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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

@Hillan Arthur's sheet should be finished now. I took more than a few liberties, so do tell me if something needs to be adjusted. The reason for Arthur joining the Journeymen will unfold with my first post in the In Character Thread, I've already put down the groundwork.

Once they had arrived in the Palace, Chester departed from the ship, heading deep into the palace all on his own. Kuhn shouted after him once he departed, wanting to find out where he was heading. "I need to grab something to drink!" Chester responded, and Kuhn shrugged. Johannes offered up the position of being a communicator between the forces, and Kuhn quickly put his hand into the air. "I 'ave more then a wee bit of history with da companies, so I'm sure da roll of dispasch would fit dis shooter just fine. Once the Cap'n comes back, we'll be fine to work out a proper startegy for dealing with the companies an' their attack." He spoke, dragging his hand down to his holster, drawing his gun - flipping the revolver in his hand, sitting on the railing of the boat. Digging into his pocket in his coat, he got out a kit of cleaning tools to clean the weapon.

Meanwhile, Chester was rummaging through the Palace Kitchen, looking for booze, upsetting the personnel.

Ping when it comes about. At this point, I'm not sure anyone else of the original interest is indeed still interested, in one case even present.

Will do!

18 day OOC, eh...

I have been preoccupied. Consider this RP on hold. Sorry for everyone whom was holding their breath.

A work in Progress. Will be finished shortly.


Arthur Karl Stoltson

The Golden Prince

Arthur Bronzewin

Arthur is twenty six years old, the peak of his life.

Despite his rumored blue blood as a nobleman, Arthur is Human.

Arthur stands at a respectable 6'1, with a muscular build one would expect of a warrior of his ilk. He's a fairly large guy, but he keeps a lean slender-esque build, so he's hardly the biggest soldier in a company. His features are well defined, yet regal and exquisite, he's a good looking man, as is expected from a man of his status. His skin is free from the normal blemishes of the working class, his face is a light bronze hue from the hours in the sun - a much cleaner and paler look than the peasants or common folk of the land.

Well groomed and well thought out facial hair sculpted by the best barber in the city. His hair is always cut by that very same barber, as opposed to being thorn from working. Arthur normally wears expensive clothing made out of the finest fabrics, silk and the like. His tunics are always well washed, unless they've recently gotten stained. His leggings often carry some sort of hardened leather pieces to them, and he always wears a leather jacket with reinforced patches on his arms, chest and back. On his right shoulder is a leather shoulder pad with his family crest - The Diamond Lion. Boots matching the leggings and jacket are always to match. On his waist hangs his sword sheath. A dagger is safely secured on the other side of his waist, and a smaller dagger is hidden in his boot.

His armor he wears while out for war is modest if not for the special engravings in the trim of the armor, it looks really nothing special from the average knight's. A full set of plate with a chainmail base and leather accents, a tabard with no direct markings on, as to not draw attention. It's not the heaviest of armors, and as such provides poor protection against arrows or spears, but it does allow him to move fast enough to handle himself in more than a few sword fights.

Arthur is a well spoken and well educated man. It shows in the words he chooses to speak - well, on occasion. It's not true to say that Arthur tends to piss people off, but if a gentleman would accuse Arthur of having pissed him off, few would find that hard to believe. A Nobleman, a knight by trade and a prince by birth, Arthur's not always the paragon people would expect. He's a lover at heart, and a enormous flirt, his favorite saying is 'I've yet to find a woman I've not fallen in love with'. Which largely holds true, his wish for romance has no borders, it does not care for status in the society, current romantic situation, professions, country or even race. This affinity for love gets him into trouble more often than not, combined with the rebellious air around him, he's often one to get into spats with his fellow knights, noblemen or into an old fashioner tavern brawl.
Unlike his brothers and his father, Arthur spends a fair amount of time with the common folk - he earned his nickname ' The Golden Prince' by buying enough rounds at the various taverns, and is as such generally in high standing with the peasants of the kingdoms in his father's domain. Well, as well standing as royalty can have. Due to his dipping his toe in the gutter, he's got a lot of street smart, and is more than likely prone to make morally questionable choices, not always in the pursuit of love, sometimes only for a laugh. For a royalty, he does care awfully much about the common man, and a early fascination with the Journeymen and their Order have always made him aspire to be something of a hero. Often to his detriment.

