Officer on the mission at Kasaar. Vitar of the Saiyan Elite. The mission failed due to factors out of our control. The Kasaarlings hade technology specifically created to counter our ability to use the Great Ape Form. Without the benefits of the Oozaru we were outmatched by their power levels. A Larger squad of Saiyans would've been required, as the commando force that was sent in was incapable of handling the situation." Vitar explained, before sitting down.

"So what you're saying, Vitar, is that it's the Royal Court's fault, for not sending more men, that you could not handle your top-priority mission?
"No, sir, I'm just saying that there were factors we did not know abou-" He was cut off by the bigger Saiyan, whom was walking in front of him.

"You were in charge of Recon of the planet, correct?"

"Yes, sir. But"

"We'll have no more excuses from you. Are you ready to make your judgement, my liege?" Nappa asked, bowing to Vegeta, as the King stood up.

"I've heard enough, Nappa, take a seat. Vitar, stand up, Boy."

Vitar stood up, a bead of sweat rolling down his neck. He wasn't afraid of the judgement, but he certainly wasn't sure his plan was gonna workout. Zarbon was a complication he hadn't expected. "You think you can make a mockery of this court? Of the crown?!" Vegeta asked as Vitar swallowed his pride. "N-No sir. I do not. I would never! You know I'm the most loyal there is!" Vitar shouted, puffing his chest.

"SILENCE!" The king shouted. "Everyone of the defendents, except Commander Vitar are hereby banished. Take them out of my sight."

Zarbon chimed in. "But, Lord Vegeta, would it not be more fitting to kill such embarrassments? A public execution, perhaps? Lord Freeza would find that an utter delight. Oh, that would be just too delicious!"

The King raised an eyebrow and then smirked. "Certainly. Think yourselves lucky, you won't have to die in space, too stupid to fend for yourselves. You shall be publically executed next week, on Freeza day. The commander, too." The King said with a smirk. Vitar bowed his head.

"No." Vitar's words silenced the court, whispers rang out. "Hm?" Vegeta asked him. "No. You will not execute me. I have not betrayed Planet Vegeta. I have not brought shame to the Saiyan Race. I am a proud elite warrior, and I will NOT be PUT DOWN LIKE A DOG!" Vitar shouted, dashing forward, sucker-punching the king in the face, making Vegeta slide backwards a few feet, grinning as his lip began bleeding. Nappa and four other Royal Elites were on Vitar, holding him down.

"How dare you, insulent scum!" Nappa shouted. And Vitar was struggling to break free. "King Vegeta! I, Vitar of the Saiyan Elite, challenge you to a duel! Call off your apes and face me!" He shouted.

"You want to fight me for your life? Pathetic." Vegeta said, waving him off. "No. Not for my life. For your crown!" He spit out, biting the saiyan who held him down to the ground in the finger. Once more, he flew at Vegeta, whom this time caught his fist in the air. "You dare try to challenge me, your King for the crown? You pathetic fool."

Vitar threw out his other arm, only to also be caught by the king, whom then headbutted him to the ground, Vitar skidded on the floor, pulling his knife, crouching down. The king unclipped his cape from his armor, as he stretched. "Fine. I accept your challenge. I will push your exceution forward."

Vitar came at him, swiping his knife at the king's neck, he dodged, a quarter of an inch of his hair was cut by the laser-sharp blade. The king released a double-jab into Vitar's chest, as the saiyans in the court were getting excited. Zarbon, too. He clicked the scouter to record it all and directly stream it to Freeza. Vitar's arm shot out to grab Vegeta, but was met with a boot to the chest, sending him to the ground. Vitar charged like a mad bull at Vegeta, his cape ruffling in the air created by his flight. The Two traded blows, Vitar trying to hit the king with his knife, but the king deflected every blow, clearly toying with the Elite warrior. "HROAH!" the King exclaimed as he let out a strong jab, connecting with Vitar's chin, sending him flying, stunning. Vegeta appeared behind him, kicking him in the stomach, tossing him down towards the floor. He stretched out his arms, doing a downward motion before he flew after Vitar, hitting Vitar with both of his knuckles to further increaase his fall. Smoke rose from the ground after Vitar crashed, Vegeta was still in the air, having stopped a few feet off the ground. Dust had been kicked up, as Vegeta chuckled, so did a couple others. "Guess Vitar's dead, heh. What an idiot, trying to challenge the King like that?!" Some low class warriors laughed. When one of their scouters beeped. "He's not dead." Zarbon pointed out, his scouter doing the same.

From the smoke, Vitar appeared, his cape had been torn off of his armor, his shoulder pad was destroyed and his face was bleeding, the silhouette of his face penetrated the smoke as he came out charging with his knife. King Vegeta shot out his hand, a purple ki-blast in his hand. Vitar quickly dodged the ground, spinning as he hit the floor, pushing himself off of the floor with his unarmed hand. charging at the king, whom moved his arm right in time to only get graced by Vitar's knife on the right arm - instead of getting the whole thing taken off. The King let out an annoyed grunt, as he knee'd Vitar in the stomach, punching him several more times in the face, singling out his armed hand, and applying enough pressure to the hand that Vitar cried out in pain, small bones in his hand breaking the sickening sound made the Saiyans in the court go crazy. Zarbon was chuckling at the display.

