Barracker was in the courtyard at ‘Paladin’s Respite,’ the holy headquarters at the north western gate of Valhiem. There was a stronghold like this in every major city. Its purpose is to give Paladins a rest point, a place to eat, train and sleep if necessary. It would also deal with Paladin duties like monster bounties, holy crusades and registration for the military arm of the church. The vampire was using a wooden practice greatsword to wield, as was the rules. Nothing would replicate the weight and size of his orichalcum greatsword, but at least he could use his tower shield.
He had already completed a gentle warm-up of regular exercises, consisting of burpees, jogging on the spot to bring up heart rate before starting with the weapons. Vampires did not really pull muscles or need this kind of cardio but it was instilled in him, being a Paladin and an ex soldier. Now he was shield bashing the air, full power, fifty attempts on each arm. He practised all fundamental sword swings with each arm, full power, one hundred attempts, making sure his technique was perfect,
Barracker was focused on his training while two Paladins, Eric and Warren Burns stood still in their tracks and were glaring over at him. “It's that disgrace of a Paladin, again,” Warren mentioned with disgust in his voice. Looking over and pointing with his brother, spitting on the floor.
Barracker knew this routine and knew his training had come to an end, as these prats would only put him off his training. “Look at this leech, where’s he going? Nothing worse than a leech, scum.” Eric spat back his remark trying to engage Barracker into stooping as low.
Barracker stood up, picking up his wooden sword and tower shield. He waved them into the courtyard and gestured to use the training barracks. “Feel free to use the practise yard, you need it more than i do,” Barracker said calmly to both of them.
“Well isn’t he getting full of himself,” Warren exchanged a look with Eric. Warren was the cool headed one, as Eric was near boiling point, his face burning bright red.
“Warren, i think I’m going to show him what a crystal is capable of.” Eric drew his sword of steel and raised the tip of the end towards Barracker.
Barracker stood in fighting stance and spoke firmly, “If you dare strike at me, your arm will belong to me.” A glint of fury appeared across his face, until the Inquisitor came out.
“What's this nonsense? You two get in here now,” Inquisitor Clive spoke with ice in his tone. ”And you, the source of trouble I see. As always. Do whatever you have to do here and rid us of your presence.”
Barracker watched the two go inside ‘Paladins Respite’ and followed behind to return the practice sword back. “I have business here. A book on spectres.”
Inquisitor Clive nodded, “Very well, you know where it is.” Barracker walked off. Inquisitor Clive’s sudden laugh was almost like a snarl and he stopped Barracker for the last time. “Given up on the Cerberus I see.”
“Never.” Barracker snapped with sternness, and determination. One day it will be done. He could not allow that monster to roam free, but he wasn’t strong enough yet. Perhaps his duties with Second Chance would grow his power enough to finally right that wrong. But the first step was the Temple of Hades.