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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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But you only read it because half the cast of Lightseekers are involved in this one. I accept no other hypothesis. 😏
Consent is overrated. 😎 Evelyn would agree.

--Liverpool - Slums--

Amongst the unwashed masses assailed by England's infamous downpour, a certain figure appeared to defy the will of nature itself as she glided through the mud-drenched streets of Liverpool. Though her visage was concealed by the red-tinted hooded cloak she wore, one could see that she was wearing an emerald teal dress, one more fitting for the daughter of a duke than than the lowborns who called these slums home. Furthermore, her build suggested she was a maiden of no older than thirteen summers. A rebellious noblegirl who ran away from home after another altercation with her father, perhaps? A plausible theory at first glance, however, upon further inspection, things might not be as they seemed to be...

The droplets fell on her yet they didn't touch, it was almost as if something was repelling them from clinging on her frame. The same goes for the brown mud underneath her bare feet, wherever she was about to set a foot down, something alive, flowing, and crimson cushioned her steps.

At the porch of a tiny humble home, a small child was innocently curious enough to stare at the dress-wearing girl's face, and then as if she knew, for the briefest of moments, the hooded lady angled her neck just enough for their eyes to meet...

Promptly, the child widened his eyes, whimpered, then began crying profusely, as if Baba Yaga herself was coming to take him away.

Immediately after, the girl disappeared into a backalley, for she had arrived at where she was supposed to be.

--Liverpool - The Galley--

Entering the pigsty of a tavern, Erzsébet made herself comfortable - as much as she could given the wanting accommodations - by claiming a seat, seemingly heedless to the stares she might have received.

After whisking down her hood, she watched in measured silence as James commanded his musclebound necromancer to literally break his neck. "Aha...~" The girl couldn't help but let an amused chortle slip, a subtle grin curling at the corner of her small lips. The execution was excellent, though she'd personally prefer if a little more bloodshed was involved.

The little performance worked wonders, so many outlaws, hoodlums, and ne'er-do-wells showed, yet only a handful remained. Unfortunate, those fodder could've served as blood bags for her, but she supposed they still needed to be fed and sheltered until it's time for 'harvest', a hassle that their would-be captain was unwilling to deal with, understandable.

Then, those who remained must be brave, insane, or both, enough to consider working for Bone Chime to be worth it. Fortunately for him, she was one of them. As for the rest, two of them caught her particular attention, both decidedly not of European descent.

One of them carried the stench of death with her, as if she was a walking tomb. Ah, one of those 'wise women', spirit channeler, those who served as a medium for the departed. Hopefully, she loved conducting funeral rites because there'd be plenty to recite once the Blood Witch was done with her enemies.

The other dark-skinned woman carried the presence of a raider through and through, one of those bandits who actually knew what they were doing instead of the more common simple-minded thugs. If there was anyone here who'd fit the stereotypical image of a pirate the most, it'd be her. This made her magic all the more curious, Liz couldn't sense anything malevolent from it, she had what appeared to be a purely supportive discipline. Curious indeed...

And last but not least, their oh so charming host, the infamous Bone Chime himself; shapeshifter, fleshsculpter, the handsome brigand who reigned over skin, flesh, and bone. Not too far off from her own specialty if Beth could say so herself. He issued a challenge, three against himself, she'd say it was a case of unchecked hubris if not for the enchantment set up prior.

Although speaking of the enchantment... call her paranoid, but Erzsébet decided to err on the side of caution. She curled her fingers, flexing them as if they're holding invisible puppet strings...

"Fucking psycho, damn not worth the job-...?!!" One of the ruffians who decided to raise anchor and left suddenly went rigid. His body stiffening as his pupils constricted, "W... what in the devil's name-aaargh!" Despite his bewilderment, he began shambling toward the little alcove that Ade enchanted. Going by his movements alone, it could be assumed he was taking up James' offer to fight him, but his terrified expression and trembling voice betrayed his true intentions.

