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Niah Bautista

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York, New York

Niah cringed at Cass's mention of the Age of Ultron. There had been so much lost life. She looked at Strange. His comment about risking the mutant race was nervewracking. He had warned them when they were working on building the time machine that using the stones was a really bad plan. She had no desire to get involved in that. She also wanted to ask him some questions, but it wasn't a good time...or place.

"I don't want to be involved in anything to do with the stones either." Niah said. "I'll stay here in New York as well. I'm good on anymore traveling." Runa leaving to take a nap seemed like a good idea to her as well, but there was too much important stuff to plan and figure out. They needed to know who all they could possibly recruit into whatever the overall plan was going to be. How could they possibly convince Wanda to reset the universe to the way it was? And avoid some catastrophy...again.

Niah rubbed at her temples, her head hurt. Too many memories. Too much responsibility. She wished she didn't have to deal with any of this. She should have just stayed at a small forensic lab doing what she enjoyed. Then she wouldn't have ever made friends with everyone who was dead and lost. Yet again she was impressed by those who shouldered leadership.

Niah Bautista

Location:The Hub (Round two) - San Fransisco: March 5th, 1984
Skills: N/A

Niah blinked at Strange's explanation. Was this something she thought she could pull off? Not really. She had needed the whole group's help. But there they were minutes before Flynn had killed Pym standing in the entrance to the Hub. She saw Agent Carter, not Roman, walking past talking with Stark again. And there was the little red cat, Goose.

She looked at Dr. Strange frowned and said to the group. "I, uh need to use the restroom." She bolted off running. Hoping they would think she was running for the restroom and that time travel had upset her stomach or something. She had no idea if that would work. Niah knew the path to Pym's office though, and she headed directly for it. She didn't bother knocking, though she did avoid stepping on the ants.

"Listen here Pym." Not a great start. She took a deep breath. "My name is Niah Bautista. I'm from the future. We used Ultron to retrieve people from the quantum realm and it went crazy and took over the world. You need to stop it. Also, there are other people from the future and two of them want to kill you, but I at least have a head start on them." She put her hand on her forehead. She sounded insane. There was no way Pym would believe her. "I don't have time for you to argue. There is something wrong with Ultron's code. She didn't want to bring up Stark, but she knew that's what he was thinking that this was some joke from Stark. Recalling what Susan had said she modified it a bit. "In the future, not just you and your family are killed but thousands of others. Are you going to risk that I'm not serious? Or are you willing to at least try to stop this catastrophe."
Athanasia Theroux / Andy

Location:Dining pavilion, Camp Half Blood

Conversations were happening abound in the dining pavilion as Athanasia tucked into the food she had selected. Choosing things with particular care, her ears slowly sorting through the conversations that floated through the air. Arthur had joined the Aphrodite table to talk to Mona and had been joined by Aster. Who, much to the pale girl's amusement, was chiding his siblings. Though she raised a brow at the comment that the Hades' table had become boring. Well, it was not wrong. With only her and Arthur it was little wonder that they preferred the company of other people. Smiling though she sipped at the tea with a pinky extended as was proper.

Andy nodded at Ash's comment about them looking good. Though in her opinion she wasn't included in that we. "At least I don't look like a total hobo anymore." She lifted the sleeve of the only slightly too large shirt. It wasn't the camp shirt but one her brother had given her the first night he had been at camp. "What is your plan for the day?" Andy had spent a bit of the morning climbing the tower (and loosing), but she didn't know what to do for the rest of the day. She probably would spend some time working on her swordsmanship at the least.

Shrugging, Ash smiled cheerily at Andy. "None sense! At least you can walk around with looking like a ghost! And, your eyes have color! Mine just get comments about black eyed children. You know, the spooky story thing?" She objected with a sigh of annoyance. though it perked up at the thought of pulling Andy into some training with her. Though what training that would be was another question entirely. "What about some fighting? I do need to get better, else Arthur is going to keep getting all proud of himself and we'll need a bigger cabin for his ego!" It could be considered a mean or rude comment save for the fondness in her voice and the laughter in those dark eyes. She wanted to ask how Andy liked having a brother herself, but that was a question for when less people were around.

