Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Uuuh, guys, I'm sorry to say, but I believe I've bitten off way more than I could chew. After I read the IC opener and began musing my post, I realized that I am... overwhelmed.

My mind is not ready to properly comprehend the scale of knowledge, organization, and multi-tasking needed to even muse a proper post, let alone actually writing them.

So, I want to make a post, but I can't, at least not something that doesn't insult the readers' intelligence. So in regards to that, I have to throw the towel and accept that I'm not cut out for this. It's unfortunate, but I'm just a bit too dumb for this kind of RP, and man, I didn't realize it up until I dove into the IC, but hindsight is 20/20 for a reason.

Once again, sorry, and have a good one, folks.

I'll port my sheet over to the characters tab once @Sep makes the first post there as GM.
I personally am trying to decide between This or This

Between the two, I personally like the latter more.
In SPIRITUM 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

--Near Sapple Springs - Rest Stop--

After the administration of the anti-mistburn drug, Valerie immediately felt better, at least on the mistburn aspect, alas, her physical exhaustion and mental fatigue still remained. Mistburn or no, she'd still needed rest after such an exertion. Her limbs felt like jelly and she swore she wouldn't be able to hold a small sidearm steady right now, let alone Haylel. If those hostiles decided to return - hopefully not - then it'd be in everyone's best interest for her to stay out of the fight, she'd be more of a liability than an asset.

Justice had her theories about the assailant's nature, but regardless of which one was closest to the truth, one thing was crystal clear, whoever or whatever they were, they had no qualms in attacking both Rassvet *and* Vangar. She'd say foolish, but after seeing that titanic porcupine of a vessel... and assuming they had more of those, Valerie wasn't so sure anymore. In the face of such a threat, not to mention the princess being here, continuing their road trip was obviously out of the question.

The enemy princess' side of the story seemed to support their squad leader's first hypothesis. Someone out there was hellbent on preventing any peace talks between the two nations, enough to veritably declare war against both. Give us a break... That pesky empire was one massive thorn on Rassvet’s side, they really couldn't afford to have another, especially if this third party seemed to operate on "the enemy of my enemy is my enemy" principle. In light of this, Collette's gratitude seemed to ring a bit hollow, like a celebration after a pyrrhic victory; they rescued a diplomat, but discovered a new threat in the process.

While Garreth was doing his report with what she assumed to be a very punchable military officer, Valerie shuffled her way off the truck, shambling like an emaciated zombie toward the group before sitting down on a random object that could serve as a stool. "Sounds good." But really, right now, any place free of things trying to kill them would do just fine.
Some time later...


The Dragon Queen's violent roar didn't lose much of its potency even when emulated through an audio output device, the sheer rage broadcasted clearly to every single personnel in the laboratory, their attention glued to the holoscreen currently playing the recording of Proudclad's last moments. The mighty warship of the Empire sundered in twain and reduced to smoldering cinders courtesy of what supposed to be their own weapon; just as a serpent isn't immune to its own venom, a Valheimr-made arsenal could very well destroy its own kind. A cautionary tale of unchecked power perhaps, what’s the point of potency if it couldn't be controlled to not turn against its own creator?

However, all Director Hojo could see was the fruits of his labor laid bare before his very eyes. Words alone couldn't convey just how utterly vindicated he's feeling at this very moment. Every single nonsense spouted by his detractors - ignorant and foolish as they were - dashed in an instant. The short-sighted masses might view Proudclad's demise as a warning, but to Hojo, she couldn't have served a nobler goal, she became a martyr of his cause, an inarguable proof of what his magnum opus could do.

"Heh..." A chuckle, barely audible, "Haha..." then, a guffaw of amusement, "Hahahahahahaha!" before a full blown cackle erupted from him, incessantly drumming against the ears of his staff as all eyes turned to the Director. "Aaah, how magnificent, how sublime..." Sighed Hojo with awestruck glee, his right hand affectionately caressing the holoscreen as if it was his newborn child, "Ultimate power, the very essence of destruction, therein lies true strength; force declared, a promise made." He closed his eyes solemnly while a pointer finger propped up his glasses. "And to think Grayscale hasn't yet reached her full potential..." The researcher murmured, rubbing his chin.

"Hmm?" Then, Hojo could feel eyes boring into his back, prompting the middle-aged Sollan to look over his shoulder, a smirk on his visage, "What seems to be the matter? Are you... envious, perchance?" With a chuckle, he fully turned, facing a tall masculine figure with toned athletic build, a prominent pair of demonic horns, a long ridged tail of the same texture, and fiery amber irises. "Though Bahamut is the first of his kind, perhaps you can defy my expectations and surpass his scion, indeed, it'd be in your best interest to do so. After all, you two are cousins, Grayscale and..." He paused, smirk widening into a grin.

Should get my sheet done tonight!

Hopefully we'll get another ship or two


In that case, poking @mattmanganon, how's your ship coming up?
Alright! Now let's see what @AwesomeZero5 and @KazAlkemi are cooking.

Then we'll have 4 players!
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

I started reading this and I was unsure, but after reading it all I kind of love it.

Wonderful! It began with the stupid idea of "What if Changeling, but spaceship?" then I just rolled with it lol.

I have a more conventional ship in mind had you rejected this one, but it looks like I won't have to use that alternative.
@Sep Up for review, GM!

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