Regardless, he stepped into the marked area... then promptly brandished his dagger to tear his own jugular open. "Guuuurghck-...?!!" Blood sprayed like a fountain as astonished onlookers watched on. The ruffian unceremoniously flopped forward, twitched pitifully on the bloodstained floor, then bled out... before he was then promptly resurrected by Ade's magic.

"Haaa-...?! Y-you people are goddamned lunatics!!" After catching his breath, he didn't even bother figuring out what just happened and instantly bolted away from the tavern. Safe to say, he wouldn't be returning, ever.

"Impressive. It appears you've put coins where your mouth is, Sir Bone Chime." Erzsébet quipped after the man left, a distinct Magyar accent audible in her tone, "With that, I've asked my question and you have answered."

She rose from her seat as her shoeless feet carried her into the 'arena', alongside the Spirit Summoner, her spectral companion, and the Indian tribal warrior, "Sanguineus Maleficarum Erzsébet, at your service."
I wasn't quite sure if your ability did EVERYTHING a doctor might need it to. I know you got us in the stitching up wounds department but treating poisons, infections, illness, isn't covered by its effects correct? I read it as more of a combat medic spell

Oh, that's a good point. Hmmm... yes, let's go with that. She basically has magical sutures and blood bags, but stuff that can't be treated by those things will be beyond her magic, she'll need - ugh - mundane stuff to compensate such as antidotes, antibiotics, etc, like a normal doctor.

Assuming Alice does decide to go for the dedicated healer concept, then maybe their char can do that, we'll see when they get back to us.
Elizabeth is probably the most intelligent of the group (of only for her age), and is mainly specialized for combat. I think this makes her a shoe in for first mate.

Being an old hag (in a child's body) notwithstanding, Beth is educated like a noble and witch would, which is a privilege in an age where being literate is still something to brag about.

She's also more of a ranged jack-of-all-trades rather than a damage specialist. She can tank (with her blood constructs), heal, damage, and crowd control. The tradeoff being that she's not as potent in any one thing compared to a specialist.

Furthermore, considering she's also a skilled physician even without her blood magic, she can alternatively serve as the crew's doctor, or if we're keeping the first mate decision, then the backup doctor in case the main doctor is unavailable for one reason or another. After all, you can't have too many doctors.


Nice opener, GM! I already have some ideas on how to respond, let me see what I can cook up! 😁
@Izurich OOps, I missed that. Hmm...yeah, I am not sure Shiara is okay sharing her mind with someone else. =/ We'll have to see.

Tbf, it is optional. The main thing is the mana sharing.
@imia@Izurich I didn't see anything about mind reading on Iava's sheet. It's just a mana connection, isn't it? Because if it's mind reading, Shiara is probably going to hard pass. ^.^;;

Oh, the way I see it, it's less Mind Reading and more Mind Sharing, everything is consensual, kinda like telepathy imo.

The bond can share everything from senses, perceptions, physical abilities, emotions, thoughts, and even memories between two parties. For instance, if someone knows how to do a specific motion that Iava doesn’t know herself, the knowledge required to do so can be shared and learned instantaneously through the connection. The extent of what is being shared depends on each party. As an example, someone could choose to only share the memories they have up until their fifth birthday. But it's not always a concrete choice - when the bond is made, both parties already have a predetermined idea of what they want to share. It’s similar to a conversation; you aren’t just going to tell someone all your traumatic experiences, your deepest darkest secrets & greatest fears for no reason. Thus, those memories that don’t want to be shared, and the thoughts and emotions associated with them are essentially “locked away,” to the point where Iava herself has no idea they exists.