"I don't think you look anything like a ghost...Though I've never seen one so I can't honestly say." She paused. "Ghosts are real?' She wasn't certain. She had seen the skeletons that Ash and Arthur could command, but they weren't ghosts. "He can't have that big of an ego, I mean have you seen the inside of my cabin? That took some ego to build." She shook her head. Andy had heard enough about Zeus to know that statue could have easily been twice the size and Zeus probably would have still been disappointed in it. "But yes, let's spar!" She hadn't spared with someone her size yet. It had mostly been the older kids and they had all been in teaching mode. Andy was proud of herself she seemed to be a quick study when it came to fighting.

Ash nodded and laughed happily. "I got lost in the mausoleum in New Orleans when I was smaller. But I had friends to play, I didn't know they were ghosts. If I ever go back you should come with me, I'll introduce you!" The daughter of Hades grinned. "Our cabin reminds me of it, sorta. Especially with the coffin beds. It's weird."

Andy, while intrigued to meet ghosts was also very terrified at the idea of it. Instead of responding to that offer she took a bite of her food. "I've never been to New Orleans. I was born in Pennsylvania and despite moving a lot I never left the tri-state area." Andy didn't talk much about her life before coming to camp, a few things were obvious. She was underfed and under-parented. The Satyr she had come in with had told Mr. D where she had been found, but Andy didn't think many of the campers knew that even.

Niah Bautista

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York, New York

Niah flinched as Goose's tentacles took the treats from her hand. She sighed looking at Max with a pointed be safe message to it. Then looked at Barton as he updated Tinley. She nodded thankfull for being caught up as well. She figured she would help with the local team. Her mind wandered for a moment to her still-living sister. It was hard to think that she was alive, but so many memories in this world had her in it. She felt an urge to contact her and just tell her she was okay and that she loved her. Now that James was on their side she doubted someone was trying to trace them now.

When the portal opened and Dr. Strange entered Niah smiled at him. "Happy to have you join us, assuming you're on our side, otherwise I fear we're doomed." She hopped he remembered the real world, he at least acted as she remembered him so there was some hope. Her memories were still a jumble though, slowly they were clicking into place. What were the ramifications? The fear that this was her fault somehow came back to her and she really hoped Dr. Strange wouldn't blame her for it.

Niah Bautista

Location:The Hub (Pym's office) - San Fransisco: March 5th, 1984
Skills: N/A

Pym hadn't changed, or rather he wouldn't change. Just as annoying and demanding. Susan did a good job of snapping back at him which Niah appreciated. She just wanted to grab Pym by the shirt and shake him until he helped. Niah had a good idea for what her plan was. Wipe the code on Ultron and start over. She wasn't much of a computer person but with Carter there they could probably pull it off.


Her jaw dropped and she stared at Flynn. Yeah, he was volatile and had proven he wasn't good at following directions...and she hadn't given him any. It all sort of fit with what she knew about him, especially now that Bonnie - She cut off the thought not wanting to think the words. Instead, she voiced "What the fuck Flynn? Why did you kill him? He was the only way we could save Raynor and Sparky from the quantum realm." Her voice was tense. She looked to Raynor thinking he would back her up, but something about his face told her not to expect it, in fact, quite the opposite. From his face, she was surprised he hadn't been the one to kill Pym. She stared stunned.

The ramifications.

She turned to Dr. Strange. "You can see possibilities right? What did this do to them? We need options, a way to get the timeline back on track." She didn't want to go home to a world even more destroyed. Then under her breath, she said to Strange and Susan "Incapacitate both of them immediately." She drew her ICER and aimed it at Flynn pulling the trigger three times quickly. He collapsed.


Location:Climbing wall -> Dining pavilion

Andy had spent the morning trying to get to the top of the climbing wall. She wasn't good at it yet, so she hadn't made it to the top. But she enjoyed the attempts and found it fun. Even if she could get really hurt. After having "fallen out" of the tree, she was more cautious about what she did, but knowing that the camp had the magic squares of chicken soup she wasn't too fearful of being permanently hurt. The pain didn't last long anymore.

After her umpteenth attempt, Andy's stomach growled reminding her she had reliable access to food. Her mouth watered at the thought. She went to change out of her slightly singed and sweaty clothes before going to lunch. She saw her brother talking with Kiera and Ezekiel as she went to get her plate. She gave both a wave. Ezekiel was...interesting. He seemed to be determined to get Andy to open up to people, which if she was honest she felt like she was more open now then she had ever been. Seriously she had friends. But he was good at sword fighting and he had been willing to teach her. Andy waved at the trio. Not wanting to interrupt whatever the three of them were talking about.

