And I've realized that I've apologized to everyone but myself.
14 days ago
This'll be my username for the long haul. Now until forever, IAmTheIsland. Sincerely, the RPer formerly known as Little Bird.
18 days ago
To my non-US Guildkin: Send Help.
19 days ago
With any luck I should be set to get back on track with posting next week.
25 days ago
@Qia... try asking your DM to make the outcome of bad dice rolls funny? Worked for me one time. I loved my Jackie Chan monk. Lol.
Not born in a log cabin, I came into the RPing venture around 2009 and quickly joined about twenty roleplays more than I should have at the time. I've been around the internet in that time span, participated in and run RPs on multiple forums, and brushed shoulders with a wide variety of players and characters. Getting to work with new people has always been part of the allure of the experience.
My interests in RPing are pretty diverse, and not genre-specific; if there's room at the table and I can think of a dish to serve, I'll cook something up for just about any meal. If you know what I mean.
>Del Guarde lets Asterion have 93rd for basically free >"Yes, a sign of weakness! Capitalize on it, Jumper! Claim Yellow Brick as well!"
One post round later:
But yeah, is Asterion gonna go in on 93rd this round?
I'd imagine Asterion need to resolve the fact a furry is throwing bombs around his district first? Not being able to expand while being attacked feels like a valid balancing mechanic.
No one probably realizes that he wants 93rd except for Krish. I feel like Asterion is probably not putting eyes on anything or really active lately but he's getting to a point where he wants it but he's probably not stepping at all that way because he plans to run at it. If that makes sense?
Krish probably thinks it's a stupid idea but probably doesn't repeat much of what Asterion tells him to others out of friendship and loyalty for the most part.
Got it. My own plans for 93rd can stand with or without knowledge of Asterion's intent. Assuming I manage to pull off what I'm looking to do. It'll either complicate Asterion's plans, or send a message that he doesn't need to throw bodies at it to get what he wants. Depending when he makes his run, Glyde may just step aside and let him have that District just to consolidate and relieve a pressure point. Otherwise he'd be willing to cut a deal. 93rd street isn't entirely necessary to Del Guarde in the long run.
@The Savant Would Asterion have been telegraphing any of his interest in 93rd Street? Shifting resources in that direction, etc? The operative question being how much observable intel would Glyde have to work on off the bat? Don't want to go hinting to knowledge on his part that he shouldn't be aware of.
@ERode I daresay conflict in Pauper Town is nigh. Though Glyde probably wouldn't be interested in taking it unless Matthias decided to shift his attentions in the other direction. Moreso looking to slow down the progress of other factions around him until he's ready to move on his true goal.
Starting to realize I put myself into the powderkeg of the city. haha. Del Guarde is 100% going to benefit from not starting [too much] shit with anyone and playing Diplomacy rather than Risk, as it were. Also might need to move on Newpoint if I want to work into H. Crossguard, since the Poor Districts aren't gonna generate wealth or personnel quickly enough.
“If that’s an invitation…” Hoshi locked in step behind Leon and Launchpad. They passed through the large wooden doors, and Hoshi’s jaw dropped; the quaintness of the previous area opened into something grand; it would have been vibrant as well if more people were out. Her head rounded the scene of the large plaza. She wondered at the contents of the shops, and marveled at the large, white-sided building at the far end; a chiming of a bell from that very building filled her Heart with a measure of warmth and charged her spirit. This felt like a world that she’d want to return to with the others some day.
She was entranced to the point that she had half checked out of the conversation happening directly in front of her. She shrugged as she drifted back into the banter between her new apparent allies. “I mean, I got separated from my friends. I need to find them if I can.” The pair looked at each other.
”You’ve got more friends?” Launchpad asked. "They also got Keyblades or-?" Leon elbowed him in the knee (He was short)
“Uh… Yeah. Of course I’ve got friends.” Hoshi replied with a degree of snappishness; how could they think she, or anyone for that matter, wouldn’t have friends.
"What Launchpad means-" Leon butted in "is that we are more than happy to help you search for your friends.” With any luck, they could lure her out of the city and towards wherever they were supposed to be guiding her to. It was times like this that made Leon annoyed that higher ups didn’t give him the information that he needed.
”Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Always happy to help anyone in a pinch. What do they look like?”
“And they can hold their own if they have to,” she added, answering Launchpad on the down low; she was starting to see where that might not be the best way to talk to him. “There’s four that I’m looking for. There’s Levi; bit taller and skinny; short blond hair.” Launchpad took out a note and pad from… Somewhere, he didn’t appear to have any pockets in his armour and he began scrawling down what she was describing. ”Then there’s Lucian; he’s got long blond hair, and just this real kinda… gentleness about him. Then there’s Morgan; she’s got this really long silvery hair,” Hoshi made a gesture of hair falling with her hands, “and sorta Icy eyes; turns out she can use Ice magic. Finally there’s Alias; darker skin and black hair that he usually wears in dreadlocks. Kinda muscly for his age too. I think most of them got away on a ship that this guy named Zac had. He had a Keyblade too; he was pretty good at using it, like he had had it for a while…”
“Alright, i think i got some composite sketches of your pals.” Launchpad replied shortly after she finished. He turned the notebook over to her to confirm the likenesses.
Hoshi reeled back and blushed a bit. She couldn’t be too taken aback by the sketches though. She hadn’t realized how hard it was to describe how people looked; she wished she had had a photo of them on her to make it easier to ask.
She stopped by the entrance into a small hotel and quickly recomposed. “You mentioned something called “the Heartless” back there… who or what are those?” The end of her question trailed off slightly; she suspected she already knew the answer.
"The Heartless are…" Leon seemed to get something of a thousand yard stare.
”Heartless are these cute little black guys who run around, but don’t let that cuteness fool you, they like to rip your Heart out and slurp it down like a cop in a donut factory.Like we said, we hunt them.” Launchpad twirled his Trident.
"Nobody knows where they came from. Every place aware of them has their own theories. Some out-of-control super-weapon from a war long forgotten? The remnants of a god who was shattered? Some cruel act of nature? I think it’s one of those things we’ll probably never know…" He slowly locked eyes with Hoshi. "Or would drive us all mad if we ever found out…" He then shook his head. Meanwhile, Launchpad pointed across the street.
”We live up there, you wanna come on up? Put some coffee on?”
"Or plan our moves to find your friends somewhere safe?" Leon added.
“Yeah. Somewhere safe… I think I need to lay down for a bit too.” She wiped her brow.
”Sure, Sure.” Launchpad replied, walking over to the door, he fetched a large ring full of small keys on it from his pocket and went through them. ”Let’s see, Aunt Suzies, Mr McD’s, Thunderquack, Thunderquack, Thunderquack, Drake’s, Commander Nebula’s, Ah, here it is.” He opened the door and lead the small group up a flight of stairs to a small apartment. It was actually fairly well kept, considering it was a pair of bachelors. Leon walked over to his workbench and almost immediately got lost in working on his gun. Launchpad looked at Hoshi. ”Don’t worry about him, he’s a little… .” He looked to see the glazed look in the Lilties eyes. ”He’s been through it.” He sighed.
“Guess I can relate a little bit.” Hoshi watched Leon tinker away. The thought of her islands, torn asunder and fallen into Darkness wrenched her Heart twofold.
”Pick a bed or a couch if you need to lay down. Want me to take your coat?” He asked. ”I’m used to being a Chauffeur.”
“Oh… Yeah… this thing.” Hoshi had all but forgotten the black trench coat the man back on the island had wrapped her up in. How she had managed to fight off even one Heartless with it hanging mere inches from her feet was beyond her, though clearly she had managed. She pulled it off of herself, handing it to Launchpad. “A guy gave that to me, just before he… well he pushed me, and next thing I knew I was in this town.” She stepped tiredly to a nearby couch, and flopped down onto it. “He said something about it protecting me in the ‘corridor.’ He was wearing one just like it, actually.”
