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Rose Buckner

Location: Diner
Skills: N/A

Poor Willow. Rose considered what it would be like to have never known you were adopted and how it would feel to learn that from receiving an ominous letter. Her stomach twisted at the notion. The four of them were bound in a way she couldn't understand. She wanted to tear down the walls of mystery surrounding them. She had always wanted to know who her parents were. A fear that had been in the back of her mind since she had been little was that her family had been camping and something bad had happened to her parents leaving her to wander the woods until the Buckners had found her. The possibility that her parents were alive was relieving, but also broke her heart in a different way. Now instead of them being dead lost to the woods they were alive and had ignored her for fifteen years despite all her efforts to find them. What kind of parents did that?

She nodded at Willow, a part of her knowing that the girl didn't see it even. Willow left the table leaving the three of them alone. "Imagine not knowing you're adopted and finding out this way." She said quietly and shook her head. Almost disappointed in parents that weren't hers. "Okay, after my shift we'll go to the park. We'll figure this out together." Rose said with finality. The three of them would go with or without Willow, but the girl deserved to be allowed to go along just as much as any of the rest of them.

Colby Jackson

Location: A stranger's car
Skills: N/A

Colby looked over Mathew's shoulder as he looked through the photographs. He saw Pandora. "I know her. She's cool if a bit intense. I wouldn't double-cross her." Pandora and he had a weird relationship. One that went a ways back and was mutually respectful. She was one of them, an other. A child of some fairy tale. Who were her parents? He went through the list mentally and thought a couple of options might fit the con artist.

"Starving" He said when asked if he could eat. He hadn't had breakfast. He had just left as soon as his roommate had woken him up. Then he and Mathew had been out and about since then. He did feel a bit weird about leaving his car at the park, but at least it meant if he didn't return cause he had been murdered in some abandoned warehouse the cops had some sort of lead. His car at the park, maybe a camera catching him in the car with Tink and then he would be gone. Well, maybe a waitress would be a witness if they did get food.

🔬Niah Bautista🔬

Location: The park
Skills: Pistols

Niah got off the bike, thankful for Cass' help. Her body was shaking slightly and she didn't like the thought that the only way back would be on that bike. It did feel a bit safer than motorcycles at least. Even if part of her was considering vomiting. She found a hiding spot with her inhibitor dart. She saw Deadpool enter their ambush area. Cass took the first shot and sadly missed, but thankfully Harry hit him.

With her hand shaking slightly she took her own shot and was pleasantly surprised it looked like it hit the mark, but Deadpool dodged it just in time. Niah thought that was more impressive. She took a slow breath to try to steady herself. Then she looked at Bonnie. Two of the darts had hit home it was up to Bonnie now to get the immobilization field set up around Deadpool.

Matthew Moss

Location: The park
Skills: Pistols

Matt nodded at Harry. He wasn't surprised the two girls were an item, they definitely looked like they were ready to disappear into another room at any moment during the party. Matt was tempted to ask what the deal with Roman was. That dude was weird. But they were at the park and Bonnie had given him an inhibitor dart. They set up their ambush spots. Matt keeping his bike near him in a bush.

When Deadpool came into sight, they started shooting. Harry hit him first. So, he had been telling the truth. The lab kids in SHIELD were nothing like the lab kids he had known before. Matt lined up his shot and aimed. Deadpool was dodging Dr. Bautista's shot and Matt took advantage of that. Hitting Deadpool dead on, no pun intended. That was two inhibitor darts. Hopefully, it would be enough against him. And if Matt could close the distance and touch a bit of skin... He didn't want to get caught up in whatever it was Bonnie had planned with the immobilization balls. But he was ready to dart forward if her plan fell through.


Location: The arena

Andy was thankful to learn what had caused her friend's death. But angry about what had caused it. Her emotions mirrored Arthur's though she didn't know that. She was furious at Hades too. How dare he. When asked who would go to Camp Jupiter Arthur volunteered so she did too. She had no desire to be alone and both her brother and now best friend would be gone so she might as well too.

She reached over and put her hand on top of Arthur's, not having seen Leda try to pat his head. She could tell that Leda was uncomfortable about Rebecca though she didn't know why. Why bring her over and ask if she could help Arthur if she didn't like her? That was something older people did all the time, be friendly with people they didn't like. And she never understood it.

Andy did give a half-hearted smile to Kiera though trying to put on a brave face for her. "We need to gather some stuff before we... You knew Ash at school too right? You might know what she would like for her..." She trailed off, hating how hard it was to say funeral.

Rose Buckner

Location: Diner
Skills: N/A

"That's a good idea. I'll let my manager know that if I'm not there something is wrong. As for here, I'm only a bridge shift. I cover the end of Sierra's and the start of the lunch shift." Rose explained. She liked the weird hours and odd jobs. Most of her work was at the park though.

