Location:Dining pavilion, Camp Half Blood
Conversations were happening abound in the dining pavilion as Athanasia tucked into the food she had selected. Choosing things with particular care, her ears slowly sorting through the conversations that floated through the air. Arthur had joined the Aphrodite table to talk to Mona and had been joined by Aster. Who, much to the pale girl's amusement, was chiding his siblings. Though she raised a brow at the comment that the Hades' table had become boring. Well, it was not wrong. With only her and Arthur it was little wonder that they preferred the company of other people. Smiling though she sipped at the tea with a pinky extended as was proper.
Andy nodded at Ash's comment about them looking good. Though in her opinion she wasn't included in that we.
"At least I don't look like a total hobo anymore." She lifted the sleeve of the only slightly too large shirt. It wasn't the camp shirt but one her brother had given her the first night he had been at camp.
"What is your plan for the day?" Andy had spent a bit of the morning climbing the tower (and loosing), but she didn't know what to do for the rest of the day. She probably would spend some time working on her swordsmanship at the least.
Shrugging, Ash smiled cheerily at Andy.
"None sense! At least you can walk around with looking like a ghost! And, your eyes have color! Mine just get comments about black eyed children. You know, the spooky story thing?" She objected with a sigh of annoyance. though it perked up at the thought of pulling Andy into some training with her. Though what training that would be was another question entirely.
"What about some fighting? I do need to get better, else Arthur is going to keep getting all proud of himself and we'll need a bigger cabin for his ego!" It could be considered a mean or rude comment save for the fondness in her voice and the laughter in those dark eyes. She wanted to ask how Andy liked having a brother herself, but that was a question for when less people were around.
"I don't think you look anything like a ghost...Though I've never seen one so I can't honestly say." She paused.
"Ghosts are real?' She wasn't certain. She had seen the skeletons that Ash and Arthur could command, but they weren't ghosts.
"He can't have that big of an ego, I mean have you seen the inside of my cabin? That took some ego to build." She shook her head. Andy had heard enough about Zeus to know that statue could have easily been twice the size and Zeus probably would have still been disappointed in it.
"But yes, let's spar!" She hadn't spared with someone her size yet. It had mostly been the older kids and they had all been in teaching mode. Andy was proud of herself she seemed to be a quick study when it came to fighting.
Ash nodded and laughed happily.
"I got lost in the mausoleum in New Orleans when I was smaller. But I had friends to play, I didn't know they were ghosts. If I ever go back you should come with me, I'll introduce you!" The daughter of Hades grinned.
"Our cabin reminds me of it, sorta. Especially with the coffin beds. It's weird."Andy, while intrigued to meet ghosts was also very terrified at the idea of it. Instead of responding to that offer she took a bite of her food.
"I've never been to New Orleans. I was born in Pennsylvania and despite moving a lot I never left the tri-state area." Andy didn't talk much about her life before coming to camp, a few things were obvious. She was underfed and under-parented. The Satyr she had come in with had told Mr. D where she had been found, but Andy didn't think many of the campers knew that even.