"The beasts of The Space Between are innumerable and sadistic. They want not only your heart, but your memories. Hold onto your memories if nothing else." Leon replied from behind his bench, he still had that glazed look in his eye, as if he was saying this on autopilot. "There was a legendary hero among my people, a Knight of untold skill and valor, saved many. A parasite stole his memories and he became a raving madman. It took a brave young boy to finally kill him." A single tear seemed to roll down his cheek, despite his facial expression and voice not changing at all. "Our memories are what make us who we are. Without them, we are but hollow shells seeking that unseen light." He finally finished reassembling the plasma cannon that Commander Nebula had specifically forbade him from bringing and checked the sights. The glaze in his eyes seemed to disappear and he looked around, feeling the wetness on his face, he moved his armour-plated hand up and wiped it away, a look of confusion across his face as he looked at the small smear of wet across the silvery metal glove.
Hoshi cocked her head up. Though she had only just met the pair, something in Leon’s expression suggested he wasn’t the sort to talk the way he was in that moment; not regularly. What he said felt familiar, and similar to the talks she and the others had had before the islands were attacked. The promise to always stay true to one another stuck out to her more in that moment than it had since they had been together. Even if she lost all else, she’d never lose the memory of that pact. “Memories…” She lowered her head to the pillow. “Something we can always go back to.”
”Yeah, like this one time, me and my best pal, Mr McD, we fought this witch Magica DeSpell over this magical harp, but the real kicker is that neither of them got it, turns out it was cursed and an ancient minotaur came and took it.” He chuckled. ”Ah… Good times.” Launchpad then grabbed a blanket from the other room and brought it to her, it smelled a little musty, like it had been sitting in the back of a cupboard for a few years, but at least it would keep her warm. Leon slowly walked over to the window, before hopping up on the sil, keeping guard as he looked out.
Hoshi accepted the blanket from Launchpad, sharing in the amusement of his ordeal over the magical harp. The smell was easily ignored as she spread it over herself and began to find some shred of relaxation. She gazed past Launchpad to the slivers of night she could see through the window. “I have to find my friends,” she spoke through a heavy yawn. Her eyelids weighed down, and soon enough she had nodded off.
"Transmission received from FOB. Supply drop inbound. ETA 10 minutes."
"Ten-Four. Ready to receive drop." Staff Sergeant Eren Glyde-Savion spoke dryly into his radio in stark contrast to the more lively tone of his communications technician. In his typical flatness, he clipped the device to the strap on his chest and purposefully made his way to the roof of the old NPD Headquarters. It had been close to a month since the previous drop, and it hadn't been too impressive. The pitiful rations had been consumed, and the 9mm pistols might have been from a Walmart with how quickly Glyde had manage to wear them out. His expectations for supplies and gear this time around were naturally at an all time low.
The one thing he could look forward to, if the rumors were true, was the prospect of a few extra boots on the ground. His team had been spread thin to begin with, and recent losses had left a dent in the already small number. Much of the squadron in the 93rd Street sector had been summarily butchered in a skirmish with the Iron Rose; the reports indicated Bella Delacroix had person stuck the blood knife into Glyde's former 2nd In Command James Barnes. The only solace was in knowing his operatives had dealt enough casualties to Iron Rose to dissuade them from brushing into 93rd Street any time soon.
If not for depleted numbers and lack of supplies, Glyde might have dropped the hammer of vengeance for Jimmy in Ivory Tower and Highfair right then and there. Even months removed from the battle the Staff Sergeant ruminated on whether or not he could have finished the job.
As it stood, revenge and open aggression weren't in the cards for Del Guarde. Not until the could tilt the situation in their favor.
Glyde kicked the old door to the rooftop open; a necessity given its weight and state if decay. He walked out under the dismal blanket of cloud cover, a breeze whipping at his jacket. In the distance the faint blur of a chopper cutting through the air greeted his arrival.
"ETA Five Minutes." The radio buzzed. Two soldiers followed Glyde onto the roof.
Glyde's hand drifted to the PDA at his hip. It was a simple device, consisting of a hand-sized keyboard a thin display screen that acted like a pager from back in the day. They weren't glamorous, but the fact that they operated on a closed network from cell towers and other communucation lines meant it was less likely that messages would be intercepted through hacking. His hand clasped around the device, waiting for the distinct vibration of an incoming message. Nothing. Sylvia should have reported by now.
