Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Hmm, I'm trying to make spells not an insta-death. Is there any way the vacuum could be an impacting blow that's non-lethal? A fireball to the face would leave severe burns, but not necessarily kill a person. Does that sound alright?

Oooh, that’s an important clarification you just made, useful for everyone here, not just me.

If that’s the design principle behind offensive spells, then sure! My point essentially remains the same, Vacuum and Void are as powerful as a Firebolt and Fireball respectively, yep.
<Snipped quote>

Right, was curious about this spell. What are the conditions for activating this one in particular? And by effects, do you mean magical effects only? My immediate thought process would be to Fate Bond like, an insect with some guy, and then just squish the insect, thus killing the guy as well. Or do any variant of that with a suitably lethal but vaguely annoying spell to use in live combat.

Nah, it's more like, the guy receives the same bludgeoning force as the insect. That amount of force would be enough to kill the insect, but no more than a prod for the guy.

Good point tho, probably should be more specific on the wording.
I love your CS! The inclusion of Dremora is right on point. Do you have a way to point out on the map where you would like Tearmoon Glade to reside? Or you can tell me how many day's travel it is from Hathforth, and in which direction, and I can add it.

I only have a slight issue with the spells. Vacuum and Void sound like instant-kill spells if positioned at the head. How strong is the force? Is there a way we can make it so it's not instant-kill?

Thanks! For the glade's location, since Lilim are fey-touched people, then... this should be a good spot, near the Fey River.

Oh, that's a good point, hmmm... then I'll add a line or two clarifying that Vacuum and Void have similar destructive power as the Firebolt and Fireball spell respectively. For example: If a certain person would die from receiving a Vacuum to the face, then they'll also die from receiving a Firebolt to the face. Sounds good?

--Kugane - Safehouse--

By the time the group had gathered under Hien's summons, Eve had awakened and fully recovered. Now clad in a fresh set of clothes bearing the exact same design as before, she occupied a spot around the central table, within the Ospreyan noble's sight. As usual, she began listening to what Izayoi's former protege had to say. The mere mention of her hated creator's name was enough to get her full attention. So, the tyrants had vested interest in this seemingly barren desert... but what exactly? Due to how she came to be, Eve's mind was quick to assume that they had a research facility there, part of their grand plan of playing god, but she realized it was a mere wild guess due to how little information they currently had. It could be anything, but whatever it was, nothing good could come from leaving Valheim unattended.

Of course, they were united under a common goal, not obedience to an authority figure, that much was obvious; Eve failed to see why Hien needed to mention such things, but then again, there’s a good reason why he's the future sovereign and not her. "For the benefit of those who weren't present at Atsu, I must inform you that I do not require any form of sustenance besides ether, so...." This time, it was Eve's turn to give Izayoi the side-eye, "Please do not insist on reserving our precious water for me." If rations are essential, then water is of the utmost importance. As far as she learned from adventuring with others, people could survive for more than a month without food, but water? Less than a few weeks. Of course, she'd be more than happy to be proven wrong here, the pseudolon had no illusion that her abomination of a body had its perks, especially from a purely pragmatic perspective.

Now, questions, well she didn't have questions exactly, but she did have something to say to the party, just in case, "Everyone, though we haven't yet identified the nature of Valheim's scheme there, if... if what we found there is an accursed facility similar to the one that created me, then we must do all in our power to destroy it." She paused, briefly glancing toward Galahad before addressing the party once more, "I firmly believe that what they're doing, desecrating the very sanctity of the Primals and life itself, is the cardinal reason behind the Blight's emergence. Assuming this is true, if we stop Valheim, then the Blight too will end."

--Neon-York - SatoCorp VIP Lounge--

"..." A barely perceptible frown curled the nanofiber muscles and synthetic skin of the Bionic Maid's visage as the dead man's switch triggered due to its host being, well, very much dead. Though her Master would already deem the objective to be successful after the elimination of the target, Lenneth had to admit that she... was looking for a convenient excuse to "sweep" clean the rest of these vermin. She had already severed the head of the snake, why not chop up the rest of its body? After all, the pristine world her Master envisioned had no place for their ilk.