Born to possibly the least humble beginings imaginable, Arthur is the third son of Queen Mavi and King Erik Stoltson, the current regent of the Gaelia. His older brothers are Robin, the Crown Prince,
and the middle child, Jakob. Arthur grew up well, a safe home far from the conflicts of the common man, pandered to at every turn and every desire he ever had served to him. But, this was not the destiny Arthur sought to carve for himself. The young prince demanded to be treated just like his brothers - not to be pampered, but spurred to become a warrior, A knight, in fact, and a damn good one at that.

This was an attitude he held from early childhood, he was imitating his brothers and their sword practicing as soon as he had learned to walk, and once it was his turn to pick up the blade and be called Apprentice to the wide array of master warriors whom frequented his father's courts. His greatest teacher is his namesake, his father's best friend, and his mother's brother, Sir Arthur Goldwin. Goldwin trained Arthur from he was five years old, putting him through various trials and tests before he was allowed to pick up a blade. He was 14 when he was dubbed Jakob's squire, Jakob had become a Knight a few years prior, having been Robin's squire in turn. Arthur spent equal time with Jakob, being at his side, observing him, helping him when he could.

Notably, their incident at the Prydwen Inn in the outer parts of the Gaelia realm, where they ran into the Red Scorpion Bandit gang, where Arthur earned his first battle scar, and Jakob got to test his mettle is still whispered about in the small village of Prydwen.

Once he got into the back end of his teenage years, his training was coming to it's end, earlier than his brothers had, speaking to Arthur's natural talent as a fighter, albeit he lacked the charisma and constitution of his brothers, skipping training to go hang out with other people his age, people from the common folk. This continued well into his Adult years, more likely to be seen in one of the many Pubs of the Gaelia Capital than he was attending his father's court.

He was 24 when he was knighted, beating out Jakob by two years, and Robin by one. He was given his own estate in any place of his choosing, so he decided he would make his own home one where he had truly found his start - in Prydwen. Thus, Arthur became known as Arthur Of Prydwen, The Golden Prince as he brought reform and prosperity with him to the small village. The village's location on the borders to the smaller nation of Redoria also helped Arthur's personal relationship with the court of Redoria, while worsening his already troubled relation wtih his own court, specifically the son of one of the under kings of Gaelia, The Rollfs Court, a proud court and the Patriarch of the Rollfs court, Udyn, was often criticizing Arthur's father and his way of ruling the nation of Gaelia.

The nation of Redoria was caught in a skirmish with the Gregorian Nation, one of the smaller independent nations within Gaelia's realm, one backed by the house of Rollf. Redoria's Queen, Jachie, reached out to Arthur and begged the prince to lend his aid, to call for his father's army and smite the Gregorian's forces. Arthur asked his father for his aid, but Udyn and his son, Maxwell, Arthur's rival growing up, quickly prompted his father not not lend the Redorian army their aid. An all out war, and Gaelia picking sides would look poorly and threaten the delicate balance of the nation.

Arthur was left on his own. So, instead of being the good son, he did not listen to his father's court, but took action on his own. His Garrison of 100 or so men strong rode across the border the lend the queen their aid. With promises of it being the finest men in all of Gaelia - while in reality they were mostly just farmers Arthur had spent a couple of weeks instructing on martial art. (In all fairness, a lot of armies are educated a lot worse.) Or bandits whom had quit their thieving way once Arthur had put his shining blade to their throat.

The Battle of The Eclipse, as the battle took place on the day of a solar eclipse, ended bloody. Arthur's garrison was in shatters, Redoria's army likewise, but the Gregorians were beaten back and their grasp around Queen Jachie's neck was lifted.

Once the news of this display of utter disrespect for the Court, spearheaded by the prince himself spread across the land, his father was put in quite the tight spot. Jakob explained away his brother's irrationality, to try and appease the court. Arthur was but a young knight, not yet aware of the difficulties of the real world. Robin on the other hand, was not so lenient on his brother, Udyn and Maxwell pressured King Erik to take action.

