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2 yrs ago
Current A Perpetual Motion Engine of Anxiety and Self-Loathing


So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So - we go. And - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby, breaking into that little sweets shop, eh. Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big Bengal tiger. I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopowner and his son... that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business, really. But, sure enough, I got the M&Ms, and Ozzy went on stage and did a great show.

Most Recent Posts

In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Finished my one shift at work this week. Expect me to be active. I'll have your NPC responses (particularlyto Seo and Black Betty's posts), I'm working a few collabs, and expect the Page two summaries to come.
"Bloody Hell, Slot Machine. You look thoroughly rooted there, mate. Normally takes a teacher about a month, month and a half of my shit to get to that stage. Wearin' you down already, eh?"

Adrianna briefly looked shocked, as many of the students did, at the newcoming Banjo immediately made his presence known with a crass greeting to his supervising teacher.

The traitor Elle made her way over to Banjo to give him what appeared to be a humorous jab to his arm. "Did the concussion make you forget your manners, Banjo?" She murmured, placing a teasing smile on her face. The force behind her punch told Banjo that it wasn't 100% genuine.

"Eaaasy. Miss me that much you're tryin' ta put me back in the Hospital already, huh New York?" He quietly uttered to the girl who'd given him a seemingly playful shot in the arm.

He was just so effortless with his retorts, Adie noted. He really was just so popular with the other kids, even one of the older ones like Elle. And she'd been somewhat distant during their camping trip, from what Adie could remember. But already seemed friendly with Banjo. She snorted quietly, remembering the House selection process.

"At least you're becoming self aware there, Dingo." His teacher actually saluted his effort at a joke. Seeing the funny side. Everyone really did like him. She started to feel warm, and gently bit her lip thinking about how she'd spent her previous day.

His joke kind of reminded her about the sort of things she'd overheard men saying when she'd visited her father on worksites. Not from her father himself, of course. He would never. But often a lot of his workers. It just made him seem...

I don't know... manly..?

She felt relieved as their numerous teachers began to splinter the three teams off and take them to their individual classes.

She snuck one last peek at him walking away, before joining her group.

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class: # 2.95 Beginner's Guide to the Flow of HZEs

Interaction(s): Ariel - @Lawful Newtral
Previously: Failing the Bechtel Test Miserably

After following Miranda and the rest of her team to the Augmented Reality Center, Adie listened as Aiden Roth broke down the basic science behind how hyperhuman powers work on the HZE particulate level. She was already well familiar, but liked seeing the effortless grasp of the basics which her teacher possessed and was able to convey to the class.

She was reminded of an old Richard Feynman quote. If you can't explain something simply enough for an 8 year old, you don't understand it properly. She was already aware of the basics and her own classification. And reading between the lines, was able to discern that this was how Hyperion must have rendered so many of th others powerless. Her own abilities had been significantly dampened, but perhaps a greater familiarity with their use was why she was still able to reach out into the humm and pick up the numerous devices and vehicles that existed on the plain. However faint, and even if there was nothing of use there for her to combat the terrorist with.

So it looks like they'll be working less with applications for their own specific powers, and more on manipulating the HZE particles which provide them their powers themselves. Made sense. Nobody could claim this wasn't practical, given recent events.

She put on a form-fitting A.R. Suit and looked around the assembled group for a partner, considering who could potentially be a good match, when Ariel asked whether they should pair up.

She was an elemental, with power over the flow of water. Adie wondered if in many ways, her exerting that power felt similar to when she tapped in to the flow of the humm.

In Adie's mind it seemed to make sense as a quality pairing. Two women, who work with the flow of things, finding a way to basically control the flow of HZEs between them. They'd probably show the rest of these kids up.

"That sounds great. Yes. Exoteric-Electromagnetic. You're Elemental, right? Let's show the rest of them how it's done!"

- - -

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In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

The Director's leather shoes clacked along the most immediate route back to his office.

The troublesome boy would be taken a more circuitous route, possibly via a holding cell in a more secure section, so that he might be more susceptible to receiving the conversation about the severity of the situation in which he finds himself.

In the interim, there was more work to be done for the most recent new additions to the program.

"I... apologise for my tardiness." He offered as he walked in to find the small, quiet girl sitting opposite his desk.