Rose looked around the room to make sure no one else was there except the three of them and Willow. She didn't want to be neglecting her duties, even if she was ready to throw off her apron and go to the park right at that moment. "Want a refill or anything?" She asked as she sent a quick text to her manager letting him know that she had every intention of being at work that evening and if she wasn't she had probably been kidnapped.

Rose's jaw dropped when she saw her letter. It was the same as her own. "Okay this is officially creepy." She sat down at Mab's table trying to grasp the situation. It was insane. How were there four of them with the same letter? This had to be a prank right? "I was found as a little kid wandering the woods. I've always known I was adopted. My adoptive parents have tried to help me find my birth parents even. But this doesn't make sense." She gestured to the letter Willow had put down.

Colby Jackson

Location: Oak Park -> A stranger's car
Skills: N/A

Colby sat in Tinker's car as she started to drive off. He didn't know where she was going. He had class in a few hours but honestly, he didn't even care about that anymore. If he didn't have to wait three days to go to Arcadia he would be fine with just leaving right that moment. He listened to her answers, and wondered who the others were. Had he met any of them? He could certainly believe some of the people he had met over the years were villains in their own right. He laughed at the list.

"I thought Flynn Rider was a Disney creation. And really Little red Riding hood has a kid? Here?" Even though he laughed about it, he still thought his was the most absurd. He was the son of a cat. And he wasn't even a cat. Would he be able to do Chesire cat things in Arcadia though? Time for his next question. "Will we have powers in Arcadia? We obviously don't here. Otherwise, I would have figured out how to turn invisible ten years ago."

🔬Niah Bautista🔬

Location: The garage
Skills: N/A

Niah was incapable of getting on a motorcycle she knew that. And as she thought about it the idea of getting on a trike was less and less pleasant, but she trusted Cass and climbed on behind her. She could feel her stomach in her throat as she did, and prayed she didn't vomit. The whole concept of being terrified of bikes was ridiculous to her. She had done far more dangerous things in her life. Including untested time travel.

When the trike started up she tightened her grip. "Sorry, I uh. I'm a bit afraid of this mode of transportation." That was apparently an understatement. Niah wasn't certain if she would even be able to bring herself to shoot while the trike was moving, but she would give it a try. Getting those gifts back was important, or at least it was the principle of the matter.

It was unfortunate that Niah hadn't heard Oliver inform them who Deadpool loved. She knew Peter Parker, well she had met him in the aborted timeline and therefore did know a few things about him. Poor Deadpool though, Niah knew that Peter liked a girl named MJ.

Matthew Moss

Location: The garage
Skills: N/A

"Nice. Though where are the others? Maria, her girlfriend, and the other new guy." Matt asked. He started up the bike and waited for a moment before following Cass out of the garage. Tempest had given them a location, but he honestly didn't know San Francisco well enough. If he got separated he hoped Henry would know the way. He wasn't certain what had held up the other three, but he hoped someone gave them the location for where they were heading. Matt didn't even think of the weird quiet guy in the corner.

Despite the situation, Matt was happy to be on his bike. There was a lot of holiday traffic. The streets of San Francisco on a normal day were frustrating to navigate, which made him glad he had his bike with him when he was off the clock. The city was mostly straight forward for its layout. Most streets were in a grid, but there were a few that did some weird things, like Mission. And what were the freeways thinking just turning into normal streets before turning into freeways suddenly again? Matt didn't want to think about how he had ended up on the other side of the Golden Gate bridge on accident his first day there.

Rose Buckner

Location: Diner
Skills: N/A

"Oh don't get me wrong. I firmly believe this could be a wild prank, but three of us getting the exact same letter? I need to check it out." Rose frowned. She was thankful the place was mostly empty. But when Willow came in she gave her a smile and a nod. She felt bad that the girl's car had been keyed and here they were chatting like a couple of detectives.

Rose pulled the letter out again and glanced at it. Detectives? Maybe they should report it to the cops. It could be some trap. The three of them were attractive, maybe it was a set up for kidnapping. They definitely needed to go as a group because they could better defend that way. "If we do go we should have someone expecting us when we leave. I don't want to go and not have someone know where we went." It wasn't just because of the letter mentioning they were in danger.

Colby Jackson

Location: Oak Park
Skills: N/A

"Wait you've been here in our world this whole time? Watching us?" That was unsettling. Colby climbed into the back seat of the car. He'd let Mathew have the front. And chewed on his thumb knuckle a bit as he thought. "How many other fairy tales are there? Like in the group of us? Do we know the other ones? I mean have I met Malificent's kid for example?"

