Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

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Welcome aboard the Primal Fury.

So... uh... did this just die?

Absolutely not. Waiting on sheets / people to finish sheets.

I will be accepting a few finished sheets in the morning, as it's 2 am atm.
Super interested! Sticking to the featured species is a motion I support, too. As far as filing a lawsuit against Toei, Yamcha is currently battling them for custody of his balls so you're probably in for a wait.


Head on over to the OOC and get cracking at a character.


| B I R T H N A M E: |

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |

| E P I T H E T H: |
The Barber

| P O W E R L E V E L : |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
Vitar stands at 6'8, making him extraordinarily tall for a Saiyan. His frame's not stubby,
but certainly not small, giving him a rather imposing figure. Like all of his ilk, he's muscular yet fairly lean. His hair is jet black, so are his eyebrows, in stark contrast to his bright green eyes and his pale skin that no amount of solarbeams seem to affect. His black hair is loose in it's natural mane-like shape, going down to his shoulder, further adding to his size by virtue of it's incredible volume. Due to his size and black hair,
he earned the nickname Longshadow as a younger soldier, having hit his current size in his teenage years.

Vitar is normally seen wearing a sleeveless round-collar shirt, black or red over the standard Saiyan long-sleeved slacks that are all but uniform at this point. A cape, draped around him like both a scarf and a poncho over his wide shoulders, often in white or black. Under the cape he wears his black battle armor with green accents, matching thigh-guards and very small shoulder pads. He wears standard boots and white fingerless gloves. His scouter sits proudly on the side of his head just short of always. The tail he's very proud of is wrapped around his waist like most of noble bearing.

| P E R S O N A L I T Y: |
If one would use but one word to describe Vitar, it's "Elite." Sure, he was not born into it,
but he has fought tooth and nail to be one of the few low class warriors that have climbed to the highest parts of society. In his short two decades since his birth, he's caused quite a stirr for the foes of the Saiyans.
This has formed his personality, he's professional and for a saiyan, emotionally controlled. He does not give in to his temper, nor is he prone to violent outbursts. He's barking orders out of authority, not out of anger.
Vitar firmly believes in choosing your fights, and is not quite as bloodthirsty as the norm is - but, when it is required, he is more than willing to let out a more sadistic primal side of himself. The Barber is a professional through and through, his elegant choice of weaponry alone speaks volumes to his character.

| T R A D E M A R K: |
Close Quarters; Vitar is made famous for his speed and his furious melee combat moves, while fully capable of launching devastating ki-Blasts, Vitar is more so about fighting with his hands, besting his foes in physical strength, speed and ferocity alike. He wears a protoklangite combat knife strapped to his thigh that he is always very quick to produce in a fight, making a grapple from Vitar incredibly deadly as it's sure to be followed with a blade to a vital area.

Oni-Ohn Pistol; a bastardization of the royal Galick Gun. His blue ki sparks all around him into a sphere as he pulls one arm backwards, a smaller blue sphere forms in his hand until he shoots it forward, creating a beam from the sphere around him - much like the Galick Gun.

Oni-Ohn Cannon; A two-handed and more powerful version of the Pistol. When using the Oni-Ohn Cannon, Vitar's ki takes on a somewhat darker blue tint, exchanging it's cyan color for a navy blue.

Plasma Shot; Vitar grabs a fist full of dirt, or other forms of soil and charges it with his Ki, superheating it to the point that when it is thrown it turns into plasma capable of burning - or dismembering foes. Incredibly effective at dealing with armored foes, allowing Vitar a vital spot to put his knife into.

| S K I L L S: |
Vitar is, as previously mentioned a professional, a true mercenary. He's got basic knowledge in navigation,
ship maintenance and first aid. Not on any kind of industrial scales, but enough to take care of himself. Beyond that, Vitar is what you could call a People Saiyan, he's spent a fair bit of time smuggling, often as muscle, but while you're working as somebody's muscle, you learn to haggle. Most importantly though, is that Vitar's got excellent skills in intelligence gathering, he's good at handling people, regardless if it's while bartering for parts, or if it's with a knife to their throat.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
Vitar was born with a meager powerlevel of two, a low class like his father, mother and seven brothers before him. Born to mediocrety in the Saiyan race, shackled to his caste was his fate. Nothing more but a lowly grunt, a pawn to be sacrificed in a game of Kings.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
Other stuff, equipment for instance goes here.


Said and done. Don't forget to join the discord, as that will be the fastest way to reach me.
I respond to a PM in the first five minutes, too...
OOC is under construction.

Join us on Discord!

We all know the story of how one young girl on a quest to find seven magical orbs - how she ran her motorcycle into a young boy who had lived in the woods his entire life, and how that little boy, Goku, would go onto become not just the savior of Earth, but the entire universe, and perhaps not just his universe. We know about his hardships and his story, the friends he made and the foes he fought. The family he created, the children he created and the legacy he left.

This, this is a story completely different from that. This story is one about the greatest warrior race in the entire universe, how their pride was shattered by a tyrant, and one last, desperate attempt at removing the Frost Demon's foot from their heads. This is the story of the renegades, the wildcars, the mavericks. The pathfinders of a dead civilization and their struggles in a brave new world far away from everything they ever knew.

This is the story of the Saiyans of The Primal Fury. We will play as The Elite, born into greatness, the leaders and commanders of the Saiyan army, and the Low Class warriors,the disposable grunts. Those that thanks to a cunning plot of the King, were sent away to a new galaxy, far away from Frieza's plan to eradicate the Saiyans to craft a new path for the Saiyan race, to carry on their legacy.

The only thing scarier would be if shitposting incarnate joined.

...oh wait.

I've been made to believe that I am the Super Saiyan Shitpost Blue.

Also, OOC's all but finished. I expect blasters set to hype.
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