So Erik did, he revoked Arthur's right to the Prydwyn estate, instead putting the estate under the control of Maxwell, to repay the Rollf house for their losses caused by his son's impulsiveness.

Arthur spent the next couple of years pissing people in the court off, hanging about the capital - taking any war effort he could find to bloody his blade. And drinking and fucking his time away. Well, that is, till it came to his knowledge that Maxwell had burned down much of the town of Prydwyn. The people had been unable to pay his insanely high tax, and therefor, he had burned down their homes to teach them a lesson.

Arthur could not let this stand, and began undercutting Maxwell and his father at every turn he could. Udyn was going to rue the day he ever crossed Arthur Stoltson. He challenged Maxwell to a Knight's Challenge for the estate of Prydwyn - the estate was basically worthless after the arson, but it was a matter of pride and honor for the two young Knights. Maxwell accepted Arthur's challenge and a Torney spectacle took place in the capital, where Arthur beat down Maxwell without pause. Maxwell was a man who only knew politics, who was truly only a knight in name, wore his armor for show and his sword was little more than a prop to spread his influence. Arthur was a real warrior, one who had bled for his beliefs, taken many lives in the name of saving more.

The duel concluded with Arthur being the victor, and winning the estate, the first step towards regaining his honor came with the humiliation of Maxwell. His father, however, was a hardened warrior. One who had fought side by side with Erik and Goldwin. But Udyn was not above underhanded tactics, and one Arthur was back in Prydwyn,
bandit attacks were more and more common, the village being raided time and time again, making it all but impossible for the Prince to rebuild his home. Realizing the Rollf House was at the source of his grief,
he began working on a plan to root them out, one that would land him in far deeper trouble than he had ever been before.

The Royal Rune;
Everything in the capital has a lock - the treasury, the warroom, the personal quarters of the King. And this rune on his forearm is the key.

Shield of Goran;
A Runespell passed down from his great ancestor St.Goran the Dragonslayer. The rune was supposedly what Goran used to protect himself from the fires of the Dragons. A Light and Air rune, it creates a directional shield around the user. Arthur's rune is placed on his shoulder and is capable of parrying otherwise fatal hits while draining his stamina in the process. More elegant uses are going in for an attack on a foe whom is also attacking, and using the shield to deflect the incoming blow while carrying on with his own.

First and foremost, Arthur is a man of the blade. He's been fighting with a weapon since as long as he's been big enough to old one. Few can bring Arthur pause when it comes to matching steel, even fewer whom he does not share blood with. His swift but deadly skills are hard to match, much thanks to the great masters he have had, being a squire to his oldest brother, he honed the art of war alongside the other princes. Arthur's style relies on grace matched equally with power. Precision and ferocity, a man who can cut an inch deep with a bastard sword - or cut off your arm with a buttering knife. He favors longswords for their equal matching power to speed, as they are most fitting for his style. While he is most versed in blades, he is no stranger to blunts. Maces, hammers or flails are all weapons he's trained in using - while far from as skilled as with his knife.

Martial Arts;
As previously mentioned, Arthur is well versed in the art of war, both as a combatant and as a commander. While he never was given as large commands as his brothers - never one to lead entire armies, he's got a lot of technical knowledge, he was trained the same way his siblings were, but has yet to fully put them to use.

Arthur's a decent hunter. He knows the basics of tracking animals, he's a OK shot with a bow. Hardly fit for using it in combat, though. But, in a pinch he's able to hit a deer, or even a bird.

The Dandelion Blade;
A sword created by the masterswordsmith Airon Bronzebeard, the royal Blacksmith of the Garneic Court. The Dandelion Blade is the fourth sword Airon created for the Stoltson family, the first being for his father,
the other two for his older brothers once they had passed their time as squires and had become knights.
The Dandelion Blade is a typical longsword, with the imprint of a Dandelion just above the hilt - a flower that Arthur picked as a young man, during his first battle he was hit in the head by a mace. Thankfully, his helmet protected him. He was almost knocked out cold. And the only thing he remember seeing on the ground was the trampled dandelions.