Thing is, Liz can share pretty... questionable stuff. There's always that risk. 🫢
BUT ALSO i wanted to know how the other ppl playing in the rp felt abt her powers. mainly i didn't want her powers to be like idk forcing things on other players, theyre meant to involve both characters an equal amount yk. i just want to make sure the character is fun to play with so if u guys have anything to add on this front pls lmk so i can get to thinking^^ idrc abt anything else besides that, shes p much a blank canvas rn so ill change her however i need to, even if that means just trying another idea entirely @Izurich @shylarah

FYI, tagging doesn't work properly when edited in, the recipient won't get any notifications. I know, it's annoying.

As for the topic, the main thing to be concerned about is Iava's... sanity if she connects with Erzsebet. Unless she's particularly (Read: extremely) mentally resilient, one better not peek into the bloody abyss that is Liz's mind. It can certainly be a fun character dynamic tho!

--Desert - Camp--

Reunited with their transport and supplies plus considering how spent most of the party were, the decision to make camp was pretty much unanimously supported.

As usual since the beginning of their foray into the harsh dunes, Eve pretty much relegated herself to provide overwatch for the party, being one of the few squadmates still relatively fresh and also the only one not needing regular intakes of food, water, nor sleep, it was the most pragmatically sound decision. All she needed was a potion of liquefied ether in one hand and she was good to go at it until whenever they were ready to depart.

Still, she could lend an earhole when Izayoi deemed it appropriate to finally share her history with the man whose body became the Revenant.

"..." The Pseudolon listened to the recollection from start to finish, her first immediate reaction was having the urge to call the Master as foolish for throwing his life away like that, but then... Eve realized that for years now, she had sought to end her own twisted existence, preferably in battle, just like... him. "..." It was only recently, after her comrades and Cid, that she began to reconsider, that there was more to life than just being a weapon.

After all, wasn't this why her mother sacrificed herself...?

I'm sorry, mama...

--Kugane - Safehouse--

Back at Osprey's capital, Eve attended the meeting along with everyone else. It seemed more like a debriefing than anything else, Hien even already knew what'd be their next move. For now, the team deserved some rest after the voyage, might as well considering he'd take a day or two to make his correspondence.

Fair enough, rest they would.


"DAMN THAT ROTTING, WALKING CORPSE!" One Director Hojo screamed into a holographic display as he pounded his fist onto the poor armrest of his seat, "That was close, too close, you big, mindless oaf! I knew that project was a mistake, toying with cadavers, pfah!"

Beside him, another - lower-ranking - scientist couldn't help but get curious. The display was showing an airship recording of what appeared to be Project Revenant engaged with Team Kirin, the people responsible for Hien's escape and Proudclad's destruction, the one with the rogue Project Grayscale. "Uh, Director, if I may speak frankly... why do you seem upset that our side holds the advantage?"

Hojo abruptly turned his wrinkled visage at the younger researcher, incredulity palpable in his gaze, "No, no, no, you don't understand, you don't understand at all! The point is to let Grayscale grow, blossom into the Dragon Queen she's destined to be!" He ranted, "That so-called 'Project Revenant' is an evolutionary dead end, it's nothing but recycled pieces of crap; it can not grow, it can not evolve, it's stuck as it is, worse, it'll eventually decay! Such is the pointlessness of dabbling with undeath!"

The Valheimr youth gulped, both awed and intimidated by the senior scientist's... passion, "W-well, be that as it may, Director... Grayscale has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that she's our enemy now, look at what she did to Proudcla-"

"Foolish boy!" Only for Hojo to firmly interrupt him, "Sacrifices are necessary for progress, and can't you see? Precious... precious Grayscale is mine, she has always been mine, she has never not be mine!" He chuckled, narrowing his eyes in such an unnerving manner, it sent chills down the assistant's spine.

"She just doesn't know it yet..."
Unfortunately, I have to tell you that the blood mage is more of a ranged multirole rather than a damage specialist. 😏

And I believe @AliceInRedHeels is also cooking up a sheet as we speak, hopefully they have decided between the two ideas.

And this is also a not-so-subtle way of bumping the thread
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