"We have kept you in here a little while because where possible we don't like adding individual new program attendees to the populus. Socially it's... less than ideal. Cliques and groups form, individuals can have troubles. Its not what we want to do. But your parents were most insistent on seeing you off personally, and we chose to respect their wishes." He said, taking a seat opposite. His speech was crisp, despite clearly being in a situation he was less comfortable with. Perhaps even moreso because of it.

"Your group is currently getting to know each other better in a recreation room, with a small random assortment of other more tenured program-attendees. We find its the best way to ease them in, to what can be considered by some to be a very confronting situation."

The Director paused and thought for a moment about the best way to handle this.

To send her in under guard escort could itself set a confronting message, but he also didn't want to continue to make his presence overly familiar to the group as they formed bonds and initial introductions. Feeling watched and surveilled, which they of course were regardless of how they felt, could adversely impact behaviour, social integration, trust...

Besides, he would have to talk with Frederick Jackson.

...and he would of course want to gain his first impressions on this new group and consider possible early projections.

This group was... particularly interesting.

"Grant here will take you to that recreation room, where you will hopefully get to know the other children better." It wasn't apparent whether 'Grant' was the man's first or last name, and this helped soften the relationship and role of the man at present.

Sophia got to her feet and was led down the same pathway to the Recreation wing that the Director had taken, missing Fritz being dragged into a secure section by seconds, a scuffed line from where his shoes had dragged the only sign he'd been there in the first place.

They walked down the long corridor and Grant directed her to the Recreation Room where her cohorts were congregated.

What would they make of her?

What would she make of them?
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
So, how's everyone going then..?

All good?

Alright then...
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
David's eyes still burned and his sinuses were on fire, but he kept his mouth shut. "In a place like this." He thought. "Most any attention is bad attention." He walked down the long hall they were led through, squinting through the pain and trying to avoid looking directly into light. "Bide your time, and wash them out when you get an opportunity."

The guard unlocked the door and led them into a large room where a half dozen other program-attendees were already awaiting.

At a glance they were a big guy and a little one playing video games. A young girl with plaits who approached the group. This immediately made David wary, as he questioned the motives of anyone approaching a group of new, and frankly vulnerable, people in a place like this. There was another girl staring at them with a maniacal grin from the back wall. A third who was paying them no mind at all. And a third guy sitting in the corner, apparently sizing them up, much as David himself was.

For some reason, despite doing no more than what David himself was doing in return, this one put him most on edge of all.


Find people of similar temperament to your own. Quiet, balanced.

Alone you are vulnerable. Two people can watch each others' backs. Three, can observe angles.

Ideally, Quiet, balanced temperament, thoughtful, observant. Selfless may be too much to ask for in a place like this, but someone who has the sense to realise the longterm benefit of loyalty and not screwing over friends for short term personal gain in a place like this.

Loud, unreliable, overaggressive, unstable and potentially violent friend is worse than going it alone in a place like this. They will drag you into things you could otherwise avoid.
From David's Notes In Preparation - (Since Destroyed)

Despite being in the group, David felt vulnerable. He felt watched. A worm amongst a dozen and a half on a rock, waiting for birds to decide he was the juiciest one left to peck at.

Since getting out of the literal Rock would be somewhere between 'not possible' to 'unhelpful', getting off the metaphorical rock would be the next best thing.

He watched as the redhead who had fallen asleep behind him on the bus, the one who'd stirred up no end of trouble in the security line, and seemed to have no sense for what David viewed of their current circumstances, was lured away by the watchful boy from the corner.

"That one is gonna be the lesson everyone else learns from, I'm sure..."

"Not your problem, David. Head down. Just forget it. Keep moving."

One less worm lying on the rock. A few others had the sense to step away from the group, but didn't seem terribly concerned with the notice they drew. A loud blonde who blew up over the otter on the bus had drawn the attention from the big guy who was previously playing video games.

Were they targeting the girls?

David's mind ran. Whilst making a direct move at this point would be dumb, maybe there was still SOMETHING that he could do to at least slow it down.

He ran his own eye over the group, he almost immediately eyeballed another potential future target, and then noticed the dress.


He wasn't certain, he hadn't heard her say two words to try and glean any kind of accent. She'd also seemed smart enough to keep quiet and similarly suss out their current situation - much as David had. There were worse moves he could make. He walked quickly over to the board games and retrieved something, before returning and approaching the blonde girl with a box.


She seemed perplexed by the sudden offer.

He tried to explain his reasoning, with as much subtlety as he could muster.