The sound of propeller blades and rotors filled the sky. Glyde turned his attention up, and observed as the pair of crates floated down from the helicopter guarded by the extra hands he was promised. As the crate landed upon the rooftop, Glyde quickly pried it open and nearly gasped in shock. "A minigun? They sure as Hell stepped their game on this time around." He stood up and looked at the new recruits. "Get this inside. It doesn't leave this building until we find a new base." The soldiers soluted and carried the M134 down to the weapon vault.
As much as he wished he could unload it on the mafia right there, pulling out military grade weapons would out Del Guarde for what it was.
His hip buzzed. Knowing it was Sylvia, Glyde checked the message.
Sylvia Madore
Mentions: Hailey Vagabond @Estylwen, Asterion Kairo @The Savant ~Recon is a Booming Business~
The clouds loomed over the upscale district into which Sylvia had ventured. The shades of gray detracted from what was normally quite a beautiful part of the city. The Del Guarde operative had long been perplexed as to how such a wealthy place could share borders with the rundown neighborhoods Glyde had managed to annex. The thought wasn't critical of Glyde, of course; it had been hard enough getting into the city in the first place. Going after a district such as Nickel would have required more man-and-fire power than the upper offices were willing to expend on their little fool's errand. Not to mention the act of dethroning the mafia in such a high profile sector would have clued the whole of Nocturnia in on the renewed interest the military had in their... unique situations.
Three years deep, Sylvia retained her vigilance, and was at least pleased that the Staff Sergeant was finally secure enough in his footing in Yellow Brick, 93rd, and Merryland to start making inroads to other parts of the city. Until recently, her talents and Gyft had been somewhat squandered in keeping tabs within her own districts. Now, however, she felt she was on a real mission, cutting into enemy territory.
Asterion Kairo, the mafia boss in Nickel was of suspect interest to Glyde. Buzz from around Merryland was that Kairo was eying a move into Del Guarde's land holding. Where exactly he planned on striking was still unknown; hence why Sylvia had been mobilized: to gather any intel, and, if possible, run interference to keep Asterion from making his move before Del Guarde was prepared.
When she passed in from Yellow Brick, Sylvia was already Cloaked, and moving swiftly through the crowds as to avoid any blatant contact; someone getting bumped by an unseen force would draw too much attention. She had found a safe spot down an alleyway close to a busy part of the District when a commotion cut the routine air of the gloomy day. A shout, a scream. The word "BOMB" was more than enough to press Sylvia closer to the street to witness the pink-clad girl hurling the explosive into a nearby building. Sylvia flipped on a descrete body-cam, barely picking up the flying bricks that followed the explosion.
She held her position as the second bomb demolished the facade of another building. The cackling laughter of the woman cut over horrified screams and pleas in between bomb blasts. The scene set alight as the girl set her attention on the cars, which errupted into flames like grim bonfires upon the pavement. Sylvia dug into a pocket and pulled out a small pair of binolculars... Pigtails... horns? She had seen some wierd things since she got into Nocturnia, but they had all been distinctly... human looking. She stashed the binoculars and replaced them with a device like a pocket-sized keyboard with a strip of a screen on the top. She rapidly typed out a page to Glyde.
Nickel under attack by third party. Pull back?
Negative. Hold in safe position. Report on further development.
Glyde set the PDA back upon his hip. If Nickel was being attacked by a rogue party, that could buy him the time he needed. At brisker pace than before, Glyde returned to his command center. Things were starting get active now.
I'm thinking Zac wouldn't be present for that fight, if we go through with it for a couple of reasons: his focus right now is the ship and I feel like if he were there, the fight would be a bit too trivial. Having been on his own journey for so long, I imagine he's naturally a higher level than everyone else (I know we're not using game mechanics, but this is the best way I can explain it lol), so I'm planning on him only participating in fights if he's absolutely needed, not counting smaller, unimportant skirmishes.
That reminds me, as far as the tournament goes, unless everyone's had a ton of growth by then, I'm thinking Zac will either only spectate or he'll be the final fight.
