Avatar of Kassarock


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1 yr ago
Mahz finally picked up the milk.


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Greetings friends, partners, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers. I am Kassarock, or just Kass if you prefer, welcome to my profile. Anyway, I am a 20 something male roleplayer from the UK and a long time user of the site, although I have come and gone a fair bit over my time here. I used to be more active on the old site, and I still am relatively active in the off topic sections today, as well as in the guild's discord. So you might see me around.

I generally consider myself to be an advanced writer, I pretty much always write multiple paragraphs, and will drop walls of text if the mood takes me. My grammar is okay, but not formally perfect, so I do not expect that from my partners either. I normally like quite dark and dramatic themes in terms of content in my roleplays, regardless of genre. Unless I have got an interest check up, or have messaged you, I am not usually looking for new partners to write with.

I think that covers just about everything. Message me if you want to know more.
Original Join Date: 07/04/2009

Advanced, Casual, 1x1, Nation, Tabletop

Historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Drama

Writer, Archaeologist, Cymro


Current Roleplays and Interest Checks

My 1x1 Interest Check Thread | Currently CLOSED

Other Things

Current Avatar | Connor Fawcett

Check out my Character Archive for other/old character sheets.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Eadrom Fianna

Nick name: Ead

Gender: Male

Species: Deer Daeva

Age: 22

Appearance: Averaged height, with an angular frame that has the potential to carry an awful lot of muscle on it, but hasn’t been properly filled out, leaving Eadrom looking generally quite thin and bony. The same can be said of his face, thin and angular, although not effeminate. He has generally boyish good looks, with deep hazel eyes and a slightly lopsided, though charming, smile. His hair is chestnut brown and is a curly, unruly mess. He also sports a small soul patch on his chin.

Clothing wise Eadrom almost invariably dresses in the dark, black armour of the Daeva military, although slightly modified to weigh less and be less restrictive for his light footed combat approach. Get him out of armour and he dresses plainly and simply, no frills or lace despite his noble background.

Weapons: Eadrom uses a pair of rather thin, mid-length swords, which he dual wields. His fighting style involves a lot of movement and circling, trying to get deep, pinpointed strikes on his opponent’s weak spots.

Background: The Fianna family are members of the minor Daeva nobility, though they are not linked by blood or marriage to the royal line itself. They own lands on the eastern side of Nixie Lake and are relatively affluent. Eadrom is the heir to the family estates, although currently he is viewed as a slight black sheep for going into military service instead of the traditional political or economic positions the family has held. However, he believed that the good he could do for the Daeva people was much more limited by following these routes rather than joining the army.

His aspiration to join the army manifested at an early age, and his families connections allowed him to be singled out by the elite training division of the military academy. Eadrom is trained in more than just the standard scope of combat and leadership; he has also been tutored in the often diplomatic and ambassadorial role that the Daeva military often play. He proved an able and willing student, and so was fast tracked for high status positions in the internal structure of the military. However, he has been reluctant in accepting these more desk bound duties, as they detract from his ability to do good for the people.

He was approached by General Sergio (who effectively mentored Eadrom during his first years as on active duty) who saw that joining the expedition would be a way to prove his worthiness and do ‘good’ at the same time. However, this was before the recent developments involving the death of King Raha, and since then there has been a great deal of speculation about whether it is wise to send such a young and untested soldier where serious military and diplomatic clout might be needed instead.

Extra: He currently holds the rank of Captain, although he is not officially in charge of any body of men.

The Guild's old logo... and background colour

So I recently went through an old hard drive of mine and found some posts I had saved on there from the old site. For those you for that do not know, the site has existed since 2007, but all its content unfortunately got wiped around turn of 2013/2014 in an event commonly referred to as Guildfall.

Everything I am going to post in this thread will be my pre-Guildfall writings.

There's not a huge amount, and its mostly only stuff I was working on in 2013, since that was when I started saving posts to my hard drive, but I decided to upload them to this thread anyway. I guess its for anyone curious about what the old site was like, or for those of us who still remember it to reminiscence.

Anyway enjoy!
  • Feral - A fantasy action adventure about a group of humans, angels, and animal demons looking for a cure to a terrible disease.
  • The Inferno - A dark historical combat driven roleplay inspired by Dante's Inferno (the game, not the poem).
  • Thrall of Kings - A post apocalyptic dark fantasy.

Awesome stuff! Will get started on a reply soon!

And yeah I'm alright, been a little busy with work stuff because of everything starting to open up again, but that's a good thing I think rather than a bad thing right now! Been doing a lot of walking again recently, since the weather has turned so spring like. How about you?
There are definitely some roleplayers that I took a lot of inspiration from in my early years of writing, particularly a group I played with on oldguild that was billed as casual, but really ended up being advanced in terms of post length and of their quality. At the time I was still a kid and completely out of depth to be honest, but I liked the story and I liked the group, so I stuck with it and ended up playing with those guys for a number of years. It really pushed me to become so much of a better writer.

So yeah thanks @Blazion, @wild-kitsune, @Pumirya, @Harbinger, and @Reaper. Most of you aren't around anymore, but I learned a lot from you guys, and I'll never forget Feral, it was truly the best.

