" B I G R E D "
R E D M O R R O W ♦ M A L E ♦ 18 ♦ T . O . M O R R O W ' S L A B O R A T O R Y
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"For someone born perfect I keep finding a lot of ways to make mistakes..."
After yet another failure to destroy the Justice League, T.O. Morrow grew frustrated.
This time they had the audacity to seize his robot Red Tornado, and not only that, the little turncoat decided he wanted to join them and find out what it means to be human!
Thes second time now that he had lost a robot to "wanting to find out what it means to be human", only this one wants to wear a cape!
So Morrow went back to work, and planned and schemed - as he would - a loyal agent of the Light. Biding his time for whatever opportunity presents. And opportunity came as the Light set him to work alongside another man by the name of Dr Mark Desmond, whose own specialty was in genetics. Using a small robotic drone, Morrow stole notes from the acclaimed scientist.
With so many robots to date failing due to the 'Pinnochio problem' Morrow decided to get to work on a backup plan. His latest agent to destroy the Justice League would never fail him by deciding it needed to learn what it means to become a real boy... because he'd be born as such!
All the while, Morrow continued work - planning to return Red Tornado to his fold and beginning designs for a potential future 'Red Volcano'.
Alas, age began to take its toll and Morrow saw need to create a perfect robotic version of himself to continue his own work - the boy in the tube was far from ready, such limitations are to be expected when working with weak flesh instead of cold, strong steel.
* * * * *
On the day of his eighteenth birthday, the autmotated tube would open, and the youth would find himself cold, wet, naked and alone in a new world. The remnants of his android father, which had been torn apart by its own creation, swept aside in the corner. Desperate for answers he searched the entire laboratory, found his father's notes and discovered the truth.
He was born by a broken man for dark purposes. To destroy some group called the 'Justice League' for reasons he was unable to determine, even after reading everything in the laboratory. The motivations behind the obssession against these people were still unclear. His father was working for people that much was clear, but it wasn't purely mercenary - their goals alighned with his own - and there was frustratingly little information on these other people he worked for, or even what their group called themselves.
He burst onto the street wearing only a flimsy labcoat he'd thrown on to try and get some semblance of warmth.
He was born to be perfect, but perfect people don't run naked through the city streets.
He ducked down an alleyway, to avoid the scene he was causing and found himself looking at two men who had cornered an elderly woman with some kind of weapon in their hands.
They turned their attention to him, intimidated by the large youth, and in self defence he brutally disarmed the two men, leaving them a crumpled mess as he had found his android father - albeit still with their arms in tact - and held the gun and handbag out for the old lady to retrieve.
She screamed and ran back down the alleyway after snatching only the bag, leaving him perplexed.
Red Morrow was born without any and all of the genetic impurities that we other human's are born with, and was grown as the first 'perfect' human, in the laboratory of his father T.O. Morrow.
His musculature system develops rapidly, and efficiently with upkeep (exercise), he's highly intelligent if lacking in real world experience.
He speaks english, chinese (but only mandarin), japanese, hindi, french, spanish, arabic, german, italian and russian. He also knows all computer programming languages and latin. These were programmed into him as he developed in his tube and come as second-nature to him.
Physically, think a Captain America sort. Peak human condition, but he does have to put in work - even if that work comes easy for him. Mentally he's a genius, but he thinks logically and with no real world experience he is coming to terms with the fact that socially, quite often, other people don't.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Red was born 'Perfect' but has very little idea what that means, or what to do with it. He doesn't "feel" perfect, and even has some inferiority issues in part due to his father's preferences for the robotic and mechanical. Born a perfect human when his father really wanted a robot.
He knows he doesn't want to be like his father, but is still skeptical of the Justice League. He suspects there MUST have been some kind of reason for his father's obsession with destroying them even if he doesn't yet know it. That said, he WANTS to do good and be good. He's just still figuring out what that entails.
He doesn't really hate anybody, and genuinely wants the people around him to feel good and the 'bad' people to be rehabilitated.
He's coming to terms with his hormones which currently hold a powerful sway over him and can often see him become distracted or dictate his life. He doesn't really understand this, or the effect they have on him because he's lived eighteen years basically in sensory deprivation. He's a horned up kid like a raw nerve, and doesn't get why he acts the way he does sometimes... particularly around the female members of the team.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
He's 6'5" and 240lbs, powerful build, fast, athletic and agile.
He spends a lot of time in the gym, because his powerset actually requires it. It also clears his mind to think.
Likes girls, but has no social sense or 'game' whatsoever. Is built like he doesn't need 'game' but 'thinks and acts kind of weird'.
Shaves daily, because the pencil thin moustache of his father keeps coming through.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
Julian's pitch was remarkably simple. An alternative. A home.
Red craved social interaction, even if he wasn't terribly good at it. Julian saw a resource with untapped potential.
Julian likes to mostly keep a "hands off" approach to Red's social development, believing that interference could negatively hamper his growth and standing with the rest of the team. Instead choosing to engage in more formal one on one discussions where he checks on his development over a game of chess - which Julian taught him, and has witnessed rapid improvement in his ability over the few weeks since his arrival.
Julian sees Red as something of a project, Red trusts Julian more than most would a Luthor - because everything he has, has come from him.
Red is always willing to spot for Kev, which is a good thing because he always pushes himself to the very limit (and occasionally over) on the bar. An affable friend, even if Red sometimes struggles to understand his street slang.
Red finds Gabi to be one of the most sincere members of the team and listens readily to everything she has to say, from stories of her people back home, to the myth and lore of her people. Although he often times confuses the two.
Red can't quite put his finger on why he likes Cece so much and seems to want to be around her. Maybe it's the interest she seems to have taken in getting him to try new experiences, which for some strange reason always seem to be in front of a camera - perhaps she's documenting his reaction for scientific purposes? - or perhaps it's because she seems so nice and keeps telling him that she'll pray for him when he apparently does things wrong, like go to the kitchen naked, or use the pool naked, or-- well, a lot of them involved nudity.
Still, it's nice to have someone who cares enough to pray for you.