Before I get started, a military man's gotta have his team. If I may have NPCs.
The Squad
Anna D'Rochelle
25 | Female | Phade | Mercenary
Description: Born and raised on the Nocturnian streets, Anna was originally from one of the more middle-class districts. However, early troubles with the Mafias displaced her and her family, leaving them to survive in a pooerer part kf the city. Growing into her own, Anna turned to petty crimes of theft and con-artistry to make ends meet. Eventually, her Gyft manifested; this only escalated her criminal activity. Soon thereafter she would add murder to her rapp sheet, and the thirst for action set deep roots. With her Gyft gaining her a degree of fame within the city, she turned attention to hiring herself out to police and mafias alike for short term contracts.
Phasing. Can alter her body and anything in contact with it (clothing, weapons, etc.) such that she can pass through physical matter. With this she can move through walls, and evade physical harm from conventional weapons. She can extend this effect to others so long as she maintains comtact with them. Can be disrupted by electricity, causing Anna to return to her more corporeal state.
Teleportation. Can instantaneously move through space. Limited to short ranges within her line of sight; the exception is for places that she is familiar enough with to properly visualize, such as her home and frequent places of visitation. Long-distance teleportation causes physical strain and fatigue if overdone.
Special Operative Sylvia Madore
28 | Female | Sneak/Del Guarde
Description: Formerly employed by the US Navy, and later an operative for the CIA. Her CIA tenure revealed her aptitude for stealth, wherein she excelled in espionage and reconsisance. Sylvia has a prior working relation with Sergeant T. Eren Glyde-Savion, having briefed him regarding multiple missions and operations, and cooperated in joint operations throughout their careers. She was thoroughly involved in the investigation into the Incident that killed Glyde's former team; Glyde remains unaware of this fact, and that Sylvia is privvy to the truth of what transpired. The higher ups selected Sylvia to join Del Guarde in part to monitor the Staff Sergeant's actions; stated reasoning credits the pair's history of proven results when cooperating.
Gyft:Cloaking Field.
Sylvia can create a small area of effect around herself that renders her invisible and muffles routine sounds such as footsteps.
Private Darian "Dar" Slayton
29 | Male | Title/Alliance
Description: An ex-military man, formerly of the Marine Corps. He was honorably discharged following an incident that resulted in the loss of his right hand. He was later utilized as a test subject for experimental robotic prosthetics, through which his hand was replaced with a fully-function polymer appendage. Following the success of the surgery, he was offered a return to duty to better test the efficiency of the new technology in practical situations. It was hardly a fair offer, as he would be stripped of the new hand if he refused. He was assigned to the initial infiltration by Del Guarde alongside Staff Sergeant Glyde-Savion and Agent Sylvia Madore, among at least two others. As with his two partners, Dar has since manifested a Gyft, and has gained quick competence with it.
Darian can generate protective energy shields. These can range from simple walls to full spheres typically measuring up to ten feet in diameter. They are robustly solid, enough so to block bullets an small artillery fire, though repeated bombardment can compromise this integrity; energy projection can also be used to break through them. They are difficult to maintain for extend time frames. Dar can expand his area of effect, though this comes at higher costs and can't be sustained as long.
Not born in a log cabin, I came into the RPing venture around 2009 and quickly joined about twenty roleplays more than I should have at the time. I've been around the internet in that time span, participated in and run RPs on multiple forums, and brushed shoulders with a wide variety of players and characters. Getting to work with new people has always been part of the allure of the experience.
My interests in RPing are pretty diverse, and not genre-specific; if there's room at the table and I can think of a dish to serve, I'll cook something up for just about any meal. If you know what I mean.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Not born in a log cabin, I came into the RPing venture around 2009 and quickly joined about twenty roleplays more than I should have at the time. I've been around the internet in that time span, participated in and run RPs on multiple forums, and brushed shoulders with a wide variety of players and characters. Getting to work with new people has always been part of the allure of the experience. <br><br>My interests in RPing are pretty diverse, and not genre-specific; if there's room at the table and I can think of a dish to serve, I'll cook something up for just about any meal. If you know what I mean. </div>