"This knife of yours? It's a really nice knife. Your father was a fool to waste such a gift on a worthless piece of trash like you." The King said as the knife fell to the ground. Vitar tried to reach for it, but before he could, The King kicked him another time in the ribs, spinning around, he delieved a soccer kick to Vitar's head as he was falling, sending him flying upside down across the court, hitting the fall on the far end hard enough to make part of the wall fall down.

Vitar's body was shaking as he was struggling to get back up onto his feet. Coughing blood.

"It's over, Vitar. Stop fighting and I'll put you out of your misery. Like. A. Dog."

Vitar wiped blood from his lip and looked up at the king and smirked from his pained expression. He put one palm behind the other as he pulled his arms back up towards his face-height. Taking the every-so familiar stance to everyone of the Saiyan elite. "Oni-Ohn.."

".. How dare you?!" Vegeta asked him, unable to believe that Vitar would have the guts to steal the royal move like that.

"CANNON!" Vitar shouted as the wave of blue ki shot out towards the King, blinding everyone in the room. even Zarbon had to put his hand up in front of his eye to block out a little of the light.

But King Vegeta was unphased. Once the attack was reaching him, the King streched his arm back, and slapped the energy blast out of it's trajectory, causing it to fly upwards, destroying parts of the ceiling as the blue beam went into the sky. "Pathetic." King Vegeta taunted, as he appeared infront of the Vitar whom was now collapsing out of exhaustion and injuries. another round of a savage beating went out over the Saiyan Elite from the King. King Vegeta held Vitar by the fringe of his hair,as he was beaten within an inch of his life, a pink energy ball was formed in the King's hand as he leaned in close to Vitar, whispering something in his ear.

"I'm proud of you, kid. Good luck on your mission, Commander." As he pushed the spehere of energy to Vitar's stomach, it expanded to become big enough to engulf the entire, as the blast sent him flying into the skyline and out of sight. "Another bit of trash taken out."

"Zarbon, you can inform Lord Freeza that the Saiyans are fully capable of handling their own problems, and I am frankly a little offended he decided to send his secretary here to babysit us."

Zarbon cackled. "I'll inform him of that, King Vegeta. Nicely done, it was a real treat."

3 Weeks Later, On board the Primal Fury

Vitar was manning the helm, reflecting on the last few hours on his home. After his fight with Vegeta, he had been smuggled onboard the Primal Fury. Put in the healing chamber while everyon else was put in Cryostasis and put on board, too. They had finally arrived in the Western Galaxy, far out of the grasp of the Freeza Forces and the planet trade organization. And it was time to thaw the rest of the crew out. Vitar pressed a few buttons on the deck. "BABY. Begin Ice Age Protocol." Vitar ordered. "Yes, Vitar. Once Ice Age Protocol has been completed and the crew are all assembled, King Vegeta's orders are completed and you are my sole Admin. Do you want to go through all of the possible uses of my systems now?"

"Proceed while we wait. I suppose I should learn what this ship can do. Bring up scanners and find us someplace for the crew to stretch our legs. They must be hungry by this point."

"I will do that, Commander."

"Thanks, Baby." Vitar said, shutting the female voiced AI into background mode. He needed a little alone time. He still couldn't believe they had this tuffle vessel with all of this tech at their fingertips. He still couldn't quite believe that they had chosen him to be in charge of this whole thing.

All right. I've taken back my withdrawal and I'll be creating a character in the coming days, if that's OK.

Those of you who have been around The Guild for a hot minute knows that I usually create interest checks of completely, or at least semi-completely finished products. That's not a trend that's gonna be followed tonight.

I got the urge to write Batman. But not just any ol' tale of the caped Crusader. No, I wanted to try and flip the script a little, change the batarangs and the batmobile, the high tech grappling gun, the super polymer wings and god knows what else that crazy kid has up his sleeve. I wanted to do some historical, low-fantasy set in the Dark Ages, 13th century. A Demake of Gotham, a way to try and stretch our creative muscles to see how we can tell a Batman story set in an age where a 8 year old boy didn't lose his parents to a gun in an alleyway.

You ever wanted to write a crazed ol' alchemist who figures that a certain extract from a flower can make people real' freaking spooked? An Assassin for hire who makes a habit of cutting people ear-to-ear while laughing hysterically? I want to make that possible. But, since it's a bit of an 'out there' idea, I figured I should dip my toe in before I take the dive and flush the setting and so forth out completely.

A Gotham-Centric story set in the Dark Ages. A Open World Sandbox where you, the players have full creative freedom to change any DC character to fit the setting, go nuts.
The work in progress rundown of the setting, to help you figure out what kind of character you wanna write is as follows; 13th century, Gotham is a kingdom, not just a city. Vaguely England-esque. Low Fantasy. Tone I'm going for is a bit of Witcher Meets Batman Telltale game. A lot of focus, depending on the cast of characters, can fall onto the politics of Gotham. So making a non-hero / villain character is encouraged. So is multiple characters, OCs and Adapted Canon characters will both be acceptable.

"Robots do not cry."


| B I R T H N A M E: |
Artificial Automatic Ally; Model XXVI 'Dandelion'.

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[

| A L I A S ( E S ): |
Leroy Brown

| S E X: |
Technically none. He appears male.

| A G E: |
24 since his construction had begun. Appears to be in his mid 40's

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |

| S K I L L S: |

| B I O G R A P H Y: |

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

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