Other than that there are definitely authors have been a huge influence of me. In my earlier years Stephen King would have been foremost amongst those, but now I think its probably GRRM. Though the writer I whose style I would love to be able to imitate above all others is most definitely Ursula K. LeGuin. Hilary Mantel gets a shout for leading me to experiment much more with tense, Ian M. Banks for non-linear story structure.
And so the DM was summoned from the void in the eldritch ritual circle composed entirely out of spaghetti

Karlus Marsh

"...perhaps it could. If you wanted."

Karlus regretted the words even as he had spoken them. What was he doing? Involving himself in the problems and passions of these strangers, people he had only just met, and as of yet had little reason to trust. In fact he had already seen how the young one, Sacha, handled his secrets. By offering himself into this conspiracy he was as good as signing his own writ of execution. And yet... he had done it anyway.

Perhaps his brush with death had not chastened him after all. He had stared death in the face before, and he was still here. Somewhat reduced, somewhat constrained... although not as constrained as he had expected, perhaps even freer in some ways if what Aemma told him about the order's attitude to mages was to be believed. Maybe he should be bolder in pursuing what he wanted, and the power he would need to achieve it.

He kept his own face impassive as he saw the look of giddy excitement spread across Sacha's. Aemma was more difficult to read, but she did not seem thrilled by their exchange, perhaps she harboured some of the same misgivings Karlus felt. But she acceded nonetheless, she would bring him tomorrow morning for this examination they would perform. At her motion he nodded his head to her and went to the infirmary doors. He had almost left when some instinct made him glance back.

Sacha stood beside the old doctor, hand upon her shoulder, fingers intertwined, while she held him in a maternal embrace. It made him pause. Affection such as this was a strange sight to Karlus. The College had never been a place of warmth or love, such emotions were discouraged. He had few memories of what the life he had with his birth family had been like, but he did remember what it felt like to be held like that. Or at least, he thought he did, maybe he just wanted to believe that he had been loved by someone.

As Sacha thanked the doctor and they broke apart, Karlus realised he was staring, he glanced away self consciously. He kept looking away as the other youth went past him. But before he left, Sacha turned and spoke to him one last time. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. He didn't know what to say in return. He wasn't good at small talk.

"Ummm... yeah, pleasure." He mumbled in reply, looking like a startled animal at the unexpected address. After he had gone Karlus's eyes met with Aemma's one last time and she nodded him off. Karlus took his leave without another word.

He returned to the privacy of his own room through the darkened cloister, he could see some faint lights coming from the widows of the temple, but other than that it was dark and quiet - except for the sound of the rain. Once the door was closed behind him once more, Karlus lit a single candle, sat the his plain wooden desk and opened the leather bound journal he had placed there.

He began to write.
Nah don't worry about it lol, I regularly take longer than this to reply, take your time.
I'll make sure not to sleep on this one
Like Bango, I intended to do something for this, but rather than forgetting, call my failure poor time management.

Anyway, I will attempt to redeem myself by giving feedback for the one brave soul who did submit.

Overall I liked the premise of the story, two lovers, one who can't remember the other but is torn by their residual emotions, on either side of a fantastical conflict. I particularly liked the bittersweet and unresolved ending, it would have come across as a bit to saccharine I think to have Thomas's amnesia so easily resolved.

Where I think there is some room for improvement is the order perhaps in which we see elements of Thomas's memory resurface. In their first encounter we learn that he does have lingering emotional feelings, at the end we learn that he does have some specific memories (Cassie's signature spell). I think it could have been more impactful perhaps if you had flipped these two revelations. The discovery of Thomas's feelings is the more emotionally impactful of the two, and should therefore in my opinion be saved for the climax of the story.

The fact that we know that Thomas already feels for Cassie also slightly undermines the tension of the end of the fight with the Hybrid. What if Cassie had somehow broken free, or doesn't see how the Hybrid is slain, all she see's is her lover standing over her, sword in hand. The moment of tension that would create and the thoughts it would send running both through Cassie's and the reader's heads (is he about to kill her, or save her, does he even remember), would have been an improvement as well I think.

Other than that there a couple of minor points, I think you seemed to have missed a search and replace in the text? There was an anomalous <evilguy> in there. A bit of the dialog also verged on author exposition, particularly the section where Cassie explains what Resonators are to Erin. Erin is a resonator, surely she should already know all of this? However, more subtle exposition can be very difficult in the short story format, where you much more pressed for space, and especially when dealing with fantastical worlds and concepts.
So yeah, I know I didn't really give you a huge amount there to work with, but there are a bunch of characters hanging around the dais if you want someone to talk to or anything?

I was thinking of splitting the scene maybe, having Ozragad go off to hunt, while Elise has a chance to either to talk to Lady Cheldarine or some of the other people in camp? Or would you rather she went off hunting with Ozragad?

Either way, would it possible to have one of Elise's guards, maybe even Treville himself disappear for a short time during the hunt? It would be convenient for keeping suspicions high...
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