Avatar of Kuro


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20 hrs ago
Current My parcel has finally left purgatory hell. It says that it should arrive by tomorrow, but I doubt that tbh.
1 day ago
Going to be working overnight for a week in case anyone wonders about a change in activity.
2 days ago
Ordering things online is all fine and dandy until they send it to the literal void of all shipping facilities. Wish they would stop routing my stuff through there.
3 days ago
no wonder you're computer illiterate you went with an iphone
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3 days ago
Trying to do management reports on my work's ancient PCs is frustrating. I've tried multiple computers and I can't even get to our landing page.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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still bumping, rp will start soon

I will be discussing your CSes today with Micki and hopefully get this roleplay started later this afternoon.
Welcome to the guild, @PickYourPosion.
<Snipped quote by Kuro>

So what about the 2nd one?

That would have to be something for the GMs to decide whether or not on how to proceed with that.

As for other things, if you could all get your sheets in by Tuesday, I would appreciate it. I am off Wednesday and Thursday; if all sheets are in by then I can start the RP on one of those two days.
@Kuro Here are 2 of my suggestions: 1 I don’t think we should call them zombies because they don’t exist in this universe but do whatever

2 I think the zombies should get smarter and evolve every week or so

That’s basically it

Well the first question would negate @Force and Fury's Jason unless they're going an alternate route this time around.
I’m tentatively considering joining depending on if I can get a character fleshed out enough in my head to commit to it. Being that it’s 2 weeks into the apocalypse how would you feel about a character from out of town who drifts into the neighbourhood at the start of the RP? I’d prefer to play a single character over a family.

Single characters are allowed; the family dynamic is just to simulate the "neighborhood banding together to protect the neighborhood from zombies". As for the "drifter" question, I spoke with @mickilennial about it. The main issue I see with such an archetype is that while it is a unique twist to the concept that I/we're planning, there would be a need for more information from you, but also in particular more GM oversight over said character so that it doesn't muddle anything on our ends. After all, the RP is mainly focused on the lives of those who live on Mulberry. As for Micki, I'll let them chime in when they can about what they think in case they have anything they'd like to mention in detail to you.

I am almost (!) done with my family, but I had another question (Imsosorry).

What do you mean by relevance in the character tab? Relevance to the story? If they're like, more of a side/main character?
That's definitely going to be all of my questions! I should hopefully have my CS finished by late tomorrow if all goes well.

Relevance to the family. For example(s): Bob Smith // Father, Jane Doe // Youngest Daughter, etc. That is in place so that people have an idea as to who the character is supposed to be portraying.

I have questions regarding the zombies.
1. Are they slow movers like in The Walking Dead or sprinters like in World War Z?
2. How is the zombie-inducing virus transmitted to living creatures? bites?
3. If it is a bite that changes a person, how long does the change take place?
4. Can the zombies communicate at all?
5. Are they triggered by sound as in other zombie movies/shows?
6. How do you kill them? Is a headshot necessary? or can you just incapacitate them another way? Immobilize them and they remain animated as just a skull?
7. What percentage of the population are zombies? at least initially.

Thank you

1) At the moment, they're slow moving Walking Dead zombies.
2) Bite, like most media.
3) Between a day or two, closer to the former in most cases.
4) Communication between zombies isn't a thing. They may group up and start swarming/herding after someone, but don't expect to start hearing "Zombiese".
5) Yes.
6) Headshots/trauma are necessary, yes. Immobilization just slows them down.
7) That is to be determined, but it is a high number that is rapidly increasing. As for Huddeen, Mulberry Street may be likely the only people left alive in town.

no need for you to bump the interest check as well, thanks
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