She dropped a bit of chicken in the brazier for Zeus. Andy never said anything when she did. Uncertain of what words and honestly what did she have to say to a father she had never met? She popped a strawberry into her mouth and sat at the table asking her goblet for apple juice.

Niah Bautista

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York, New York

If Strange remembered the real world... Niah straightened her back. She had missed what the plan was but Tinley had asked. If people were going to find Strange she'd go with them she thought. That was someone she knew and theoretically remembered the extra timeline. Him or Susan Storm. If Max didn't look like he was about to fall over, and was being mothered by Kingston (seriously she had missed some interesting reveals), she might have asked if he could seek her out with whatever it was that he was using.

"Be careful with Goose he's pretty particular. I have some of his treats I got from Wanda's room if you want to give him some." Niah offered the pack to Max hoping the cat wouldn't eat him. She was never certain with him and wished she could understand his meows. She didn't even know if he remembered the real world or not he might have just been aggressive to Tinley cause she never cared for him.

Niah Bautista

Location:The Hub (Pym's office) - San Fransisco: March 5th, 1984
Skills: N/A

"Good morning Doctor. I am sorry for this intrusion." Niah started, she carefully avoided stepping on any of the ants. "I have a few things we must discuss. I assure you you'll find it interesting." Once the group was inside the room and the door shut behind the lot Niah took a deep sigh and said. "You're probably not going to believe me, and honestly I understand that response, please even if you don't want to believe me just listen to us. Niah paused to catch her breath. "We are from the future. We used some of your research to be able to do it. I knew it was possible for me to get here because of one of my mutant powers. I've spent months trying to get it done and here we are. Niah had spent months planning this conversation and she didn't wait for Pym to respond before she started talking again.

"Things are in a bad way though. Your project Ultron has taken over the world. We had tried to use Ultron to retrieve...some people from the Quantum realm and once it was accomplished the machine went nuts and tried to kill us all. He succeeded in a few cases. We tried to stop him but we couldn't. He had some sort of secondary protocol in place. You didn't know what it was talking about so I think someone sabotaged it, or he got smart real quick." She hadn't wanted to say who all they had been trying to retrieve from the quantum realm since she thought Pym's wife was still here. If only she had paid closer attention to dates.

Niah Bautista

Location: Human Resistance HQ, New York, New York

Niah nodded at Maria for her greeting and found a place to stand near her. "We also found Goose, though I feel like that's probably less important right now." Klara's explanation about Goose made sense at least, it also explained something Raynor had said in 1984. Flerkins could live 40 or more years, and Goose as a Flerkin would have lived those many years in SHIELD.

Her attention went to Kingston. She frowned confused by why he was here. Her jaw tightened. There had to be a reason and his personality seemed to have changed. Had he remembered the real world then? And he had been forgiven and brought into the Resistance, which felt less like a human resistance now. She let the tension out of her shoulders and accepted that whatever had happened while they were gone made it okay. "What did we miss?" Niah asked.

Niah Bautista

Location:The Hub - San Fransisco: March 5th, 1984
Skills: N/A

"It isn't a big deal. I like cats, and this one is particularly clever I think. I'm Dr. Bautista. My team and I are here to speak with Dr. Pym. He told us his room, but I don't know where it is. Would you be so kind as to direct us?" Niah shook Fury's hand. The situation was surreal. He had both eyes, he didn't see her as a subordinate.

Niah had zero clue what Flynn and Ryanor were talking about and somehow completely missed the fake behind the smile. She glanced at Carter, he seemed out of his element, which was fair. Things were weird. Agent Fury nodded, thinking for a moment. "I always remember his lab, it's got the same number as the apartment for the detective with the funny hat... Go straight down this hallway, first door on the right is the staircase, go up a floor and then he's down the hall on the left - you can't miss it, he's got insects crawling around by the door."

"Sherlock Holmes I believe, and thank you very much for the directions. I'll see you around. Bye Goose." She looked at the rest of the team and started walking per Fury's directions. Niah slowed for half a step looking at Fury but then continued on as if in a hurry. Had she been chosen for phase three because of today? Had he known all the way back when he stamped his approval on her and Antoine's sheets that he was sentencing him to death and putting her in danger?
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