"People don't pay any mind... to two people playing chess." Before tilting his head in the directions of the two people who had been paying extra attention to people within their group.
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

The group followed the guard down the long Hall, remaining within the Recreation wing, passing by rooms of various purposes. Pool. Sauna. Steam room.

The guard came to a locked door leading to a more open room towards the end of the corridor, opposite the library. He pulled a set of keys that were chained to his person and unlocked the door revealing a half dozen seemingly randomly selected, longer tenured Ju-V program attendees who had been locked in the room. These would function as a 'welcoming committee' of sorts to begin to 'ease them' into coming to terms with the wider body of youths involved in the program.

The room had a ping pong table, two TVs with video game consoles, a small rack with a few select books (microchipped - with a scanner built into the door to prevent theft), central and side tables and chairs, and a book case full of board games, decks of cards and puzzles.

All of which would seem to be surprisingly well kept... except for the fact that boredom runs wild in places like these, and damage to any of the meagre things they actually have to assuage that boredom would be met with severe irritation by their peers. In many ways, their peers were the most effective policing techniques within these walls, and the contents of rooms like this one were more respected than most of the rules in the facility. Not a person on Alcatraz Island, for example, WOULDN'T know if someone broke one of the console controllers and exactly who that person was.

Sat against the back wall, staring at the door as a kaleidoscope of fresh faces all entered, was Laura DiBiase. Her face appeared manic, and over-stimulated and she began to rock, to the discomfort of many of the new arrivals. Her pseudonym of 'Bright Eyes' was clear to see and understand, as they seemed to have doubled in size to take in all the new vibrancy.

A pair of boys of comically contrasting sizes were playing a racing game of some kind or another on the console.

The smaller boy would take off to a considerable lead only for the larger boy to grunt in frustration, before the smaller boy would shoot him a nervous glance, and then somehow mysteriously fall back into the pack.

Neither had sensed the presence of the new program attendees in the room.

Not so inattentive was a lone boy located in a chair in the corner, with an angle on the whole room. Billy Isaacs. He was well aware why he had been shut in this room at this time, and scored himself a seat which took in the whole vista, so he could soak in every breath and step of the new arrivals. He wanted to know what they were thinking before they even thought it, and the most worrying thing was that he could indeed do it. All he needed was time and information, and every second of the former gave him more of the latter.

Libby Trainor stood at the window gazing out as her mind raced once more. Her singular focus had worked it's way back to the fore. It was a vicious cycle. She'd bust out, Aegis would find her, track her down, drag her back, she'd bust out all over again. The cycle had repeated so many times she could barely remember the starting point.

Waiting to greet them was a shorter girl with blonde plaits that spoke with the world-wearied wisdom of a long-timer. This was Program-Attendee number #543 - the lowest number on the island. Known by most as 'The Kid', all of the people who shared her ferry to this place and knew her real name had long since left.

"Fresh meat, huh?" She chuckled raspily. An off-putting gesture for someone of her diminutive stature and general appearance.

"Don't worry. We'll settle ya in real good." She chewed roughly on some type of gum, with a knowing grin that suggested these raw newbies had no idea what they were in for. Whilst it was true, it was also one of the only real joys she had in a place like this, and above all else, you learn to savour the joys. Especially when you can't see how you'd be able to exist on the outside.

"You need to know anythin' just you come askin' me." She turned to share the same view of the room that the group held.

"This here's one of yer standard rec rooms, there's another round the other side. Screws've trickled in about half a dozen, so it seems, to try and eash your transition in terms of coming to terms with yer fellow program-attendees. Yer free to mingle, play at ping pong, vidya games over there... although ya might want to give ol' 'Bulk' over there a wide berth. Apologies for the nomenclature... His name's Brian McIntyre. You'll find a lot of people start goin' by other aliases 'round these parts. Don't you worry 'bout none of that. You'll find yours in y'r own time, or someone'll stick one on ya. Yours truly they call 'The Kid', for obvious reasons."

The Kid looked over the group with a furrowed brow, counting heads.

"Must say, yer have me at a bit of a loss. You seem to be about three-- hup... didn't see the otter down there. Two short. When they normally give a bloc the ol' welcome wagon, they usually bring in a big ol' batch of twenty..."

Billy Isaacs ran his eyes over the latest ragtag assortment of Aegis offerings. The most immediate thing to come to mind was the red eyes.