He survived that battle, earned a scar for it and plenty of experience. Besides the marking feature of the dandelion, the blade has a very regal look to it, a well crafted hilt, a the finest grip one could want so the blade never leaves Arthur's hand, and armed with the Royal Key Rune, to avoid the weapon being stolen.

The Armor Of St.Goran
The armor of Saint Goran the Dragonslayer of many generations past. While only the helm is technically that of Goran, the rest of the armor has been reconstructed to match what the Dragonslayer's armor had looked like. Some alterations have been made at the request of the prince.

His chestnut colored stead. Renegade is one of the finest horses in the land, while not the fastest, the horse has incredible stamina and a fiery personality. Renegade carries the brunt of Arthur's goods, such as his spear, claymore, shield and hunting bow. And of course necessities such as bedroll and a pot to cook water in. Renegade's saddle and saddlebags are affected by the Royal Rune, and as such are as secure as the vaults of the royal palace.


is anyone still here?

Papa's always here.

Anime is a mistake.

Once in a blue moon, I agree with Cyn.

And this is one of those.


Arthur Karl Stoltson

The Golden Prince

Arthur is twenty six years old, the peak of his life.

Despite his rumored blue blood as a nobleman, Arthur is Human.

Arthur stands at a respectable 6'1, with a muscular build one would expect of a warrior of his ilk. He's a fairly large guy, but he keeps a lean slender-esque build, so he's hardly the biggest soldier in a company. His features are well defined, yet regal and exquisite, he's a good looking man, as is expected from a man of his status. His skin is free from the normal blemishes of the working class, his face is a light bronze hue from the hours in the sun - a much cleaner and paler look than the peasants or common folk of the land.

Well groomed and well thought out facial hair sculpted by the best barber in the city. His hair is always cut by that very same barber, as opposed to being thorn from working. Arthur normally wears expensive clothing made out of the finest fabrics, silk and the like. His tunics are always well washed, unless they've recently gotten stained. His leggings often carry some sort of hardened leather pieces to them, and he always wears a leather jacket with reinforced patches on his arms, chest and back. On his right shoulder is a leather shoulder pad with his family crest - The Diamond Lion. Boots matching the leggings and jacket are always to match. On his waist hangs his sword sheath. A dagger is safely secured on the other side of his waist, and a smaller dagger is hidden in his boot.

His armor he wears while out for war is modest if not for the special engravings in the trim of the armor, it looks really nothing special from the average knight's. A full set of plate with a chainmail base and leather accents, a tabard with no direct markings on, as to not draw attention. It's not the heaviest of armors, and as such provides poor protection against arrows or spears, but it does allow him to move fast enough to handle himself in more than a few sword fights.

Arthur is a well spoken and well educated man. It shows in the words he chooses to speak - well, on occasion. It's not true to say that Arthur tends to piss people off, but if a gentleman would accuse Arthur of having pissed him off, few would find that hard to believe. A Nobleman, a knight by trade and a prince by birth, Arthur's not always the paragon people would expect. He's a lover at heart, and a enormous flirt, his favorite saying is 'I've yet to find a woman I've not fallen in love with'. Which largely holds true, his wish for romance has no borders, it does not care for status in the society, current romantic situation, professions, country or even race. Unlike his brothers and his father, Arthur spends a fair amount of time with the common folk - he earned his nickname ' The Golden Prince' by buying enough rounds at the various taverns, and is as such generally in high standing with the peasants of the kingdoms in his father's domain. Well, as well standing as royalty can have. Due to his dipping his toe in the gutter, he's got a lot of street smart, and is more than likely prone to make morally questionable choices, not always in the pursuit of love, sometimes only for a laugh. For a royalty, he does care awfully much about the common man, and a early fascination with the Journeymen and their Order have always made him aspire to be something of a hero. Often to his detriment.



First and foremost, Arthur is a man of the blade. He's been fighting with a weapon since as long as he's been big enough to old one. Few can bring Arthur pause when it comes to matching steel, even fewer whom he does not share blood with. His swift but deadly skills are hard to match, much thanks to the great masters he have had, being a squire to his oldest brother, he honed the art of war alongside the other princes.