What were the odds? "Also why now? Why not six months ago? Or in a year?" Six months ago he wouldn't have given a second thought to running away to a fairy tale world. Now he had backed off a bit of his bitter resentment at his parents...adoptive parents. It wasn't their fault, not really. Colby was a cat. He was the son of the Cheshire cat apparently. He was still having some issues wrapping his head around that idea

🔬Niah Bautista🔬

Location: The Hub - The common room -> lab -> The garage
Skills: N/A

When Oliver asked what to post on Deadpools twitter the only thing Niah could think to say was "Post on there 'I'm a rude twat who steals Christmas presents like the Grinch." She gave a small shrug and hiked up her skirt to follow Bonnie. In the lab she helped grab the inhibitors and secured an ICER on her hip. Being out of the field she hadn't been carrying, and really who expected someone to break in and steal their presents.

When they got to the garage after collecting everything she stared frozen as Matthew and the others got on motorcycles. Nope. Her brain stuttered. Even with everything, she had been through considering jumping on a motorcycle still caused her issues. She remembered the smear of a person she saw when she was seven years old. "I'll uh... take one of the trikes. Someone else can steer though." This was stupid she thought. Why couldn't she bring herself to just get on behind Matthew he seemed to have a good grasp of what he was doing on the bike. Who would she even trust to drive a motorcycle with herself hanging off and trying to shoot Deadpool? Yeah, this was proof she really didn't belong in the field.

Matthew Moss

Location: The common room -> His Room -> The garage
Skills: N/A

Matthew didn't even hear the bit about hacking Deadpool's twitter. He had already run to his room and pulled off his suit coat and exchanged it for his riding jacket. He put his handgun in its holster on his shoulder, under the leather jacket. His helmet was with his bike in the garage. He, however, didn't have a spare helmet so if anyone was going to ride with him, they would need their own.

When he got there he saw Harry staring at the bikes uncertain. "You can ride with me. How good of a shot are you?" Matt wasn't certain about Harry since he was a lab geek, but if he could shoot from the back of the moving bike Matt could focus on driving at least. He saw Niah enter with Bonnie, she was still in her skirt and a nice shirt, but she was holding some weapons at least. When Niah looked at the motorcycles her face went white. Matt wondered what her hangup was, but now wasn't the time to ask personal questions.


Location: Zeus' cabin -> Arena

Andy nodded when her brother offered their cabin. She remembered she had almost slept in the Hades cabin before Demetri had joined them. Being alone in any of the cabins felt wrong. But especially the ones of the big three. They felt so hollow without someone else there. Andy didn't like being the cabin alone at any time of the day. "Also be warned that there is lightning and thunder in our cabin at random times. It is like Zeus is trying to keep us on our toes."

When the horn rang Andy was a little annoyed. She wanted to get started on gathering the things for Ash. But she let Leda grab her and carry her to the arena. Was Chiron going to make an announcement about Ash? Were they going to get an explanation for what happened? For why her best friend, her first best friend ever, had literally lost her head? Andy needed to know and everyone so far had avoided the question. How had Ash died? Why? She was more frustrated at not knowing than anything.


Location: Zeus' cabin

Andy listened to the directions they were given on what normally happened with a burial. She couldn't really sew but she could maybe draw the symbol on something. Andy thought of how Ash loved frills and ribbons and looking pretty. Things Andy had never paid attention to. Who had time? It also hadn't helped that she had only had regular access to a shower just now.

"Arthur will you help me draw Hades symbol on a cloth for her? I want to see if the Aphrodite kids have any ribbons they would be okay letting her have." Andy didn't care for the Aphrodite kids, not really. They were so different from her. Except for Mona of course. But she knew that Ash had made friends with some of them over clothes.

Rose Buckner

Location: Diner
Skills: N/A

"Them." Rose corrected Sierra. She had been trying to wrap her brain around the fact that all three of them had the same letter. The bell dinged alerting Rose that Mab's food was ready. She grabbed it and headed over, as Sierra waved at Willow through the window.

"Sierra got the same letter." She said as she placed the plate in front of Mab. "This is too weird." She shook her head. They had to research it now. It couldn't just be some prank if three of them got the same letter. Rose had spent the last fifteen years trying to figure out who she was, but no one had had any answers. This might be legitimate.

Colby Jackson

Location: Oak Park
Skills: N/A

Colby listened to the questions and answers flowing between Tinker and Mathew. It was wild. There were some fourteen people out there from a magical not-Disney fairy world. Fourteen. Did he know any of the others? Had he secretly been in school with them? Or lived with any of them? He didn't think of his roommates were adopted, but he couldn't be certain.

Colby certainly had a lot of questions, but so did Mathew and he was asking them like someone had forgotten the faucet. That let Colby just listen since he was asking questions Colby had too. "I'll go with you. Around town that is. To find the others. I'm curious." He meant to Arcadia too. Colby already knew that. This wasn't his world so if Tinker wasn't due for a long stint in Bedlam then the world she spoke of was his home.
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