They'd been pepper sprayed. At least a good few of them. His mind turned the information over in his mind. Likely wide dispersal, single use. There were only eighteen here. Normally a bloc of twenty would be introduced. Presumably two were removed. A fight between two was likely. Whether there were two true aggressors, or if one attacked the other and the second pushed the envelope in self-defense it was less easy for him to determine - Rowell was known to split the baby and punish both sides at the time. Some were immediately transparent in powerset. Otter. Wings. Stone boy. Another carried a large board of some kind - he presumed an elemental of some sort, controlling wind or waves. As far as could be told at this point. A Blonde from out of time carried herself with more weight than her diminutive stature suggested. He pegged her as a powerhouse strength type, despite her frame. Body shapes lie often. Body language? Less so. Another blonde looked muscular, but far more inscrutable - still a mystery.

Billy Isaacs' lip curled just considering 'stripping back' that mystery.

Her eyes held the red of the spray. She was in close proximity to the dispersal. Another in green it seemed took the brunt, he couldn't tell what her part would have been in any of this, though. A red-headed girl amongst them also had misty red eyes... but Billy could see the subtlety in difference.

She hadn't been sprayed. This wasn't chemical based. It was emotional. Billy kept sniffing, he could smell vulnerability.

What would have set that off... homesickness? Possibly, but it was early yet. She probably teared up from the trip, but this was more recent. On the facility.

Security. She'd had something confiscated. She wanted something. And anyone who wants something... the possibilities. He watched her closer. The style of clothes, the probable expense, it didn't look like she'd ever wanted for much. The thin clothing, the posture. She had nipple piercings, he could tell. What form exactly, he couldn't tell yet, but he'd have her show him. She looked like she'd be willing to go along with a lot with him. He wondered at what point he'd hit her limits... and what would be beyond.

Billy Isaacs' lip curled again, at the thought of the 'beyond'.

"Dawkins!" He called. The young boy paused and jumped up from his video game at Isaacs' beckon call, much to the larger boy's frustration.

"--is 'Fingers'. Doesn't look like much, but the kid can get you ANYTHING, ANY TIME. Like a one man 7/11. Well... boy. Price isn't too unreasonable either... but you wanna arrange costs up front. Not that he's particularly untrustworthy, it's just a good general rule across the board with anyone in here."

The younger boy ran across the room, passed the girl at the back wall, whose gaze still hasn't left the group. Her face held a hanging vacant smile that left many looking uncomfortable.

"...And that one there, is 'Bright Eyes'. Now, best we can tell, not violent, but I'm not gonna lie, she's a special kind of crazy. Probably stil best to keep yer distance."

Billy Isaacs kept his focus glued on the redhead, whilst he waited for Fingers to get to him, intent on cracking the rest of this mystery. She wanted something. Something that was taken from her that she wanted. Fill that need, and...

He watched closer. Turned his head slightly, almost imperceptively, in stark contrast to the way that almost nothing escaped his own perception. He picked up anxiety on her, and her fingers tented at the knuckle, almost as if she was craving an eCigarette or...

"Vape pen." He flashed a wide grin in realisation. Hell, he bet that if he got close enough, he could probably even smell the flavour she was craving on her.

Fingers finally got to where Billy Isaacs stood, he waited until he'd gone the whole way to him before he began to walk himself.

"Gonna need you to get me something. For a new friend..." He said. Fingers cowered slightly. He hated this. He suspected he knew the sort of thing he was about to be an accessory to. There just wasn't anything he could do about it. Between Bulk's muscle, and Billy's own power, he was all but untouchable in here.

"So walk with me, a while..." He said. Taking a solid glance in the direction of three cameras monitoring the room, and mentally timing his pace as he began to approach the group of fresh meat.

"Hey, Red! I think we might be able to help you get something you'd be interested in." He called out to the redhead.

"--escape." The Kid stopped, when she became aware of Billy's call to one of the group. Her face froze. Billy killed any intention of warning her with a simple well weighted smile.

The redhead was curious about the request and separated herself from the group to see what he was talking about, a pained look briefly flashed across the Kid's eyes before she moved on. This sort of thing had happened too often for it to be more than a momentary hangup. It was far from the first time he'd targeted some prime piece of fresh meat he fancied, wouldn't be the last time either.

