Character Quote: You are not what you have done or what you will do or what you intend to do. You are what you are doing.
Name: Rose Buckner
Aliases:Age: 22
Birthday: Dec 1st 1998
Ethnicity: White
Fairytale Parent(s): Red & the Huntsman
Birth Place: Wichita Kansas
Gender: Female
Occupation: Currently: Bartender, volunteer park ranger, waitress
Languages: English and ASL
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lbs
Body Type: Wiry
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: naturally brown, often died different colors currently 1/2 red
Skin Tone: Fair
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Ears and septum peirced. She also has a tattoo of a red
rose on the inside of her right wrist, and a
wolf on her left wrist
Personal Style: Rose likes to thrift shop so her closet is an eclectic mess of styles. She usually goes for something that feels like it is making a statement. For hiking she likes jeans and thermals (depending on how cold it is) and nice boots. Most of the time she will wear hiking boots, her parents had to convince her to not wear them when she was in a dress. Through all of that weirdness that she likes, she always has something red in her outfit. Either her shoes, or even a tie, usually it is a jacket though. Something about it just feels right to her.
Encourging * Casual * Adventurous * Frugal * Allocentric * Outspoken
Sexuality: Pan
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Rose isn't someone that can easily be ignored. She makes sure her opinion is heard, and the opinions of those she cares about. Woe is the person who hurts one of her friends. She is full of bubbles and fire and spirit. Rose throws herself into friendships hoping this one will last and be true, maybe it is the part of her that is a fairy tale character but she believes in True Love but has a hard time accepting people can change. Because of that, she doesn't usually give second chances.
Habits: Getting up before dawn for a hike, every year on the day her the Buckners found her she goest to Redbud trail.
Hobbies: Hiking, kayaking, camping, horseback riding, really almost any outdoor sport
Fears: - Being abandoned
- Being trapped in a forest fire
- Someone taking away her agency
Likes: - Wolves
- Snow
- The smell of a good campfire
- Hot cocoa with cinnamon
- Hunting (for food)
- Making mixed drinks
- Painting landscapes
- Pride parades
Dislikes: - Small dogs
- Loggers
- Sports hunters (those who only hunt cause they're rich and can)
- Guys who use the fact that you have to be nice at work to flirt with you
- Land barons
- "Pro-life" people
- Anti-LGBT people
General Skills: - Customer Service
- General Park Ranger duties
- Bar tending
- Riding a motorcycle
- Painting (landscapes are her specialty)
- Wilderness Survivalism
Combat Skills: - Some boxing (picked up the bars bouncer)
- Bow hunting
What Do They Carry On Them: This includes your clothing, jewelry, your wallet, your id, your keys; cash (denote which country), a picture, lighter, cigarettes, weapons you may carry, shoes, purse, bag, pistol and so forth. If it is not listed you are not carrying it. Again, keep it grounded in the real world. Limited to spots provided.
- Clothing - Jeans, hiking boots, t-shirt, thermal under shirt, red jacket
- Red backpack it has a bunch of sewn on patches -
- Her wallet (With ID, CC, Debit card, apartment key card, and $30 American Cash)
- Spare set of socks
- Phone (Galaxy Note)
- Phone charger
- Bag of cough drops
- Lighter
- Swiss army knife
- headphones
- pencil and sketchbook
- Kindle Fire
Possessions In At Home:- A compound bow and 10 hunting arrows and 20 practice arrows
- Paint set
- Laptop
- Assorted books (mostly naturalist/survavalist books)
- Motorcycle
Biography Rose was found by some hikers lost in the woods not far from the Redbud Trail. They asked for her name and she could only tell them it was Rose. She didn't know her parents' names when pressed she only cried. The local CPS tried to locate her parents but had no luck. The hikers ended up getting permission to foster her, and eventually adopted her when the city gave up trying to find her parents.
The hikers, Jill and Richard Buckner, loved Rose as much as any parents could. They did their best to help her grow into a well-rounded person. This was of course not limited to intense therapy until she was a teen. They wanted to make sure she knew they would never abandon her as they believed her biological parents had done to her. Rose was never quite certain and often adamant that her parents hadn't abandoned her. She couldn't explain what happened because even at the beginning she had no real memory of what happened.
Richard and Jill had never had children of their own and enjoyed a very active lifestyle. They took Rose camping, her favorite thing, and a lot of other outdoors type activities. When she was 10 she begged them for a dog but was disappointed in its size. She still cared for and loved the dog as any mostly-well-adjusted child could, but there was something about the dog that didn't feel right to her.
Into adult-hood, Rose was active and became a loud member of society. She joined marches to protect the forests and natural lands (as well as LGBTQ+ pride). She encouraged her friends to stand up for what they believed in. Rose didn't care for higher education so she started taking odd jobs. Enjoying the nature of doing something different with each job. The Buckners tried to convince her to settle with something and maybe meet a nice young man. At that point, Rose decided to move out on her own and got a studio apartment a couple of miles from her childhood home.
Do They Remember Anything?: Rose was barely seven when everything was taken from her and her memories are fuzzy, but she does remember the woods, and fire crackling and the smell of cookies baking. She remembers the warmth of her mother's voice. She remembers being scared but a wolf protecting her.
Theme Song:Of Monsters And Men - Slow And Steady (Official Lyric Video)Extra Information: Snow White (Qualifies for both) (but the best version is "Snow, Glass, Apples" second-best version is Seanan Mcguire's version in Indexing)
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