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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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<Snipped quote by BlackRose24>
Well that's not why I flexed. I just started my workouts a month ago, or...restarted! :D

<Snipped quote>
Usually I shoot for Captain America, but

So does Crossbones...

"This is Officer McKenna, I've got eyes on the suspect, he's resisting arrest and clearly some kind of new freak. Code fifty three, possibly Hyperhuman."

A Hyperhuman? Thomas thought, getting the information though the bluetooth ear piece, connected to a phone he had bought specifically to use with the police scanners, to avoid detection if someone would get privvy to his extra curriculum. Bruce had taught him as much, and as long as he followed his father's teachings, he would remain a shadow stalking the New Lilith nights. If noone could confirm that Angel was real, they couldn't even try to stop him. His stunt at the bank the other night had been the first time anyone had properly laid eyes on him, and even then, nobody really believed anyone that had seen him. Sure, people who could throw fire from their hands, or lift cars was not unheard off. But a man with wings? That was far fetched to most.

Thomas pondered these ideas, as he turned left in the air, a sharp turn, catching a gust coming his way, using it to increase his speed and glide on it, without having to use any of his own energy. He saw the police cruiser, down the alleyway. McKenna was down in the alley, making his way over a fence, well, trying too, he was still too shaken up by whatever he had seen. Angel landed around the corner, McKenna drew his weapon, once he got down from the fence, hearing the tapping of the vigilante's boot on the ground. "W-Who's there?!" He cried out, as Thomas tapped his hand on the wall. "A friend. Stay where you are." The shotgun in his hand cocked, the officer froze, not having laid eyes on the vigilante. "Not very friendly there..."

"It's really for your protection. What happened here? A Hyperhuman?"

"Aye. Freak was immune to my bullets, he just shrugged 'em off."

"Like the Behemoth at the bank, on the news?"

"Aye. But, he was much smaller, faster too. Looked kind of like a zombie, really. Something out of a horror movie." The Officer continued talking, using his words to mask his movements as he tried to advance on the man around the corner. He approached the end of the wall of the house, where the alley turned, moving slowly. As e pushed the corner, his gun drawn, he found the alley empty.

Thomas had taken to the sky, to try and trace down this 'zombie' hyperhuman, whatever their deal was. Soon, he heard someone yell for help, and like a bat out of hell, Thomas was there. A young woman, mugged by two men late 20's, armed with knives. A third man was approaching, dressed in similar fashion to the other two, in his track-pants, hoodie and jacket. But, once the third man reached the other two, he attacked them, latching onto them, and the woman screamed once more.

Thomas pounched onto one of the men with the knife, Landing firmly on his feet, he hunched down in one swift motion, and shot his arms outwards, putting his force behind his arms as his fists collided with the man's chest, breaking his ribs and sending him a few meters into the ground, landing on the cold hard ground, unconcious. He would live, but breathing would be awfully hard for the next few months. The next one had the unknown man on him, he wasn't punching him, but he was.. Trying to bite him?

The man stabbed the unknown man time and time again, but the knife hardly seemed to phase him, panicked words escaped his mouth, some variation of "Fuck" and "Holy shit" As Angel turned his boot, walking towards him. The man who was trying to bite the first guy did not pay any attention to the winged man, as the two were on the ground. Angel grabbed the biter by the neck, and threw him down the street, into a trashbin. The man on the ground, viscera and pus all over him, was crying as he tried to get back up, his knife in his hand as he charged the hooded man with the wings. His attack was cut short as his legs gave way under him, a sweep from the wings sent him tumbling towards the ground, only to be caught by the throat by the man, pushing him against the brick wall.

"If I ever catch you trying to pull any kind of shit like this, ever again. I will kill you. Got that?" Angel spit out at him. "I- ffff-freak!" He cried out. Thomas turned around, where the man had been pointing, towrads the direction Angel had thrown the third guy, whom was now back on his feet his shoulder dislocated as he moved rather quickly towards Thomas. With a swift punch, he knocked the pinned man out, putting his attention towards the third dude. "All right, another hype. You can't be stabbed, and you can't be shot." His hands signaled a 'come on, then' motion. His wing pinned the man's arm towards the ground, much to Thomas's surprise, the man didn't evne flinch,but he simply snarled as he pushed back, his arm tearing at the seams as it came off, phasing the viglante. "The fuck" Thomas let out, before he was met by a disproportionately strong punch from the would-be Zombie, catching a glimpse of his hideous face in the dark.

Thomas was sent down onto the concrete, skidding on the ground for a few feet. He climbed back onto his feet and drew his shotgun, shootign the Zombie in the chest, to put him onto the ground. The bullet tore threw the man, taking most of his chest out with the rocksalt, his body clearly softer than a regular human's. Yet, missing most of his chest and the entirery of his left arm, and shoulder, he did not stop, but simply kept moving.

Thomas could hear the sirens of the police cruisers approaching, and as the Zombie made his way out of his alley, he was hit by a Police Cruiser that had not seen him properly, his body being properly dismembered now, leaving only guts, pus and really stale blood on the hood, traumatizing the officers.

Much to Thomas's Chagrin, he walked over to the torn off arm. Finding the fingers were still moving, and the arm was trying to move on it's own. He stepped on the arm, that was trying to drag it's way away from him. ".. Okay, what the fuck."

I'm the one on the left. It was Halloween and my friend and I were going as hillbilly nerds XD

What year was this, 97?

There is still space left!

All right. After this weekend, I'll be opening the IC. Giving everyone a little extra time to work on their sheets.

Sorry for delays, but I have been rather busy, therefor the IC has not gotten a chance to have gotten started as I had intented it to.

Kuhn and Chester sat on the deck, Kuhn on a few crates, Chester still on the railing, his feet dangling down, as he had the bottle between his teeth. "Attacking the Palace? What for? You got anyting of value in dat place? Old world gold?" Kuhn asked, rubbing his cheek. "Or old booze? I could really do with a few bottles of Whiskey..."

"Or Rum.. Or Grog! Ohh, I could really do with some grog, huh." Chester trailed off, Kuhn shook his head as he chuckled. "All right, so they launched a minor attack on the Palace. What for? They planning a heist? A siege? Kidnap a princess or someting like dat?"
"Mr.Metalpants over here looks like he'd be just about ready to save some princess from an evil dragon." Chester chimed in.

Once the question how to kick their asses came up, Chester whistled, then promptly made a kicking motion with his foot. "It's as simple as that, my good sirs."
"And, I for one, have a score to settle with Cerulean. We're pretty sure they're gonna be at the Castle, right?"

"Palace, but, yes, Cap'n." Kuhn corrected him. "The fort? Great. Then why don't we just rally together the soldiers, and go wait for them at the Ports? Give 'em a Proper greeting when they come around."
I still have not caught up on the IC, so I need to do that before I could get an application up. But, I wouldn't be holding my breath I can get that done, as I am pretty busy.

If I have nothing done by the end of this week, consider me out.


Welcome aboard the Primal Fury.

Y'all should move your sheets over to the character tab, btw.

Still accepting?

You know it.

@HillanExcellent. I'm going to edit her bio slightly, though, since as the Discord pointed out, her mother being a PTO member doesn't make sense chronologically.

Oh yeah. Good catch, it's been a long day.

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