"And with escapes from over a half dozen different Aegis facilities, Libby Trainor got sent down here to, if not stop her, at least slow her down. But it doesn't seem that's gonna happen anytime soon. Best they can hope is to catch her again quickly and bring her on back. Hell, she's probably over there thinking about what she's gonna do in the City in the few hours of freedom she buys herself NEXT time she busts out..."

As Billy Isaacs lured the red haired girl away for conversation, and his eventual proffer, The Kid gradually grew bolder and cut off her description of the girl at the window to describe the latest figure they'd just caught a passing glimpse of.

"And that one there, is Billy Isaacs. The Calculus. He has perception, pattern reading and recognition at a level so terrifyingly honed, that here in this place, he's practically precognitive. You take one thing away from anything I say today, you stay away from him. I'd tell you not to tell him I said anything, or warned you, but it wouldn't matter. He'd see it on yer face, just as soon as lookin' at yer... You don't want to get involved with that guy. Don't get on his bad side, Just best stay well clear..."

The truth was The Kid knew he could warn the group all she liked, now that he had what he wanted. He considered himself far enough above the fray that he barely considered her warnings as having any influence on his ability to attain his goals and desires at all. And the scariest thing was, he was probably right.

Bulk, having quickly grown bored, with the loss of his video game partner, decided to walk up and look over the fresh meat. Immediately catching his attention was a brassy shorter blonde with a very distinctive style of dress. Unsure how to go about greeting her he kind of stood over her, with a perplexed look on his face, as if trying to solve a puzzle. He wasn't like Billy, Billy just had a way of talking that seemed to flow easily, and generally ended with people giving him what he wanted, whether or not they wanted to. Billy had a way with people. With words. Brian noticed people tended to respond better, the less he said. Billy would even tell him to shut up. A lot. It was probably in his best interests. They really did work better when he said less. He'd seen it himself.

So instead he stood there providing her shade. Maybe he'd smile at her if he finally drew eye contact. He hadn't really given it much thought yet.

GM Notes/Directives

* The Program Attendees are Now in the Opening Recreation Room. In the Opening Recreation Room your characters are free to intermingle with other Player Characters and UNENGAGED NPCs.
* In the Opening Recreation Room there is to be NO VIOLENCE WITHOUT PRIOR GM APPROVAL.
* The Unengaged NPCs are The Kid, Libby Trainor - Liberty and Laura DiBiase - Bright Eyes. For more information on any of these Communal NPCs - consult the Character Tab.
*Engaged NPCs:
Fingers and Calculus - Noah 'Bombshell' Cypress @Venus
Bulk - Brooklyn 'Black Betty' Vanderhaven @PatientBean
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Apologies for the long wait.

This all looks great (although I'm almost scared to unleash someone so gentle amongst this rabble )

If you are still interested, let me know. Sunny has been approved. Might be such an entrance point coming up - "Play nice, Fritz..."
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Page Summaries - Posts At A Glance

In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Alright, so that's all of those post summaries done for now (EDIT: With the exception of the Interactions). If you have a post on the first page, please check them out and see if you feel they adequately reflect your work, and send me any changes you may want made to them.

I'll make the Zero OOC post in the morning and add these to it. But for now... sleep.
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Okay... Here's a thing.

In an effort to make things easier to keep up with the broad strokes events of the game, I'll be coming up with page-by-page post summaries outlining the events of all of the previous page's posts. So if someone falls behind, they can get a quick idea of what's happened to get caught up enough to formulate ideas for their next post - then catch up on the full posts in their own time.

I wouldn't recommend relying in full on these, if for no other reason than because the posts so far have been great and you'd be doing yourself an injustice, and the people who put the time and effort in to bring you the posts in the first place. But it could help people catch up "at length" to events, so they don't drown under the weight.

If anything I write is objectionable, or you feel it doesn't adequately address everything the post contained - whether it be foreshadowing for things to come in the future, a missed point you'd intended to make, or whatever, please let me know and I'll make amendments and adjustments... also, the best way to prevent such misrepresentation would be to simply write your own, and send it to me, and I'll just throw it in word-for-word to that next page's summary.

So with that...

EDIT: Here's the first Nine posts (EDITED EDIT: Make that Fifteen posts) and the Zero... I'll see if I can finish the first page tonight and throw it on a new Zero Post for the OOC.

SECONDARY EDIT: In hindsight, I should also add the interactions for each of these posts as I go. So people can see more specifically what they're interconnected with. I'll go back and do that to the first ones after, as well.
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