Martial Arts;
As previously mentioned, Arthus is well versed in the art of war, both as a combatant and as a commander. While he never was given as large commands as his brothers - never one to lead entire armies, he's got a lot of technical knowledge, he was trained the same way his siblings were, but has yet to fully put them to use.

Arthur's a decent hunter. He knows the basics of tracking animals, he's a OK shot with a bow. Hardly fit for using it in combat, though. But, in a pinch he's able to hit a deer, or even a bird.

The Dandelion Blade;
A sword created by the masterswordsmith Airon Bronzebeard, the royal Blacksmith of the Garneic Court. The Dandelion Blade is the fourth sword Airon created for the Stoltson family, the first being for his father,
the other two for his older brothers once they had passed their time as squires and had become knights.
The Dandelion Blade is a typical longsword, with the imprint of a Dandelion just above the hilt - a flower that Arthur picked as a young man, as during his first battle he was hit in the head by a mace - thankfully, his helmet protected him. He was almost knocked out cold. And the only thing he remember seeing on the ground was the trampled dandelions.

He survived that battle, earned a scar for it and plenty of experience. Besides the marking feature of the dandelion, the blade has a very regal look to it, a well crafted hilt, a the finest grip one could want so the blade never leaves Arthur's hand, and armed with the Royal Key Rune, to avoid the weapon being stolen.

The Armor Of St.Goran
The armor of Saint Goran the Dragonslayer of many generations past. While only the helm is technically that of Goran, the rest of the armor has been reconstructed to match what the Dragonslayer's armor had looked like. Some alterations have been made at the request of the prince.

His chestnut colored stead. Renegade is one of the finest horses in the land, while not the fastest, the horse has incredible stamina and a fiery personality. Renegade carries the brunt of Arthur's good, such as his spear, bastard sword, and hunting bow. And of course necessities such as bedroll and a pot to cook water in.




| N A M E |
Gabriel Joshua Smith

| A G E |

| D U T Y |
Security Officer, Power Trip Engineer.

| A B I L I T Y |
Omniscient Self Replication
Gabriel is able to create up to 2 copies of himself, making it possible for there to be 3 of him in total. However, unlike other cloner, his body is not split - his mind is not divided. His mind is present in all bodies, and they are all originals in their own right. Once he split the first time, there was no more 'original' him. Each of his bodies are real, and they all share a telepathic link. Every bit of information one gathers, the other 2 get instantly. This makes him incredibly talented at learning new things, gaining information and espionage.

| I N F O |
Gabriel was on the fast track to become a soldier, a Marine, to be precise. He was raised by a deadbeat and abusive dad,
and an addict for a mother. As soon as he was 18, he signed up to join. During his first deployment he woke up one morning not quite feeling right. He stayed in his bunk that day. Lucky, one could think, as that was the day of the greatest Advanced Terrorist attack to date, The Hellfire incident - 456 people dead. 80 of them civilians, the other military men and women. Gabriel was one of those people. He was killed, a metal spike pierced his heart and killed him instantly.

He woke up in his bed, from a nightmare. Well, he thought it was a nightmare, till he saw the news were they rolled the footage of him being killed. Michael had found out about this from the contacts he had in the military and took Gabriel into the academy where Gabriel flourished. The Kid had never been a smart one, he had always lacked book smarts. But now? Now he could study three times as fast, he could always be asleep, do his homework on time and hit the gym. He attended the Academy for two years, and Michael had then offered him a Job at the CIA. One he turned down, instead wishing to stay at the grounds. Work as a security officer and teach others like him how to use their abilities - how to turn something that could have been a curse into a gift.


| N A M E |
Eliza Cecilia Evans

| A G E |

| D U T Y |
Counselor, Head Residential Adviser.

| A B I L I T Y |
Cryokinesis. She makes things freeze on touch and via cryowaves from her body.

| I N F O |
One of the youngest students to ever attend to academy, Eliza has attended the Academy since she was nine, and has practically grown up here. She's gives her heart to every single student, and is to many the mother-figure they never had. While she and Adrian have a purely platonic relationship, she and the Headmaster are often talked about like the surrogate Parents of the students.
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