Alright, fine, yes, she grew to enjoy this job, even more than before the incident that almost took her life. It unnerved her to dwell on it, but these vigilante pursuits became one of the few things capable of making her feel truly alive. During battle, she could ignore the constant creeping existential dread brought upon by her inhumanity. For many, lethal physical confrontations were something to be avoided; why risk life and limb when you can safely enjoy the same experience through a braindance? But for Lenneth, this was her braindance.

Besides, pragmatically speaking, as long as she protected her cerebral container, everything else about her could be repaired or replaced. This body of hers wasn't actually hers, she's merely piloting it.

With these thoughts coursing through the only remaining original part of her organic body, Lenneth's frown shifted into a subtle eager smirk as she drew Nibelung, her signature weapon, a custom-made rifle specifically designed to interact seamlessly with her systems. Then, she calmly sauntered to the middle of the lounge and stood there, making her stand. In the dimness of the weakened lights, the cold, unblinking blue glow of her bionic eyes became all the more prominent, as if emulating the very gaze of death itself.

Action: Option 2 (No Rolls) | FP: 3 | Stress: Tick 0 | Consequences: None (0)
Tag: @MrSkimobile
@Estylwen My CS is up for review!

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Color Code: 77bfef
Color Code: f68192
@Estylwen Oh hey, this looks neat. I have an idea to pitch:

My main character will be the daughter of a Lilim coven mistress who's enrolled in the College of Hathforth, at least that's what she seems to be, in truth, she also acts as a spy and informant for her mother and coven, who has vested interest in exerting control over the Glasic Fields. The coven are opportunists, they care not who sits on the throne as long as they can rule over the seeds. After all, they're Lilim, daughters of the arcane.

And now, loredumping time, Lilim (plural and singular) are one of the many races of the world, they look almost indistinguishable from a Human to a layman's eyes. However, unlike humans, all Lilim are female (they can only bear daughters, which will be Lilim regardless of their father's race), notably more attractive on average compared to humans, and long-lived like the Elves. In general, they possess innate talent for the arcane arts, and in exchange, their physical prowess is quite subpar.

From a meta perspective, design-wise, I basically took traits from Humans, Elves, and Succubi then mashed them into this ultimate 'male fantasy' abomination.

Whaddya think?

--On the Road--

With their plan prepared and set in motion, Remilia was quite pleased, finally some actual progress. Make no mistake, she didn't regret helping those villagers - well, perhaps a smidge due to the centipede incident - but the fact remained that all of them here needed to secure a way home, even if they decided to follow what Lavielle called them here for, it'd only be beneficial for everyone involved. Besides, a lady such as myself shouldn't be doing this alone, I need proper servants. What if the only way to return home was to accomplish Lavielle's goal? Ha, surely it couldn't be the case... right?

Before she could let the paranoia fester, Remilia's thoughts were interrupted by the emergence of trouble. There seemingly was a commotion at the settlement yonder, being seated quite high as she was, the Scarlet Devil was already in the perfect spot to scout. "Mmm... it appears the hamlet ahead is being accosted by... something." Sanae's reports confirmed her suspicions, it was quite fortunate they had able-bodied guardians among them, but judging by how numerous those dark purple ooze creatures were, indeed they could need some assistance.

The hired guards' refusal to help was not unexpected, they were paid to keep the merchant safe, sticking their nose into every little problem they came across would be in their employers' poor taste. However, none of Lavielle's abductees was beholden to such contracts, no? "Haaa... I suppose it falls on us to play heroes indeed." Remilia quipped in faux resignation, doing a poor job at masking her excitement. She stood up, spread her chiropteran wings, then casually floated off her 'throne', "Once more into the fray, comrades~"

The lilac-haired bloodmage grinned at Anne's suggestion, twas' a good plan, nay, a great plan, "I won't have it any other way, Lady Anne~" Yes, that's how it should be, she might not have Sakuya, nor Meiling, but these people could do. "Now cry havoc and let loose your fury!" As Fran, Youmu, and the others charged to join the Ent and the scissor-wielding blunette in their defense against the ooze insurgence, Remilia kept a watchful eye on their backs, ready to provide support to whomever needed it. After all, one couldn't form a proper spear with just the head.
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